Re: Chernaya dyra
16.01.2011 13:46 | A.P. Vasi
Po povodu togo chto ya Vam rasskazyval chto za svetovym
izlucheniem s povysheniem kolebanii letyat chasticy, tak ya v etom voprose
razobralsya ochen' davno. Vot smotryu na
forume kak svoimi
silami pytayutsya razobrat'sya astronomy, (ya tam kak Vy ponyali ne
obshayus', zabanili, da i mnogie prosili prihodit' kogda-to potom - v budushem).,79500.msg1446226.html#msg1446226
I kak vsegda poyavlyaetsya chmoshnyi moderator udivlyayushii svoei tupiznoi,
ego naezdy nosyat trebovatel'nyi harakter, tak kak esli tot k komu on
obratilsya s voprosom
Moderator: Eto otkuda izvestno? """
Etot gnidenysh ne utruzhdaet sebya dokazatel'stvom togo chtoby privesti primer.
Da, tak vot kogda on obrashaetsya s podobnym voprosom na kotoryi i on sam ne
znaet tochnogo otveta, tak eto normal'noe sostoyanie moderatora- gandol'era.
Samoe dikoe vozmozhno vperedi - eto kogda moderator- gandol'er, budet
trebovat' ne otvechat'
na drugie voprosy do teh por poka ne otvetyat emu na etot,
posle chego moderator - gandol'er zabanivaet togo s kem sporit.
- Chernaya dyra
(I. D. Novikov, "Fizika Kosmosa", 1986,
26.03.2003 20:16, 22.4 KBait, otvetov: 659)
1. Vvedenie
2. Pole tyagoteniya nevrashayusheisya
chernoi dyry
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(oliya Korobeinikova,
11.12.2010 20:41, 362 Bait, otvetov: 3)
Privet vsem!Pisala...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A. V. Rykov,
12.12.2010 15:34, 3.7 KBait, otvetov: 1)
Radius chernyh dyr opredelyayutsya...
- Re[2]: Chernaya dyra
(V. V. Komogorov,
13.12.2010 20:38, 956 Bait)
Dovol'no stranno, pochemu ponyatnoe triedinstvo...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(G. V. Fiveiskii,
23.12.2010 15:19, 270 Bait)
Kazhdaya chernaya dyra imeet...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(G. A. Zubkov,
25.12.2010 1:36, 635 Bait)
tovarish Novikov
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
26.12.2010 15:31, 756 Bait, otvetov: 1)
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
26.12.2010 15:43, 318 Bait)
Estestvenno vopros voznikaet o edinicah...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(G. A. Zubkov,
26.12.2010 21:48, 1.5 KBait)
Chem blizhe k
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
27.12.2010 18:56, 1.5 KBait, otvetov: 1)
G.A.ZubkovYa smotryu...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
30.12.2010 0:24, 1019 Bait, otvetov: 1)
Vy kak i vse astro...
- Re[2]: Chernaya dyra
(G. A. Zubkov,
30.12.2010 9:34, 744 Bait)
obshat'sya s takimi
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
30.12.2010 17:53, 1.8 KBait)
Ya Vam kul'turno vse vremya...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
30.12.2010 18:13, 507 Bait)
V astronomii krizis ochen' bol'shoi...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
30.12.2010 18:29, 397 Bait)
Prochitaite 16 otvet, i drugie...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
30.12.2010 22:23, 911 Bait, otvetov: 1)
Vy vot dazhe ne znaete...
- Re[2]: Chernaya dyra
(G. A. Zubkov,
31.12.2010 18:32, 1.9 KBait)
chernoi dyry-
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
31.12.2010 18:00, 571 Bait)
Da chut' ne zabyl...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
31.12.2010 19:31, 2.2 KBait)
"(esli verit' teorii
BV)"o - Vy delaete uspehi....
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
1.01.2011 16:22, 1.0 KBait)
Vot yarkii primer kogda moderatory...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
1.01.2011 17:59, 1.2 KBait)
""Vy polagaete...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
1.01.2011 20:23, 1.4 KBait, otvetov: 1)
VibeVy polagaete, chto komp'yuter sozdavalsya bez matematicheskoi
modeli nablyudaemyh yavlenii?...
- Re[2]: Chernaya dyra
(G. A. Zubkov,
1.01.2011 21:21, 886 Bait)
Vas voobshe nauka
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
1.01.2011 22:18, 1.3 KBait)
Vy uzh izvinite...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
2.01.2011 13:26, 189 Bait, otvetov: 1)
Vot eshe nashel "Predpolozhenie...
- Re[2]: Chernaya dyra
(G. A. Zubkov,
3.01.2011 0:08, 708 Bait)
Po poslednei
ssylke prochital
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
3.01.2011 10:48, 2.8 KBait)
Ya ne ponimayu pochemu...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
3.01.2011 11:52, 1.9 KBait, otvetov: 1)
Vy vot slishkom uzko smotrite...
- Re[2]: Chernaya dyra
(G. A. Zubkov,
3.01.2011 16:36, 2.1 KBait)
mezhdu potokami
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
3.01.2011 17:25, 3.5 KBait, otvetov: 1)
mezhdu potokami...
- Re[2]: Chernaya dyra
(G. A. Zubkov,
3.01.2011 23:16, 3.2 KBait)
Naschet elektronov
ya chital takoe...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(G. A. Zubkov,
4.01.2011 0:12, 253 Bait)
Utochnenie: pro
Fotonnuyu sferu
pishet Natanzon
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(G. A. Zubkov,
4.01.2011 0:15, 253 Bait)
Utochnenie: pro
Fotonnuyu sferu
pishet Natanzon
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(G. A. Zubkov,
4.01.2011 0:16, 253 Bait)
Utochnenie: pro
Fotonnuyu sferu
pishet Natanzon
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
4.01.2011 1:08, 1.3 KBait, otvetov: 1)
Vy ya smotryu nedoponimaete...
- Re[2]: Chernaya dyra
(G. A. Zubkov,
4.01.2011 7:14, 1.7 KBait)
Gravitaciya i klei-
ponyatiya slishkom
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
4.01.2011 9:37, 1.4 KBait)
Mne Vashi vydumki ne interesny...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
4.01.2011 10:27, 2.9 KBait)
Ya ponimayu chto mozhno doktorskuyu...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
5.01.2011 14:35, 1.9 KBait, otvetov: 1),79788.msg1436797.html#msg1436797Vibe prodolzhaet tupit'...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
5.01.2011 20:55, 2.3 KBait)
Vy v lyubom poiskovike naberite T....
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
8.01.2011 11:41, 1.8 KBait)
"chem bol'she...
