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Re[2]: Kosmos. Vselennaya. Nauka
7.04.2010 12:37 | Dmitrii Docenko

Otvechu na Vashi voprosy.

1. Iz nalichiya reliktovogo izlucheniya sleduet, chto Bol'shoi Vzryv proizoshel pri sverhvysokih temperaturah. Vodorod poyavilsya iz elementarnyh chastic "proton" i "elektron", gelii - v osnovnom v rezul'tate nachal'nogo (goryachego) yadernogo sinteza, ostal'nye elementy - preimushestvenno v zvezdah.

2. Eti izotopy mogut, naprimer, obrazovyvat'sya v rezul'tate raspada drugih bolee dolgozhivushih izotopov (kak radon s periodom poluraspada v neskol'ko dnei obrazuetsya v rezul'tate raspada izotopa urana s periodom poluraspada 4.5 mlrd let)

3. Naprimer, tak kak radioaktivnye bolee tyazhelye elementy opustilis' v yadro, a bolee legkaya lava po zakonu Arhimeda podnyalas' k kore.

4. Naschet forsterita - ran'she ne slyshal. V vikipedii (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/81P/Wild) etot vopros podnyat i tam napisano: "Both in the Solar System and in circumstellar disks crystalline silicates are found at large distances from the star. The origin of these silicates is a matter of debate. Although in the hot inner-disk regions crystalline silicates can be produced by means of gas-phase condensation or thermal annealing, the typical grain temperatures in the outer-disk (2−20 au) regions are far below the glass temperature of silicates of approx 1,000 K. The crystals in these regions may have been transported outward through the disk or in an outward-flowing wind. An alternative source of crystalline silicates in the outer disk regions is in situ annealing, for example by shocks or lightning. A third way to produce crystalline silicates is the collisional destruction of large parent bodies in which secondary processing has taken place. We can use the mineralogy of the dust to derive information about the nature of the primary and/or secondary processes the small-grain population has undergone."

To est' poka neyasno, no est' bolee-menee dostovernye idei.

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