Re: Rasshirenie Vselennoi. Lzheucheniya v shkolah i VUZah.
27.02.2010 14:58 | I. N. Galkin
Durilka ob ustroistve Solnechnoi sistemy.
Obman o centrobezhnyh silah neizbezhno privel uchenyh eshe k odnomu mirovozzrencheskomu obmanu, a imenno - ob ustroistve Vselennoi i, v chastnosti, ob ustroistve Solnechnoi sistemy.
Sushestvuet legenda o yabloke, upavshem na golovu N'yutona, posle chego tot pridumal zakon vsemirnogo tyagoteniya.
Ego pridumka zaklyuchaetsya v tom, chto N'yuton vvel dogmat o sushestvovanii sil vzaimnogo prityazheniya tel pri LYuBOM RASSTOYaNII mezhdu nimi.
To est' utverzhdenie o tom, chto Zemlya i drugie planety prityagivayutsya Solncem i chto Luna prityagivaetsya Zemlei eto vsego lish' n'yutonovskaya vydumka, ne imeyushaya pod soboi nikakih dokazatel'stv.
Zakon vsemirnogo tyagoteniya obman!
U sovremennoi nauki net i ne mozhet byt' prakticheskih dokazatel'stv sushestvovaniya prityazheniya mezhdu planetami i Solncem, mezhdu planetami i ih sputnikami!
To, chto yabloko prityagivaetsya Zemlei, vovse ne oznachaet, chto i nebesnye tela prityagivayutsya mezhdu soboi!
Prakticheskaya kosmonavtika nakopila uzhe dostatochno dokazatel'stv togo, chto gravitacionnye polya blizkodeistvuyushie. To est' oni deistvuyut tol'ko na otnositel'no nebol'shom rasstoyanii ot poverhnosti nebesnyh tel. Kak, vprochem, magnitnoe i elektricheskoe polya.
Nikto zhe ne sochinyaet legendy o tom, chto Luna i Zemlya vzaimno prityagivayutsya magnitnymi ili elektricheskimi silami!
Primenenie zakona vsemirnogo tyagoteniya dlya ob'yasneniya vrasheniya planet yavlyaetsya otdel'nym obmanom, potomu chto v etom zakone nazvana vsego odna mificheskaya sila tyagotenie, a dinamicheskaya sistema tel mozhet nahodit'sya v ravnovesii tol'ko pri nalichii chetnogo chisla uravnoveshennyh sil. Nuzhna sila, protivodeistvuyushaya prityazheniyu.
Vot tut-to gore-uchenye i vveli v delo mificheskuyu centrobezhnuyu silu dlya uravnoveshivaniya mificheskogo prityazheniya!
Odnako eto vse ravno ne spasaet ih teoriyu ustroistva Solnechnoi sistemy, potomu chto nauka ne nazyvaet glavnogo prichinu vrasheniya. Ne nazyvaet dvizhitel' planet vokrug Solnca.
Sila prityazheniya i centrobezhnaya sila, napravlennye pod pryamym uglom k napravleniyu dvizheniya, ne mogut yavlyat'sya prichinoi dvizheniya!
Gospoda uchenye, formuly, dazhe buduchi napisannye v milliardah knizhek, ne mogut dvigat' planety vokrug Solnca!
Korotko: Esli by deistvitel'no sushestvovali sily prityazheniya mezhdu nebesnymi telami, to planety uzhe davno by upali na Solnce, poskol'ku v prirode ne sushestvuet centrobezhnyh sil, a u planet net dvigatelei, sposobnyh ih razognat' i predotvratit' padenie.
Opytnye dannye. Kogda iskusstvennye sputniki Zemli vrashayutsya na orbitah, gde ih eshe "dostaet" gravitacionnoe pole planety, to oni postoyanno snizhayutsya i v rezul'tate sgorayut v atmosfere.
Dlya togo, chtoby etogo ne sluchilos', neobhodimo regulyarno uvelichivat' skorost' sputnika, vklyuchaya reaktivnye dvigateli.