- >> Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
16.01.2011 13:46, 1.5 KBait)
Po povodu...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
16.01.2011 14:13, 656 Bait, otvetov: 2)
Vot ob'yasnit' deistviya moderatora-gandol'era dostatochno...
- Re[2]: Chernaya dyra
(S. V. Semenov,
7.01.2013 10:26, 1.1 KBait, otvetov: 1)
Ya-novichok. Veselo u vas, rebyata! A.P....
- Re[3]: Chernaya dyra
(Yu. S. Reshnikov,
7.01.2013 12:42, 583 Bait)
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
16.01.2011 22:21, 1.7 KBait)
Hot' ya i uvlekayus' astronomiei...
- Re: Chernaya dyra kak super kollaedr
(L. L. luyko,
15.02.2011 14:47, 2.5 KBait)
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
16.04.2011 12:00, 968 Bait),73830.msg1534675.html#msg1534675Moderatora na atroforume...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(s. s. pogosyan,
17.04.2011 10:15, 232 Bait) V sovremennoi nauke ustanovlenno...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(L. L. Li,
24.05.2011 6:20, 2.5 KBait)
Uvazhaemye kollegi teoretiki davaite razberemsya...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(s. s. pogosyan,
24.05.2011 10:32, 1.2 KBait)
Uvazhaemyi L.L.L.,Sverhmassivnye...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
25.05.2011 9:38, 1.3 KBait, otvetov: 2)
\davaite razberemsya s ChD kotoraya...
- Re[2]: Chernaya dyra
(M. Yu. Yakimov,
25.05.2011 10:56, 1.1 KBait, otvetov: 1)
Prezhde chem trepat', dorogoi gospodin Vasi, podumaite, kak otmyvat'sya-to budete....
- Re[3]: Chernaya dyra
(M. Yu. Yakimov,
25.05.2011 11:05, 539 Bait)
Vnimanie!K sozhaleniyu, privedennye...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
25.05.2011 22:22, 11.4 KBait, otvetov: 1)
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
27.05.2011 9:27, 922 Bait)
M.Yu.YakimovVy ili otvet'te...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
27.05.2011 10:11, 627 Bait)
M.Yu.YakimovVy opredelites' zachem...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
7.06.2011 20:14, 916 Bait),85823.0.html\\\Dmitrii
Vibe Moderator
Tema zakryta....
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
14.08.2011 11:47, 1.3 KBait, otvetov: 1),76585.msg1641461.html#msg1641461Dmitrii Vibe prodolzhaet davit' na liniyu obsuzhdeniya....
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A. P. Ivanov,
2.09.2011 13:29, 290 Bait, otvetov: 1)
Ya dumayu chto nikakih chernyh dyr netu....
- Re[2]: Chernaya dyra
(V. V. Komogorov,
5.09.2011 16:13, 554 Bait)
Vopros imeet obraz, no kak byt' s opredeleniyami?...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
17.09.2011 0:37, 1.0 KBait)
Re: Gravitaciya naoborot. Teoriya gravitacionnyh tochek....
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
17.09.2011 1:00, 544 Bait)
Paradigma dazhe prichiny skorosti sveta...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
17.09.2011 18:42, 1.0 KBait, otvetov: 1),88376.msg1675230.html#msg1675230Citata:
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
19.09.2011 12:14, 4.7 KBait)
Ono taki ochen' udobno...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
19.09.2011 12:38, 28.3 KBait)
1 Nekotorye sverhmassivnye chernye...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
19.09.2011 15:51, 2.3 KBait)'t edinica izmereniya...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
20.09.2011 10:05, 1.8 KBait)
Otvet #4 : Segodnya...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
20.09.2011 10:19, 952 Bait, otvetov: 1)
Citata: Che ot Segodnya...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
25.11.2011 23:58, 1.6 KBait)
\\\Citata: Dmitrii...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
26.11.2011 1:17, 1.1 KBait)
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
30.11.2011 13:17, 3.4 KBait)
Novaya situaciya na forume, uchastniki...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
30.11.2011 14:40, 3.8 KBait)
\\\"vibenok" I eto obsuzhdenie tozhe ostanetsya nezavershennym....
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
30.11.2011 15:20, 687 Bait)
Posmotrel fil'm ponravilsya, kak-by fil'm
po astrofizike v hudozhestvennom variante....
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
30.11.2011 15:46, 1.7 KBait)
"vibenok"\\\Net, konechno....
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
30.11.2011 17:48, 1.7 KBait)
\\\Citata: lorein ot Segodnya...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
30.11.2011 20:08, 1.4 KBait)
Mne zhalko smotret'...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
1.12.2011 0:42, 1.3 KBait),90464.msg1759427.html#msg1759427Grishin S. G....
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
2.12.2011 10:29, 744 Bait)
Gandol'er vibenok za den'gi kotorye...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
2.12.2011 10:42, 346 Bait)
Vibenok - ballast nauki.Kotoryi tol'ko...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
2.12.2011 20:45, 288 Bait)
Kak i sledovalo ozhidat' zakryty oba foruma....
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
3.12.2011 16:57, 4.1 KBait)
Re: Deistvitel'no li skorost' sveta v vakuume - invariant?...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
3.12.2011 17:02, 72 Bait)
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
14.12.2011 10:57, 1.4 KBait)
Eksperiment Aleksandrova...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
18.12.2011 20:12, 959 Bait)
Vot dumal pro opyt Aleksandrova...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
25.12.2011 17:17, 2.6 KBait)
Na populyarnoi kinematike menya zabanili...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
17.01.2012 1:13, 2.0 KBait)
RasskazFantasticheskii son o gorode fizikov....
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
17.01.2012 1:43, 1.8 KBait)
ProdolzhenieRasskazFantasticheskii son o gorode fizikov....
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(O. E. Korobeinikova,
24.01.2012 22:04, 1.1 KBait)
Kak pisalGermes Trismenist:"...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(O. E. Korobeinikova,
4.02.2012 16:21, 31 Bait)
Spasibo!Chto pechatali moi posty.
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
4.02.2012 18:59, 816 Bait)
Vy bol'ny fakticheski...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(O. E. Korobeinikova,
5.02.2012 22:49, 111 Bait)
Mne vse ravno,chto Vy pro menya pishete....
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
6.02.2012 0:34, 802 Bait)\\\Imenno vnezapnost' vozniknoveniya...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
6.02.2012 22:27, 885 Bait)
Segodnya prochital formulirovku absolyutno protivorechashuyu avtorskomu ot Doplera....
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
6.02.2012 22:30, 2.2 KBait)
Uchityvaya chto moderatory tam periodicheski glupost' udalyayutSkopiruyu pozor astrofizikov syuda....
