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APOD Astronomicheskaya kartinka dnya (APOD)

Glory and Fog Bow Glory and Fog Bow
2.08.2024 | Astronomicheskaya kartinka dnya

On a road trip up Mount Uludad in Bursa province, Turkey these motorcyclists found themselves above low clouds and fog in late June. With the bright Sun directly behind them, the view down the side of the great mountain revealed a beautiful, atmospheric glory and fog bow.

Mars Passing By Mars Passing By
1.08.2024 | Astronomicheskaya kartinka dnya

As Mars wanders through Earth's night, it passes about 5 degrees south of the Pleiades star cluster in this composite astrophoto. The skyview was constructed from a series of images captured over a run of 16 consecutive clear nights beginning on July 12.

Comet Olbers over Kunetice Castle Comet Olbers over Kunetice Castle
31.07.2024 | Astronomicheskaya kartinka dnya

A visitor to the inner solar system every 70 years or so Comet 13P/Olbers reached its most recent perihelion, or closest approach to the Sun, on June 30 2024. Now on a return voyage...

APOD: 2024 July 31 B Leopard Spots on Martian Rocks APOD: 2024 July 31 B Leopard Spots on Martian Rocks
30.07.2024 | Astronomicheskaya kartinka dnya

What is creating these unusual spots? Light-colored spots on Martian rocks, each surrounded by a dark border, were discovered earlier this month by NASA's Perseverance Rover currently exploring Mars. Dubbed leopard spots because...

Arp 142: vzaimodeistvuyushie galaktiki ot teleskopa "Dzheims Vebb" Arp 142: vzaimodeistvuyushie galaktiki ot teleskopa "Dzheims Vebb"
29.07.2024 | Astronomicheskaya kartinka dnya

Nekotorym eto kazhetsya pohozhim na pingvina. Odnako dlya lyudei, izuchayushih Vselennuyu, eto – interesnyi primer vzaimodeistviya dvuh bol'shih galaktik. Vsego lish' neskol'ko soten millionov let nazad NGC 2936, verhnyaya iz dvuh bol'shih galaktik na kartinke, veroyatno, byla obychnoi spiral'noi galaktikoi: ona vrashalas', sozdavala zvezdy, v obshem, zanimalas' svoimi delami.

Mlechnyi Put' nad Uluru Mlechnyi Put' nad Uluru
28.07.2024 | Astronomicheskaya kartinka dnya

Chto proishodit nad Uluru? Uluru – ob'ekt Vsemirnogo naslediya YuNESKO – udivitel'naya gora vysotoi v 350 metrov v central'noi Avstralii, vozvyshayushayasya nad okruzhayushei ravninoi. Uluru sostoit iz peschanika, gora medlenno formirovalas' v techenie poslednih 300 millionov let, kogda razrushalis' bolee myagkie porody. V raione Uluru lyudi obitayut bolee 22 tysyach let.

APOD: 2024 July 28 B Sun Dance
27.07.2024 | Astronomicheskaya kartinka dnya

Sometimes, the surface of our Sun seems to dance. In the middle of 2012, for example, NASA's Sun-orbiting Solar Dynamic Observatory spacecraft imaged an impressive prominence that seemed to perform a running dive roll like an acrobatic dancer.

Saturn at the Moon s Edge Saturn at the Moon s Edge
26.07.2024 | Astronomicheskaya kartinka dnya

Saturn now rises before midnight in planet Earth's sky. On July 24, the naked-eye planet was in close conjunction, close on the sky, to a waning gibbous Moon. But from some locations...

Licom k NGC 6946 Licom k NGC 6946
25.07.2024 | Astronomicheskaya kartinka dnya

Iz nashego vygodnogo polozheniya v Galaktike Mlechnyi Put' my vidim NGC 6946 plashmya. Eta bol'shaya, krasivaya spiral'naya galaktika nahoditsya na rasstoyanii vsego v 10 millionov svetovyh let, za mnozhestvom zvezd perednego fona iz vysoko podnimayushegosya na nebe sozvezdiya Cefeya.

NGC 7023: tumannost' Iris NGC 7023: tumannost' Iris
24.07.2024 | Astronomicheskaya kartinka dnya

Podobno nezhnym kosmicheskim lepestkam, eti oblaka mezhzvezdnogo gaza i pyli raspustilis' na rasstoyanii v 1300 svetovyh let v bogatom zvezdnom pole v sozvezdii Cefeya. Eto tumannost' Iris, kotoraya zanesena v katalog kak NGC 7023. Eto daleko ne edinstvennaya tumannost' na nebe, kotoraya vyzyvaet associacii s cvetkom.

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