Re: Siren' - Desyataya planeta Solnechnoi sistemy ?
30.07.2005 23:16 | Gost'
Dopushena oshibka iliv opredelenii rasstoyaniya planety ot Solnca, ili v periode ee obrasheniya vokrug Solnca.
Esli schitat', chto rasstoyanie do desyatoi planety 14,5 mlrd. km, to period obrasheniya dolzhen sostavlyat' 954,244 goda.
Esli schitat', chto period sostavlyaet 560 let, to rasstoyanie mezhdu Solncem i planetoi dolzhno sostavlyat' 10169907502 km (10,169 mlrd. km)
S uvazheniem V.D. Krasnov
[Citirovat'][Otvetit'][Novoe soobshenie]
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- Lila - desyataya planeta Solnechnoi sistemy? (O. S. Bartunov/GAISh, Moskva, 30.07.2005 11:53, 6.8 KBait, otvetov: 18)
- >> Re: Siren' - Desyataya planeta Solnechnoi sistemy ? ( Gost', 30.07.2005 23:16, 442 Bait, otvetov: 1)
- Re[2]: Siren' - Desyataya planeta Solnechnoi sistemy ? ( Gost', 31.07.2005 16:06, 37 Bait)
- Re: Siren' - Desyataya planeta Solnechnoi sistemy ? ( Gost', 1.08.2005 11:41, 105 Bait, otvetov: 10)
- Re[2]: Siren' - Desyataya planeta Solnechnoi sistemy ? (M. E. Prohorov, 11.08.2005 22:30, 373 Bait)
- Re[2]: Siren' - Desyataya planeta Solnechnoi sistemy ? ( Gost', 16.08.2005 21:05, 47 Bait, otvetov: 5)
- Re[3]: Siren' - Desyataya planeta Solnechnoi sistemy ? ( Gost', 19.08.2005 12:10, 150 Bait, otvetov: 4)
- Re[4]: Siren' - Desyataya planeta Solnechnoi sistemy ? ( Gost', 19.08.2005 14:29, 10 Bait)
- Re[4]: Siren' - Desyataya planeta Solnechnoi sistemy ? ( Gost', 19.08.2005 21:38, 93 Bait)
- Re[4]: Siren' - Desyataya planeta Solnechnoi sistemy ? ( Gost', 24.08.2005 22:25, 120 Bait, otvetov: 1)
- Re[5]: Siren' - Desyataya planeta Solnechnoi sistemy ? ( Gost', 24.08.2005 22:27, 94 Bait)
- Re[2]: Siren' - Desyataya planeta Solnechnoi sistemy ? ( Gost', 15.09.2005 20:11, 98 Bait, otvetov: 2)
- Re[3]: Siren' - Desyataya planeta Solnechnoi sistemy ? ( Gost', 17.01.2006 18:20, 302 Bait, otvetov: 1)
- Re[4]: Siren' - Desyataya planeta Solnechnoi sistemy ? ( Gost', 17.01.2006 18:21, 58 Bait)
- Re: Siren' - Desyataya planeta Solnechnoi sistemy ? ( Gost', 1.08.2005 13:53, 414 Bait)
- Re: Siren' - Desyataya planeta Solnechnoi sistemy ? ( Gost', 1.08.2005 17:10, 779 Bait)
- Re: Siren' - Desyataya planeta Solnechnoi sistemy ? ( Gost', 2.08.2005 0:36, 122 Bait)
- Re: Siren' - Desyataya planeta Solnechnoi sistemy ? ( Gost', 2.08.2005 0:58, 30 Bait)
- Re: Lila - desyataya planeta Solnechnoi sistemy? ( Gost', 28.08.2005 6:15, 141 Bait)