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
7.02.2012 2:47, 1.6 KBait)
Po chernoi dyre eshe
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
7.02.2012 17:42, 2.2 KBait)\\\Skorost' rozhdeniya novyh...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
12.02.2012 15:35, 2.7 KBait)
Otvet #154 : Vchera...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
12.02.2012 16:24, 2.3 KBait)
Vse ravno slovo foton...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
12.02.2012 16:31, 469 Bait)
Iz predydushego sleduet...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
12.02.2012 19:24, 2.9 KBait)
\\\Polagayu, zakon Habbla v ramkah...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
13.02.2012 2:12, 1.6 KBait)
U moderatora mosk poplyl po polnoi, ili starost' svoe beret....
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
13.02.2012 2:29, 409 Bait)
I moderator zabanil posetitelya...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
13.02.2012 16:46, 2.3 KBait)
A teper' ya poschitayu...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(O. E. Korobeinikova,
14.02.2012 19:58, 53 Bait)
Ya dala ssylku na Vash sait.Nichego. Na temu Sozvezdiya..
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
15.02.2012 22:56, 460 Bait) 1....
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
15.02.2012 23:09, 804 Bait)
Po bol'shomu schetu astrofiziku...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
15.02.2012 23:18, 2.9 KBait)
Nu ladno...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
18.02.2012 2:11, 1.6 KBait)
Smotryu chto v prakticheskih voprosah...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
18.02.2012 2:15, 183 Bait)"Svet i prostranstvo i o skorosti sveta....
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
18.02.2012 12:58, 1.4 KBait),92644.msg1861215.html#msg1861215Citata:
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
19.02.2012 15:10, 1.3 KBait)
Slesar'-santehnik\\\Vot mayatnik - universal'nyi pribor...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
19.02.2012 19:08, 817 Bait)
Otvet #233 : Segodnya...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
24.02.2012 4:41, 932 Bait)
ZhPS zadeistvovali dlya tochnosti...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
24.02.2012 23:40, 1.1 KBait)
Effekt Vavilova Cherenkó...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
26.02.2012 2:52, 1.4 KBait)
Hvorostenko ot Vchera...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
26.02.2012 11:27, 14.1 KBait)
Otvet #84 : Segodnya...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
26.02.2012 11:45, 972 Bait)
Estestvenno so smehom vspominaetsya...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
26.02.2012 12:03, 1.2 KBait)
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
26.02.2012 12:20, 182 Bait)
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
26.02.2012 12:59, 1.5 KBait)
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
26.02.2012 13:12, 1.0 KBait)
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
26.02.2012 13:19, 2.5 KBait)
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
26.02.2012 13:21, 1.7 KBait)
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
26.02.2012 13:24, 997 Bait)
Net slov .---------------------------------------------------------------
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
26.02.2012 13:53, 1.3 KBait)
Smeyalsya, ibo matematik zanimayushiisya fizikoi...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
28.02.2012 11:26, 598 Bait)
Vot eto zhestko astronomov sdelali...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(Masha Kovaleva,
28.02.2012 12:05, 25 Bait)
Kvazar - eto Chernaya dyra?
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
28.02.2012 20:55, 10.4 KBait)
Kvazar lichno dlya menya zvezda...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
29.02.2012 12:18, 6.2 KBait)
\\\Kvazar - eto Chernaya dyra?\\\Uchityvaya...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
29.02.2012 12:33, 916 Bait)\\\Odnako pozzhe vyyasnilos'...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
29.02.2012 14:10, 2.6 KBait)
Vot esli pochitat' chto govorit...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
29.02.2012 21:17, 1.2 KBait)
Otvet #486 : Segodnya...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
1.03.2012 14:12, 2.3 KBait)
Otvet #511 : Segodnya...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
1.03.2012 18:42, 1.9 KBait)
Staryi relyativist obhezalsya po polnoi...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
15.03.2012 5:12, 986 Bait)
Re: Chto takoe inerciya material'nogo tela?...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
18.03.2012 15:13, 3.6 KBait)
Otvet #12 : Segodnya...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
18.03.2012 21:06, 1.6 KBait)
Otvet #227 : Segodnya...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
20.03.2012 15:56, 902 Bait)\\\Solnechnyi veter vyduvaet...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
24.03.2012 17:55, 1.5 KBait)
Redkii sluchai, adekvatno rassuzhdayushii chelovek...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A. I. Nezhivyh,
31.03.2012 21:08, 407 Bait)
V formule chernoi...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
4.04.2012 19:16, 1014 Bait)
---------------------------Obsuzhdayut geroicheski botaniki na forume....
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
4.04.2012 19:22, 256 Bait)
Ya voobshe ne ponimayu zachem...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
4.04.2012 19:34, 764 Bait)\\\Tomas Yung nablyudal...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
4.04.2012 19:54, 456 Bait)
Itogo opyt Tomasa Yunga, - ispol'zuyutsya...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
5.04.2012 13:33, 1.0 KBait)
Citata Hartikov
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
5.04.2012 17:15, 2.4 KBait)
i bolee idiotskih i neobosnovannyh...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
6.04.2012 14:39, 1.5 KBait)
Citata: Kostyrko ot Segodnya...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
17.04.2012 16:33, 1.8 KBait)
Rassmeshil menya etot forum A esli Bol'shoi
vzryv - eto zabluzhdenie?...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
20.04.2012 14:19, 2.4 KBait)
Ne ponimayu
na skol'ko...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
24.04.2012 10:04, 2.1 KBait)
Vot tozhe yarkii primer neadekvatnogo...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
24.04.2012 19:01, 2.6 KBait)
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
24.04.2012 19:16, 816 Bait)
S tehnicheskoi tochki zreniya...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
25.04.2012 22:31, 5.7 KBait)
(181.9 KB, 900x675 - prosmotreno...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
26.04.2012 14:25, 3.1 KBait)
Soobshenii: 2 684Reiting: +50/-16Suum suique!...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
26.04.2012 14:55, 2.0 KBait)
Smeshno,- bol'shoi vzryv vazhnee tepla...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
29.04.2012 12:22, 1.8 KBait)
Teoreticheskie vozzreniya dolzhny ukazyvat'...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
29.04.2012 16:47, 2.3 KBait)
Foton58 ot Segodnya...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
29.04.2012 19:14, 13.0 KBait)
Otvet #194 : Segodnya...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
30.04.2012 3:28, 1.4 KBait)
A larchik prosto otkryvalsya koe kto na svoei volne zalip....
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
30.04.2012 13:41, 41.4 KBait)
Otvet #186 : Segodnya...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
30.04.2012 14:44, 595 Bait)
Dlya teh kto ne ponyal...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
30.04.2012 14:57, 4.5 KBait)
Evolyuciya zvezd eto v principe nechto smeshnoe....
