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Anglo-Russko-Angliiskii Astronomicheskii Slovar'

  Terminy   |   Frazy   |   Vertikal'nyi spisok O slovare
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z 
A | B | V | G | D | E | Zh | Z | I | ' | K | L | M | N | O | P | R | S | T | U | F | H | C | Ch | Sh | Sh | E | Yu | Ya

Termin "acceleration"

acceleration:      uskorenie
acceleration due to gravity:      sm. acceleration of gravity
acceleration of expansion:      (ksm.) uskorennoe rasshirenie (vselennoi)
acceleration of gravity:      uskorenie sily tyazhesti, g
centrifugal acceleration:      centrobezhnoe uskorenie
centripetal acceleration:      centrostremitel'noe uskorenie
equatorial acceleration:      ekvatorial'noe uskorenie (napr. Solnca)
gravitational acceleration:      sm. acceleration of gravity
negative acceleration:      otricatel'noe uskorenie
negative acceleration:      zamedlenie
normal acceleration:      normal'noe uskorenie
radial acceleration:      radial'noe uskorenie
sector acceleration:      sektorial'noe uskorenie
secular acceleration:      vekovoe uskorenie
tangential acceleration:      kasatel'noe [tangencial'noe] uskorenie
terrestrial acceleration:      zemnoe uskorenie

Vernut'sya v slovar'

Astronet | Nauchnaya set' | GAISh MGU | Poisk po MGU | O proekte | Avtoram

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