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Orbital'nyi Kosmicheskii teleskop Habbla

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Orbital'nyi Kosmicheskii teleskop Habbla 6.08.2001

Kosmicheskii teleskop Habbla (HST) - eto samyi bol'shoi orbital'nyi teleskop v istorii. Ego otrazhayushee zerkalo, imeyushee diametr 2.4 metra, i vysota poleta nad zemnoi atmosferoi pozvolyayut poluchat' isklyuchitel'no chetkie izobrazheniya. Teleskop byl zapushen v 1990 g., odnako ego optika byla ispravlena i dostigla raschetnoi tochnosti v 1993 g.
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A. P. Sokolov
Re: Orbital'nyi Kosmicheskii teleskop Habbla 25.09.2009 13:03

Videomaterialy s teleskopa Habbl v HD-kachestve + fil'my pro Habbl - HubbleCast, Eyes on the Sky, 15th Anniversary : http://soft-video-dvd.ru/index.php?main_page=index&cPath=11_12 Vysokokachestvennye izobrazheniya dlya planetariev s teleskopa Habbl http://soft-video-dvd.ru/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=11_12&products_id=67 Dopolnitel'no - videomaterialy vystuplenii i dokladov mezhdunarodnogo astronomicheskogo simpoziuma IAU 2006 goda v Prage. Ssylka - http://soft-video-dvd.ru/index.php?main_page=index&cPath=17_20
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A. P. Sokolov
Re: Orbital'nyi Kosmicheskii teleskop Habbla 25.09.2009 13:03

Videomaterialy s teleskopa Habbl v HD-kachestve + fil'my pro Habbl - HubbleCast, Eyes on the Sky, 15th Anniversary : http://soft-video-dvd.ru/index.php?main_page=index&cPath=11_12 Vysokokachestvennye izobrazheniya dlya planetariev s teleskopa Habbl http://soft-video-dvd.ru/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=11_12&products_id=67 Dopolnitel'no - videomaterialy vystuplenii i dokladov mezhdunarodnogo astronomicheskogo simpoziuma IAU 2006 goda v Prage. Ssylka - http://soft-video-dvd.ru/index.php?main_page=index&cPath=17_20
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