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
4.05.2012 22:00, 3.9 KBait)
Moderatoram zadayut odnoznachnye voprosy...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
5.05.2012 3:11, 2.2 KBait)
Sobstvenno moderator hotel perehitrit'...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
5.05.2012 14:58, 480 Bait)
Voprosy taki nado stavit' korrektno.Kachestvennyi vopros....
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
5.05.2012 16:35, 3.2 KBait)
Moderator v ocherednoi raz vyglyadit...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
10.05.2012 15:13, 3.9 KBait)
Otvet #241 : Vchera...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
10.05.2012 15:27, 605 Bait)
Dlya teh kto ne zametil...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
16.05.2012 3:09, 3.9 KBait)
Otvet #17 : Vchera...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
16.05.2012 3:20, 353 Bait)
Dlya teh kto ne ponyal...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
25.05.2012 3:10, 2.0 KBait)
Moderatora gandol'erit po samoe dal'she...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
26.05.2012 0:19, 4.0 KBait)
Nu chto ya govoril...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
26.05.2012 0:35, 74 Bait)
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
26.05.2012 1:48, 2.0 KBait)
Otvet #65 : Vchera...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
26.05.2012 9:39, 105 Bait)
Dlya teh kto ne zametil...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
26.05.2012 10:03, 1.2 KBait)
Otvet #360 : Vchera...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
27.05.2012 1:37, 5.3 KBait)
Otvet #68 : Vchera...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
31.05.2012 10:03, 2.5 KBait)
Kak ya rad chto ne na forume gde moderator gandol'er....
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
31.05.2012 23:57, 1.8 KBait)
Chtoby byli ponyatny mechty nekotorogo...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
27.06.2012 22:00, 2.3 KBait)
Re: Pole i efir
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
11.07.2012 2:52, 3.7 KBait)
Ya opyat' na odnom forume...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
24.07.2012 0:15, 2.4 KBait)
Daveche prochel ocherednuyu stat'yu odnogo...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
24.07.2012 0:23, 644 Bait)
\\\Sootvetstvenno esli pylinka
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
24.07.2012 0:32, 1.4 KBait)
No est' eshe i tret'e...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
24.07.2012 0:36, 168 Bait)
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
25.07.2012 2:28, 743 Bait),98240.0.htmlSmeshna kartina nablyudaetsya...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
25.07.2012 2:53, 447 Bait)
Ya dostatochno kachestvenno analiziroval...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
25.07.2012 10:09, 1.7 KBait)
A chto ya nablyudayu, plyvet...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
25.07.2012 22:30, 2.1 KBait)
Zabanili baryshnyu...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
26.07.2012 9:16, 1.4 KBait)
------------------------------------ Otvet #829 : Segodnya v 01:16:31
Citata: Zubkov G....
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(V. A. Aksenova,
26.07.2012 21:06, 159 Bait)
Ya-absolyutnyi novichok na forume..Nedavno...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
26.07.2012 21:39, 733 Bait)
Otnosites' proshe. Astronomiya i astronomy...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
26.07.2012 21:47, 424 Bait, otvetov: 1)
Esli est' vremya mogu posovetovat'...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
26.07.2012 22:48, 408 Bait)
Ne dumayu chto kachestvo...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(V. A. Aksenova,
27.07.2012 11:24, 564 Bait)
Delo ne v kachestve,a vo vzglyadah....
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
27.07.2012 20:27, 28.3 KBait)
Skazhu Vam po sekretu...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
27.07.2012 20:32, 6.9 KBait)
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
27.07.2012 20:40, 5.3 KBait)
chto imeem - est' bol'shoi...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
27.07.2012 20:44, 2.6 KBait)
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
27.07.2012 20:46, 34.0 KBait)
Bolee razvernuto po chernym dyram...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
27.07.2012 21:44, 1.4 KBait)
Vot kak byvaet nebol'shoe vyskazyvanie a kak nagnulo vseh relyativistov....
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
28.07.2012 13:25, 769 Bait)
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
28.07.2012 18:42, 3.2 KBait)
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
28.07.2012 18:47, 2.9 KBait)
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
28.07.2012 18:52, 635 Bait) 1....
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
28.07.2012 18:57, 2.1 KBait)
RasskazFantasticheskii son o gorode fizikov....
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
28.07.2012 18:57, 2.1 KBait)
RasskazFantasticheskii son o gorode fizikov....
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
28.07.2012 18:58, 1.9 KBait)
ProdolzhenieRasskazFantasticheskii son o gorode fizikov....
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(V. A. Aksenova,
28.07.2012 21:02, 256 Bait)
Cherepashuk govoril po televideniyu,chto chernye dyry -eto gipoteticheskie ob'ekty....
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
28.07.2012 23:25, 6.0 KBait)
Chtoby vy byli v kurse...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
29.07.2012 11:12, 1.2 KBait)
\\\No o prostranstve rech' ne idet....
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(V. A. Aksenova,
29.07.2012 20:24, 890 Bait)
Komety ne prityagivayutsya?...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
29.07.2012 21:15, 1.7 KBait)
Vy pozhaluista prochitaite...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
29.07.2012 21:38, 4.9 KBait)
V.A.AksenovaUvazhaemaya prochtite...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(V. A. Aksenova,
29.07.2012 23:18, 218 Bait)
Nikto ne zhil milliardy...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
29.07.2012 23:58, 1.1 KBait)
Vy ochen' doverchivaya i legko...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(V. A. Aksenova,
30.07.2012 12:16, 756 Bait)
Net.Mne nel'zya vnushit'...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
3.08.2012 22:27, 871 Bait)\\\. Otsutstvie sistemy populyarizacii...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
4.08.2012 10:40, 369 Bait)
\\\A ne veryat oficial'noi nauke sovsem?...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
7.08.2012 1:13, 8.9 KBait, otvetov: 2)
Moderator opyat' zabanil dostatochno logichnyi forum....
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
11.08.2012 0:21, 1003 Bait, otvetov: 2)
Da uzh Vy menya nasmeshili...
- Re[2]: Chernaya dyra
(E. A. Tihomirov,
13.08.2012 18:18, 2.8 KBait, otvetov: 1)
Vy ne original'ny, druzhishe...
- Re[3]: Chernaya dyra
(E. A. Tihomirov,
13.08.2012 20:06, 541 Bait)
Zdes' opechatka. Sleduet chitat': "...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
11.08.2012 11:15, 1.9 KBait)
\\\Chernaya dyra eto pustotelyi...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
12.08.2012 11:04, 1.8 KBait)
sekret, chto v nastoyashee...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
12.08.2012 18:55, 2.0 KBait)
\\\Deistvitel'no vse teorii ne verny kak ortovskie, tak
i al'tovskie....
