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Re: Kometa i galaktika
20.08.2006 12:14 | Yu. A. Plis

Oshibki v perevode.

The Moon almost ruined this photograph. Luna konechno ochen' podportila etu fotografiyu. Pravil'no: Luna chut' ne isportila etu fotografiyu.

By the time the Moon would set, this opportunity would be gone. Kogda-nibud' Luna by sela, i fotografiya udalas'. Pravil'no:Kogda Luna zahodit, to i kometa zahodit za gorizont.

That's why this picture was taken during a total lunar eclipse. No snimok poluchilsya po drugoi prichine: iz-za sluchivshegosya v tu noch' lunnoe zatmenie. Pravil'no: Vot pochemu snimok byl sdelan vo vremya polnogo lunnogo zatmeniya.

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