Kogda chelovek kachaetsya na kachelyah, osobenno esli "krutit solnyshko", to on zatrachivaet mnogo sil. Planety dvizhutsya po ellipticheskim orbitam vokrug Solnca tozhe po principu kachelei kogda oni priblizhayutsya k Solncu, to uskoryayut svoe dvizhenie, kogda udalyayutsya ot Solnca, to ih skorost' umen'shaetsya. Na eto trebuetsya ogromnoe kolichestvo energii.
Planety ne imeyut dvigatelei, sposobnyh obespechit' takoe dvizhenie i net zavorachivayushei sily, poetomu planety mogut vrashat'sya vokrug Solnca tol'ko v obshem potoke nevidimoi materii, kak oblaka, passivno vrashayushiesya v zemnom atmosfernom ciklone.
Planety "vkleeny" vo vrashayushuyusya ploskost'.
Eta ploskost' neodnorodna. Ona sostoit iz vrashayushihsya s raznoi skorost'yu vlozhennyh drug v druga kolec. Kazhdaya planeta "prikreplena" k svoemu kol'cu.
Esli ogromnoe kolichestvo raznyh po razmeru kamnei razognat' do vtoroi kosmicheskoi skorosti, to oni sdelayut vidimymi eti kol'ca, i Solnce budet vyglyadet' kak Saturn.
Tak zhe mozhno ukrasit' kol'cami Zemlyu. Oni budut nahodit'sya v ploskosti vrasheniya Luny, kotoraya "prikleena" k odnomu iz etih kolec.
Solnechnaya sistema eto vihr' nevidimoi materii, kotoraya sostavlyaet ee sushnost'. Solnce i planety eto lish' malaya i passivnaya chast' etogo vihrya.
Eto zhe pridumat' takoe - kamni vrashayutsya v prostranstve vokrug drug druga, potomu chto est' formuly!!!
Uchenye ne zametili slona!
[Citirovat'][Otvetit'][Novoe soobshenie]
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- Rasshirenie Vselennoi (GAISh, Moskva, 15.12.2000 1:01, 785 Bait, otvetov: 75)
- Re: Rasshirenie Vselennoi (S. Yu. Drobyshevskii, 11.09.2005 12:30, 1.8 KBait, otvetov: 1)
- Re[2]: Rasshirenie Vselennoi (G. Yu. Chinyakov, 18.10.2007 9:29, 291 Bait)
- Re: Rasshirenie Vselennoi (m. L. Barkova, 23.11.2007 20:43, 602 Bait, otvetov: 11)
- Re[2]: Rasshirenie Vselennoi (M. Yu. Yakimov, 25.11.2007 13:58, 311 Bait, otvetov: 2)
- Re[3]: Rasshirenie Vselennoi (G. Yu. Chinyakov, 9.12.2007 14:46, 515 Bait, otvetov: 1)
- Re[4]: Rasshirenie Vselennoi (G. Yu. Chinyakov, 9.12.2007 14:53, 510 Bait)
- Re[2]: Rasshirenie Vselennoi (V. G. Boiko, 13.01.2008 14:06, 12.6 KBait, otvetov: 7)
- Re[3]: Rasshirenie Vselennoi (M. P. Timofeev, 25.04.2008 4:26, 366 Bait)
- Re[3]: Rasshirenie Vselennoi (A. A. Ignatovich, 26.02.2010 23:07, 325 Bait)
- Re[3]: Rasshirenie Vselennoi (A. A. Ignatovich, 26.02.2010 23:40, 553 Bait)
- Re[3]: Rasshirenie Vselennoi (A. A. Ignatovich, 26.02.2010 23:50, 173 Bait)