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
13.08.2012 21:45, 32.5 KBait)
Vy uvazhaemyi ne delaite pospeshnyh...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
13.08.2012 22:24, 656 Bait)
\\\Ya lichno pisal Patonu...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
14.08.2012 6:57, 1.5 KBait)
\\\Vy, druzhishe,
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
14.08.2012 7:05, 300 Bait, otvetov: 1)
I zvezda efira - Zvezda...
- Re[2]: Chernaya dyra
(E. A. Tihomirov,
14.08.2012 16:02, 638 Bait)
Dyadya Sanya, kakim zhe metodom...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(E. A. Tihomirov,
14.08.2012 16:48, 1.8 KBait)
Koncepciya massivnogo tela, gravitacionnoe prityazhenie...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
15.08.2012 6:48, 823 Bait, otvetov: 1)
Vy menya udivlyaete ya privel...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
15.08.2012 22:28, 533 Bait, otvetov: 1)
V referiruemyi zhurnal...
- Re[2]: Chernaya dyra
(E. A. Tihomirov,
16.08.2012 16:44, 711 Bait)
S chego by eto Rykov stal by mne pomogat'?...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(E. A. Tihomirov,
21.08.2012 23:35, 1.9 KBait)
Po informacii vyshnih, kotoruyu dovodit...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
24.08.2012 21:28, 1.1 KBait)
Rasskaz.Ochen' dalekaya planeta....
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
24.08.2012 21:38, 636 Bait)
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
24.08.2012 21:44, 707 Bait, otvetov: 1)
E.A.Tihomirov\\\Ot nachala...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
24.08.2012 23:30, 1.6 KBait)
Ya tak ponimayu chto vozrast...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
24.08.2012 23:39, 1.1 KBait)
\\\Chernye dyry eto ob'ekty, kotorye...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
25.08.2012 0:07, 692 Bait, otvetov: 1)
Ya ne ponimayu kak mozhno zanimat'sya pereotkrytiem chernyh dyr....
- Re[2]: Chernaya dyra
(E. A. Tihomirov,
25.08.2012 12:12, 1.1 KBait)
Dyadya Vasi, nu ty i chudak na bukvu "m"....
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
25.08.2012 12:36, 653 Bait, otvetov: 1)
Vy hotite chtoby...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
25.08.2012 20:29, 1.9 KBait)
U menya v svoe vremya...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
25.08.2012 21:50, 8.8 KBait)
Iz moego razgovora na pop meh....
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
26.08.2012 1:29, 953 Bait, otvetov: 1)
Mne do lampochki...
- Re[2]: Chernaya dyra
(E. A. Tihomirov,
26.08.2012 21:12, 3.7 KBait)
Druzhishe, dyadya Vasi, ty ne prav....
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
26.08.2012 1:47, 507 Bait)
Esli s psihologicheskoi tochki zreniya...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(E. A. Tihomirov,
29.08.2012 14:46, 1.4 KBait)
V zaklyuchenii razbora raboty kollegi I. D....
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(E. A. Tihomirov,
29.08.2012 15:01, 637 Bait)
Vot chto eshe zabyl napisat'....
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
12.09.2012 22:05, 1.4 KBait, otvetov: 2)
Otvet #191 : Segodnya...
- Re[2]: Chernaya dyra
(S. V. Stoyanov,
10.03.2013 13:49, 147 Bait, otvetov: 1)
Da, i nas na planete...
- Re[3]: Chernaya dyra
(O. A. Tret'yakova,
11.03.2013 16:56, 91 Bait)
A mne hochetsya pobyvat' na Kube ili v Avstrii
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
12.09.2012 23:57, 200 Bait, otvetov: 1)
Ya eshe dva opyta...
- Re[2]: Chernaya dyra
(D. V. Tret'yakov,
19.09.2012 12:33, 177 Bait)
Spasibo za podrobnuyu informaciyu o Chernyh dyrah....
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
28.09.2012 21:40, 365 Bait)
Ne ponimayu pochemu...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
28.09.2012 21:48, 575 Bait)
Estestvenno prichinu zabanivaniya trem storonnikam...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
28.09.2012 21:55, 504 Bait)
---ya myslyu zakinul...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
29.09.2012 17:09, 1.6 KBait)
Re: Mirovaya efirodinamicheskaya gonka ob'yavlena...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
28.10.2012 18:11, 1.6 KBait)
Otvet #1182 : Segodnya...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
28.10.2012 18:16, 344 Bait)
\\\dlina odnogo togo zhe sterzhnya...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
28.10.2012 20:55, 1.0 KBait)
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
29.10.2012 0:42, 1.1 KBait)
Davno chital knizhku pro mozgovoi shturm....
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
4.11.2012 13:56, 2.7 KBait)
Voprosy po teorii otnositel'nosti...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
16.11.2012 0:45, 5.7 KBait)
priyatno vspomnit' kakaya byla intellektual'naya bor'ba na membrane....
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
16.11.2012 0:48, 2.6 KBait)
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
6.01.2013 13:08, 764 Bait) svoei horoshei...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
7.01.2013 20:10, 1.3 KBait)
Re: Efir dlya chainikov....
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A. S. Ivanov,
8.01.2013 3:05, 471 Bait, otvetov: 1)
A znaete...
- Re[2]: Chernaya dyra
(Yu. S. Reshnikov,
8.01.2013 10:55, 409 Bait)
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
8.01.2013 10:37, 38.2 KBait)
-----------------------------------\\\Skorost' rozhdeniya novyh...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
8.01.2013 10:42, 622 Bait)
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
8.01.2013 23:00, 1.4 KBait, otvetov: 1)
Mne kraine nepriyatno kogda kto-to...
- Re[2]: Chernaya dyra
(Yu. S. Reshnikov,
9.01.2013 8:22, 568 Bait)
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
9.01.2013 0:02, 275 Bait) krasivaya pridvornaya...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
9.01.2013 0:03, 65 Bait)
Eta sobachka budet zagryzat' kazhdogo psa dolgo i medlenno.
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
9.01.2013 11:01, 298 Bait)
A eto uvazhaemyi...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
9.01.2013 11:06, 265 Bait, otvetov: 5)
A esli ya skazal...
- Re[2]: Chernaya dyra
(Yu. S. Reshnikov,
9.01.2013 12:18, 575 Bait, otvetov: 4)
- Re[3]: Chernaya dyra
(Yu. S. Reshnikov,
9.01.2013 13:44, 557 Bait, otvetov: 3)
- Re[4]: Chernaya dyra
(Yu. S. Reshnikov,
9.01.2013 22:34, 451 Bait, otvetov: 2)
- Re[5]: Chernaya dyra
(Yu. S. Reshnikov,
10.01.2013 11:19, 536 Bait, otvetov: 1)
- Re[6]: Chernaya dyra
(Yu. S. Reshnikov,
11.01.2013 7:23, 555 Bait)
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
11.01.2013 9:57, 2.4 KBait, otvetov: 3)
Kak govoritsya nichego lichnogo....
