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Re: Temnaya energiya vblizi nas
27.08.2008 9:58 | A. V. Rykov

Na saite opublikovana korotkaya stat'ya -

Mikro struktura Vselennoi


Prakticheski rech' idet o fizicheskoi prirode "temnoi" energii vo Vselennoi. Otkrytaya mikro struktura Vselennoi i est' prichina, istochnik kak gravitacii, tak i istochnik anti gravitacii, prichinarasshireniya Vselennoi. Rekomenduyu prochest' i horoshen'ko podumat'. Vchera ya poslal kommentariipo povodu zametki v Evropeiskoi kosmicheskoi informacii takogo soderzhaniya:

Problema Dark Energy and Matter in the Universe nikogda ne budet reshena na osnove sovremennoi teoreticheskoi fiziki. Ona prosto reshaetsya v ramkah struktury vakuuma Vselennoi. Eta struktura otkryta 7-8 let nazad pri issledovanii processa rozhdeniya massy s pomosh'yu energii 1,022 MeV.

Literatura ob Dark Energy and Matter in the Universe nahoditsya na saite A.V. Rykova i v ego knige Vakuum i veshestvo Vselennoi, Restart, M. 2007, s.160.

Problem of Dark Energy and Matter in the Universe will be never solved on the basis of modern theoretical physics. It simply is solved within the structure of vacuum of the Universe. This structure is discovered 7-8 years ago at research of process of a birth of mass by means of energy 1,022 MeV.

The literature about Dark Energy and Matter in the Universe is on A.V.Rykov's site and in its book Vacuum and substance of the Universe , "Restart", M. 2007, s.160.


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