- Re[3]: Rasshirenie Vselennoi (A. A. Ignatovich, 26.02.2010 23:50, 173 Bait)
- Re[3]: Rasshirenie Vselennoi (A. A. Ignatovich, 27.02.2010 0:00, 101 Bait)
- Re[3]: Rasshirenie Vselennoi (A. A. Ignatovich, 27.02.2010 0:25, 473 Bait)
- Re: Rasshirenie Vselennoi (G. Yu. Chinyakov, 9.12.2007 14:59, 88 Bait)
- Re: Rasshirenie Vselennoi (B. S. Sadykov, 12.01.2008 14:58, 2.4 KBait, otvetov: 2)
- Re[2]: Rasshirenie Vselennoi (V. G. Boiko, 14.01.2008 23:36, 1.6 KBait, otvetov: 1)
- Re[3]: Rasshirenie Vselennoi (A. V. Rykov, 3.06.2008 11:08, 1.1 KBait)
- Re: Rasshirenie Vselennoi (N. V. Ermolaev, 19.04.2008 20:26, 386 Bait)
- Re: Rasshirenie Vselennoi (V. P. Skorobogatov, 24.04.2008 13:55, 764 Bait)
- Re: Rasshirenie Vselennoi (M. Yu. Yakimov, 24.04.2008 20:31, 703 Bait)
- Re: Rasshirenie Vselennoi (V. B. Plavchenko, 29.04.2008 21:03, 254 Bait)
- Re: Rasshirenie Vselennoi (Yu. E. Mishenko, 27.05.2008 21:10, 877 Bait)
- Re: Rasshirenie Vselennoi (Yu. E. Mishenko, 27.05.2008 21:11, 877 Bait)
- Re: Rasshirenie Vselennoi (M. M. Glushakov, 3.09.2009 22:05, 444 Bait, otvetov: 4)
- Re[2]: Rasshirenie Vselennoi (Karim Haidarov, 4.09.2009 9:46, 16.1 KBait, otvetov: 3)
- Re[3]: Rasshirenie Vselennoi (V. V. Komogorov, 24.10.2009 15:29, 1.9 KBait)
- Re[3]: Rasshirenie Vselennoi (V. V. Komogorov, 24.10.2009 15:29, 1.9 KBait)
- Re[3]: Rasshirenie Vselennoi (V. V. Komogorov, 24.10.2009 15:29, 1.9 KBait)
- Re: Ne "material'noe" predstavlenie o materii. (V. V. Komogorov, 26.10.2009 16:17, 5.9 KBait)
- Re: Rasshirenie Vselennoi (V. G. Makarov, 28.10.2009 13:35, 4.6 KBait, otvetov: 2)
- Re[2]: Rasshirenie Vselennoi (O. E. Kirillov, 29.10.2009 6:22, 487 Bait)
- Re[2]: Rasshirenie Vselennoi (V. V. Komogorov, 31.10.2009 13:35, 404 Bait)
- >> Re: Rasshirenie Vselennoi. Lzheucheniya v shkolah i VUZah. (I. N. Galkin, 27.02.2010 14:58, 4.6 KBait, otvetov: 4)
- Re[2]: Rasshirenie Vselennoi. Lzheucheniya v shkolah i VUZah. (A. A. Ignatovich, 27.02.2010 22:02, 98 Bait)
- Re[2]: Rasshirenie Vselennoi. Lzheucheniya v shkolah i VUZah. (V. V. Komogorov, 1.03.2010 5:12, 4.7 KBait)
- Re[2]: Rasshirenie Vselennoi. Lzheucheniya v shkolah i VUZah. (V. V. Komogorov, 1.03.2010 5:12, 4.7 KBait)
- Re[2]: Rasshirenie Vselennoi. Lzheucheniya v shkolah i VUZah. (V. V. Komogorov, 1.03.2010 5:12, 4.7 KBait)
- Re: Rasshirenie Vselennoi (S. I. Gordeev, 2.03.2010 4:23, 740 Bait, otvetov: 5)
- Re[2]: Rasshirenie Vselennoi (V. V. Komogorov, 2.03.2010 11:56, 3.0 KBait, otvetov: 4)
- Re[3]: Rasshirenie Vselennoi (A. V. Rykov, 8.03.2010 7:38, 1.3 KBait, otvetov: 3)