- Re[2]: Chernaya dyra
(Yu. S. Reshnikov,
11.01.2013 13:48, 567 Bait, otvetov: 2)
- Re[3]: Chernaya dyra
(Yu. S. Reshnikov,
11.01.2013 15:18, 543 Bait, otvetov: 1)
- Re[4]: Chernaya dyra
(Yu. S. Reshnikov,
11.01.2013 15:36, 439 Bait)
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
11.01.2013 22:30, 1.6 KBait)
Vy zdes' ne pishite...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
12.01.2013 0:01, 2.3 KBait)
Esli u kogo est' vozmozhnost'...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
12.01.2013 0:11, 758 Bait)
Mne estestvenno ne ponyatno pochemu...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
12.01.2013 0:21, 4.2 KBait)
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
12.01.2013 10:32, 1.0 KBait, otvetov: 1)
Bol'shoi vzryv - termodinamika.Absurdnost' bol'shogo...
- Re[2]: Chernaya dyra
(Yu. S. Reshnikov,
12.01.2013 10:59, 534 Bait)
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
12.01.2013 11:47, 1.7 KBait)
Yu.S.Reshnikov---------------------------Vy zdes'...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
12.01.2013 11:54, 441 Bait, otvetov: 1)
- Re[2]: Chernaya dyra
(Yu. S. Reshnikov,
12.01.2013 13:19, 580 Bait)
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
12.01.2013 16:00, 466 Bait, otvetov: 2)
- Re[2]: Chernaya dyra
(Yu. S. Reshnikov,
12.01.2013 18:18, 508 Bait, otvetov: 1)
- Re[3]: Chernaya dyra
(Yu. S. Reshnikov,
12.01.2013 18:54, 455 Bait)
Pravil'nyi otvet -
tema raskryvaetsya
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
12.01.2013 18:20, 499 Bait)
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
12.01.2013 19:03, 532 Bait)
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(Yu. S. Reshnikov,
18.01.2013 18:14, 463 Bait, otvetov: 2)
- Re[2]: Chernaya dyra
(Yu. S. Reshnikov,
19.01.2013 1:14, 557 Bait, otvetov: 1)
- Re[3]: Chernaya dyra
(Yu. S. Reshnikov,
19.01.2013 9:58, 349 Bait)
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(V. B. Daneev,
19.01.2013 17:11, 577 Bait, otvetov: 2)
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(V. P.,
24.01.2013 22:02, 349 Bait)
Skazhite, a ya pravil'no ponimayu...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(Yu. S. Reshnikov,
26.01.2013 10:48, 564 Bait)
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(S. A. Pikalev,
2.02.2013 16:20, 248 Bait)
Pochemu, elektron ili proton...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
2.02.2013 21:58, 255 Bait)
Rekomenduyu ispol'zovat' isklyuchitel'no avtorskoe opredelenie o Chernyh Dyrah....
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(S. A. Pikalev,
3.02.2013 0:46, 165 Bait, otvetov: 1)
Mozhno sformulirovat' inache. Pochemu, Vselennaya...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
3.02.2013 11:19, 419 Bait)
Kogda pridumyvaite vsyakoe laino...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
3.02.2013 11:21, 122 Bait)
I prochtite sperva etu vetku...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(S. A. Pikalev,
3.02.2013 15:08, 268 Bait)
Probezhalsya po vetke. Prishel...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
3.02.2013 15:43, 33.4 KBait)
Esli by chitali vnimatel'no...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(v. g. gruzinov,
5.02.2013 20:57, 225 Bait)
Mozhet chernaya dyra byt' napodobie...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
5.02.2013 22:33, 235 Bait, otvetov: 2)
\\\my vidim kak ona pogloshaet\\\Kto i kogda eto videl....
- Re[2]: Chernaya dyra
(V. A. Burdin,
9.02.2013 14:57, 824 Bait, otvetov: 1)
K sozhaleniyu ne prochital...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
9.02.2013 17:08, 284 Bait)
Ya nad voprosom dumayu dolgo...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
14.02.2013 23:58, 866 Bait)
\\\Prostaya zadacha dlya elektrikov.\\\Starost'...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
16.02.2013 2:33, 3.0 KBait)
Prostaya zadacha dlya elektrikov.----------------------------
Prostaya zadacha dlya elektrikov....
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
16.02.2013 19:41, 2.3 KBait)
--------------------------------------------------------Tak i ohota skazat'...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
16.02.2013 19:46, 113 Bait)
Transformator ne delaet sdviga faz na sto dvadcat' gradusov....
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
17.02.2013 13:17, 1.1 KBait)
A vot i nagrada nashla svoego geroya....
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
17.02.2013 13:18, 266 Bait, otvetov: 1)
Nemnogo adekvatnogo.
Naskol'ko mozhno doveryat' vyvodam astrofizikov? 15.01.2013
- Re[2]: Chernaya dyra
(v. g. gruzinov,
20.02.2013 16:49, 859 Bait)
Nash glaz eto tozhe chernaya dyra ili ,nora?....
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
24.02.2013 14:16, 1.7 KBait)
Re: Vihrevoi ob'ekt. Materializaciya Vselennoi....
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
26.02.2013 0:07, 5.0 KBait)
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
26.02.2013 0:13, 118 Bait)
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
26.02.2013 1:31, 1.8 KBait)
Oh ya i nasmeyalsya...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
26.02.2013 1:33, 242 Bait)
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
26.02.2013 1:34, 134 Bait)
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
26.02.2013 2:02, 1.0 KBait)
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
2.03.2013 21:11, 4.0 KBait)
\\\Eto tak nazyvaemye
priznaki prima...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
2.03.2013 21:34, 398 Bait)
Po bol'shomu schetu - bor'boi s lzhenaukoi mozhno i ne stradat'....
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
3.03.2013 15:41, 4.6 KBait)
Material iz Vikipedii svobodnoi enciklopedii...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
17.03.2013 15:00, 1.4 KBait)
Chital pro raznye opyty po izmereniyam....
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
21.03.2013 13:45, 3.0 KBait)
Ya vot ne ponimayu...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
21.03.2013 23:08, 9.3 KBait)
Udivilo nazvanie foruma.Eto avtor sovsem ne dalekii....
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
21.03.2013 23:13, 100 Bait)
Samoe smeshnoe chto fizicheski...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
22.03.2013 4:36, 2.0 KBait)
Po bol'shomu schetu razveli detskii...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
22.03.2013 4:38, 1.8 KBait)
Predydushee eto moe mnenie po etomu tekstu
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
22.03.2013 4:53, 777 Bait)
Vot iz ssylki kotoruyu...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
22.03.2013 13:48, 422 Bait)
Ya dumayu chto zdes' bol'shinstvo...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
22.03.2013 21:23, 3.3 KBait)
Pochital opyat' takoe smeshnoe chto vynuzhden rasskazat' svoimi slovami....
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
22.03.2013 21:38, 806 Bait)
Delo v sleduyushem, podobnyi...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
22.03.2013 21:55, 506 Bait)
V primitive - podobnyi opyt mozhno...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
23.03.2013 1:22, 4.7 KBait)
S moei tochki zreniya...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
23.03.2013 2:06, 5.3 KBait)
A sleta s intellektual'nyh katushek...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
25.03.2013 14:08, 7.2 KBait)
Prochital tekst ot chmyrdyaya kotoryi...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
25.03.2013 19:34, 1.5 KBait)
To chto adekvatnosti...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
25.03.2013 22:29, 2.4 KBait)
Soobshenii: 5062
Re: Pochemu net svetovogo transformatora?...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
26.03.2013 10:20, 2.0 KBait)
Vot i eshe odin relyativist...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(o. s. baranov,
28.03.2013 21:30, 341 Bait)
hotelos' by sdelat' odno utochnenie....
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
28.03.2013 22:40, 740 Bait)
Vashe mnenie o chernyh dyrah...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
28.03.2013 22:46, 370 Bait)
Menya estestvenno udivlyaet intellektual'nost'...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
28.03.2013 22:50, 183 Bait, otvetov: 1)
I ne zabyvaite samoe glavnoe...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
29.03.2013 0:53, 35 Bait)
Moe obshenie s Vami zakryto.
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(o. s. baranov,
29.03.2013 13:15, 8 Bait)
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
31.03.2013 19:41, 14.3 KBait)
Takoe prochital, ya azh zaulybalsya...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
31.03.2013 19:52, 47.9 KBait)
I moi variant---------------------=============================================---------------------------------------------------------Vnimatel'no rassmatrival...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
31.03.2013 19:54, 4.8 KBait)
Moi variant, prodolzhenie---------------------------------------Galaktika s rassloeniem....
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
3.04.2013 22:59, 1.6 KBait)
Rassmeshil menya etot specialist po opytam Tomasa Yunga....
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
3.04.2013 23:03, 211 Bait)
Opyty Tomasa Yunga v srednem...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
6.04.2013 12:19, 2.6 KBait)
Re: Znaem li my fiziku?...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
6.04.2013 13:17, 9.5 KBait)
V prostranstvo mezhdu dvumya plastinami...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
6.04.2013 13:33, 1.3 KBait)
Dlya teh kto ne ponyal...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
6.04.2013 14:29, 400 Bait)
Nadeyus' chto dogadalis'...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
8.04.2013 22:23, 5.2 KBait)
Soobshenii: 7 816Reiting: +223/-57".....
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
9.05.2013 22:46, 4.1 KBait)
Vysshee obrazovanie - "Astronom"...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
9.05.2013 23:16, 234 Bait)
Estestvenno chto dolzhno byt' mesto...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
10.05.2013 12:36, 6.0 KBait)
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
11.05.2013 14:04, 3.2 KBait)
Prochital dve temy, azh ulybnulsya...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
11.05.2013 14:13, 627 Bait)
Sobstvenno kak opredelit' ne specialista...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
13.05.2013 22:53, 4.8 KBait)
Yarkii primer kogda zadacha prevyshaet...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
13.05.2013 23:44, 1.0 KBait)
Ya podskazhu v chem oshibka u vseh....
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
13.05.2013 23:47, 177 Bait)
Po prostomu nado byt' logichnym...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
14.05.2013 9:20, 839 Bait)
Global'naya oshibka - prakticheski nikto...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
16.05.2013 9:56, 822 Bait, otvetov: 1)
Otvet #525 : Vchera...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
16.05.2013 23:36, 333 Bait)
Est' pogovorka starogo psa novym...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
17.05.2013 20:28, 1.4 KBait)
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
22.05.2013 0:10, 1.9 KBait)
Otvet #306 : Segodnya v 19:34:53
Prezident RAN Yu....
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
23.05.2013 23:35, 3.6 KBait)
Otvet #460 : Segodnya...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
24.05.2013 8:55, 2.5 KBait)
Soobshenii: 11 530Reiting: +115/-16Mne nravitsya etot forum!...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
24.05.2013 9:15, 388 Bait)
Pravil'no by bylo pri otmene...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
27.05.2013 22:09, 923 Bait)
: 17.04.2005 [18:32:29] Interferenciya...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
28.05.2013 21:30, 1.9 KBait)
Otvet #842 : Vchera...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
28.05.2013 22:05, 207 Bait)
Mozhno i drugie nazvaniya Primitivnaya...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
30.05.2013 9:55, 1.7 KBait)
Sobstvenno napravlenie pravil'noe - no rezul'tat...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
30.05.2013 9:56, 322 Bait)
Predydushii tekst po etomu forumu....
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
9.06.2013 13:19, 2.4 KBait)|Vchera...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
14.06.2013 9:30, 1.3 KBait)
Kosmologicheskii "rift", "...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
14.06.2013 9:38, 428 Bait)
V principe...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
14.06.2013 21:38, 2.9 KBait)
Nemnogo rasskazhu ponyatno. Sobstvenno...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
18.06.2013 22:18, 74 Bait)
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
18.06.2013 22:21, 51.1 KBait)
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
18.06.2013 22:23, 78.8 KBait)
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
18.06.2013 22:24, 30 Bait)
Prosto ponravilos' obsuzhdenie.
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
18.06.2013 22:52, 248 Bait)
Dlya teh kto ne znaet...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
18.06.2013 23:07, 1.3 KBait)
Uvazhaemyi Dmitrii Mamontov, proshu...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
19.06.2013 7:23, 31.1 KBait)
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
19.06.2013 7:27, 446 Bait)
\\\Termin "zhidkost'"...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
19.06.2013 8:06, 3.9 KBait)
Chtoby byli v kurse...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
19.06.2013 8:32, 17.6 KBait)
Moderator hochet udalit'...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
19.06.2013 8:55, 14.8 KBait)
Sobstvenno obosnovat' nepravil'nost' bol'shogo vzryva...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
19.06.2013 8:56, 1.2 KBait)
astrofizik E. Mak-Kellar...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
19.06.2013 10:07, 20.9 KBait)
Segodnya den' neponyatnyi, na solnce vidno vybros gluposti....