- Re[4]: Rasshirenie Vselennoi (V. V. Komogorov, 8.03.2010 12:32, 2.0 KBait, otvetov: 1)
- Re[5]: Rasshirenie Vselennoi (V. V. Komogorov, 17.03.2010 11:58, 1.2 KBait)
- Re[4]: Rasshirenie Vselennoi (V. S. Leonov, 10.07.2010 23:38, 1.2 KBait)
- Re: Rasshirenie Vselennoi (A. K. Mazur, 21.06.2010 0:36, 324 Bait)
- Re: Rasshirenie Vselennoi (A. K. Mazur, 21.06.2010 0:38, 324 Bait)
- Re: Rasshirenie Vselennoi (Yu. T. Shabanov, 21.06.2010 20:15, 881 Bait)
- Re: Rasshirenie Vselennoi (i. s. sobolev, 9.07.2010 11:48, 255 Bait)
- Re: Rasshirenie Vselennoi (A.P. Vasi, 9.07.2010 22:32, 899 Bait)
- Re: Rasshirenie Vselennoi (A.P. Vasi, 11.07.2010 10:10, 698 Bait, otvetov: 1)
- Re[2]: Rasshirenie Vselennoi (V. V. Komogorov, 13.07.2010 0:00, 1.3 KBait)
- Re: Rasshirenie Vselennoi (A.P. Vasi, 11.07.2010 22:55, 1.3 KBait, otvetov: 1)
- Re[2]: Rasshirenie Vselennoi (V. V. Komogorov, 13.07.2010 9:24, 1.1 KBait)
- Re: Rasshirenie Vselennoi (A.P. Vasi, 13.07.2010 18:06, 1020 Bait, otvetov: 1)
- Re[2]: Rasshirenie Vselennoi (V. V. Komogorov, 13.07.2010 22:51, 1.2 KBait)
- Re: Rasshirenie Vselennoi (A.P. Vasi, 13.07.2010 23:50, 209 Bait, otvetov: 1)
- Re[2]: Rasshirenie Vselennoi (V. V. Komogorov, 14.07.2010 1:26, 176 Bait)
- Re: Rasshirenie Vselennoi (s. s. pogosyan, 17.04.2011 14:26, 398 Bait)
- Re: Rasshirenie Vselennoi (A.P. Vasi, 21.05.2011 22:07, 573 Bait)
- Re: Rasshirenie Vselennoi (V.N. Sergeev, 24.05.2011 1:47, 784 Bait)
- Re: Rasshirenie Vselennoi (I. (. Sozdatel', 15.06.2011 18:13, 706 Bait)
- Re: Rasshirenie Vselennoi (A.P. Vasi, 15.06.2011 23:21, 301 Bait)
- Re: Rasshirenie Vselennoi (I. (. Sozdatel', 16.06.2011 6:20, 113 Bait)
- Re: Rasshirenie Vselennoi (A.P. Vasi, 16.06.2011 8:27, 927 Bait)
- Re: Rasshirenie Vselennoi (A.P. Vasi, 18.06.2011 20:06, 1.6 KBait)
- Re: Rasshirenie Vselennoi (Arm Arm, 8.08.2011 2:11, 1.7 KBait, otvetov: 1)
- Re[2]: Rasshirenie Vselennoi (Dart Veider, 8.08.2011 7:31, 1.1 KBait)
- Re: Rasshirenie Vselennoi (G. S. Komarickii, 27.01.2013 11:06, 3.0 KBait)
- Re: Rasshirenie Vselennoi (A.P. Vasi, 27.01.2013 13:05, 444 Bait)
- Re: Rasshirenie Vselennoi (A.P. Vasi, 27.01.2013 13:14, 444 Bait)
- Re: Rasshirenie Vselennoi (A. V. Melkov, 29.01.2013 9:38, 538 Bait, otvetov: 1)
- Re[2]: Rasshirenie Vselennoi (A. V. Melkov, 30.01.2013 10:10, 417 Bait)
- Re: Rasshirenie Vselennoi (S. A. Pikalev, 2.02.2013 15:20, 406 Bait)
- Re: Rasshirenie Vselennoi (S. D. Brusin, 28.04.2017 13:16, 3.3 KBait)
- Re: Rasshirenie Vselennoi (147258 Garou, 5.07.2017 11:55, 122 Bait)