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
20.06.2013 23:53, 789 Bait)
Ya tak ponimayu chto prochitav...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(V. E. Krauchuk,
21.06.2013 23:21, 508 Bait)
1 Rykovu. Ne zastavlyaite...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(V. E. Krauchuk,
21.06.2013 23:39, 552 Bait)
A P. Vasi! Spasibo za podvizhensvo!Chestno!...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
22.06.2013 0:55, 2.3 KBait)
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
22.06.2013 0:57, 4.9 KBait)
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
22.06.2013 1:06, 9.9 KBait)
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
22.06.2013 21:59, 9.1 KBait)
Soobshenii: 2Reiting: +1/-0Mne nravitsya etot forum!...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
22.06.2013 23:25, 5.9 KBait)
Soobshenii: 13 213Reiting: +350/-46Evona kak......
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
23.06.2013 14:46, 3.4 KBait, otvetov: 1)
Otvet #106 : Segodnya...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
24.06.2013 0:37, 988 Bait)
Ne ne mozhet...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
24.06.2013 0:48, 695 Bait)
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
28.06.2013 14:50, 3.6 KBait)
Somnevayus' chto nauku budut delat' ne zvaniyami a sposobnostyami....
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
3.07.2013 9:00, 4.9 KBait)
U al'ternativshikov i storonnikov efira svoe mnenie....
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
3.07.2013 9:12, 3.2 KBait)
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
3.07.2013 22:25, 5.1 KBait)
O-ho-ho prochital nechto takoe...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A. V. Konovalov,
8.07.2013 1:25, 1.6 KBait)
Eto tyazhelo ob'yasnit', kak Nechto...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
8.07.2013 9:41, 297 Bait)
Dannaya tema ne prednaznachena dlya breda kotoryi komu-to kazhetsya....
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
8.07.2013 9:53, 1.6 KBait)
\\\Chernaya dyra
to edinstvennoe...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
8.07.2013 9:53, 1.6 KBait)
\\\Chernaya dyra
to edinstvennoe...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
11.07.2013 22:39, 1.4 KBait)
S moei tochki zreniya...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
11.07.2013 22:40, 223 Bait)
Kak po mne ochen' maloe...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(V. R. Skens,
12.07.2013 11:49, 200 Bait)
Iz "Chernoi Dyry" kak izvestno...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
13.07.2013 18:28, 247 Bait)
\\\Iz "Chernoi Dyry"...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
13.07.2013 18:41, 1.6 KBait)
: Vchera...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
13.07.2013 19:07, 486 Bait)
Dmitrii Vibe na skol'ko...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
13.07.2013 19:10, 1.0 KBait)
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
13.07.2013 19:26, 871 Bait)
Kamennyi vek , drugoe mnenie drugoi...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
13.07.2013 20:05, 26.0 KBait)
Veteran foruma
Vne ForumaSoobshenii...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
13.07.2013 20:08, 1.7 KBait)
Tómas Yung -Vikipediya...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(V. R. Skens,
17.07.2013 6:47, 282 Bait)
Prochital pervye 12 stranic breda...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
21.07.2013 11:50, 1.2 KBait)
O Nauke, kosmose i bytie...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
22.07.2013 8:28, 1.1 KBait)
\\\Prochital pervye 12 stranic breda...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(S. M. Andreichuk,
4.08.2013 11:42, 1.1 KBait)
Foton ogranichen v svoei skorosti 300.000 km/s pronicaemost'yu prostranstva....
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
4.08.2013 16:49, 54 Bait, otvetov: 1)
Shel by ty starche ot syuda so svoim starcheskim marazmom.
- Re[2]: Chernaya dyra
(S. M. Andreichuk,
6.08.2013 16:26, 991 Bait)
Uvazhaemyi A.P. Vasi, osuzhdenie...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
6.08.2013 21:56, 2.5 KBait, otvetov: 2)
Vozmozhno ya po otnosheniyu...
- Re[2]: Chernaya dyra
(S. M. Andreichuk,
7.08.2013 12:41, 1.3 KBait, otvetov: 1)
Ishodya iz vashego vyvoda voznikaet...
- Re[3]: Chernaya dyra
(S. M. Andreichuk,
7.08.2013 20:30, 434 Bait)
Dumayu, chto tol'ko opredelennaya chastota...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
7.08.2013 20:59, 1.0 KBait)
Vse chto Vy mozhete pridumat' ya uzhe davno napisal otvety....
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
7.08.2013 21:28, 5.4 KBait)
Poimite pravil'no ya nachinal obsuzhdat'...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(O. E. Korobeinikova,
7.08.2013 22:25, 142 Bait) Zhivem v "chernoi dyre....
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(O. E. Korobeinikova,
7.08.2013 22:42, 108 Bait)
Zhivem v "plenu.....
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
7.08.2013 22:44, 1.1 KBait)
Ya nadeyus' Vy ponimaete...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
7.08.2013 23:54, 4.4 KBait)
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
8.08.2013 0:05, 772 Bait, otvetov: 2)
\\\Foton ogranichen v svoei skorosti 300.000 km/s
pronicaemost'yu prostranstva....
- Re[2]: Chernaya dyra
(S. M. Andreichuk,
8.08.2013 19:58, 441 Bait, otvetov: 1)
Vy menya procitirovali i nazvali relyativistom....
- Re[3]: Chernaya dyra
(S. M. Andreichuk,
14.08.2013 15:44, 3.4 KBait)
Eto vsego lish' moya gipoteza...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
14.08.2013 22:03, 814 Bait)
Vy ne pravil'no traktuete zvezdu...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
14.08.2013 22:05, 79 Bait, otvetov: 1)
Esli chestno to u Vas glupost' nesusvetnaya bessmyslennaya i bespoleznaya.
- Re[2]: Chernaya dyra
(S. M. Andreichuk,
14.08.2013 22:54, 820 Bait)
Glupost' - eto ne logichnost' i ne sootvetstvie zdravomu smyslu....
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
14.08.2013 23:36, 1.1 KBait)
Mne do lampochki to chto Vy pishite....
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
15.08.2013 0:04, 979 Bait)
\\\No esli Vy principial'no protiv...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
15.08.2013 0:22, 426 Bait, otvetov: 1)
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
18.08.2013 15:33, 2.0 KBait)
: 16.08.2013 [15:04:07]
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
18.08.2013 23:14, 940 Bait)
Dmitrii Vibe
Mozhet byt', astronomiya v shkole vse-taki nuzhna?...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A. A. Volkov,
19.08.2013 13:12, 1.6 KBait)
Uvazhaemyi A.P....
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
21.08.2013 21:40, 1.4 KBait)
Da uzh ya takoe...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
24.08.2013 14:55, 887 Bait)
Chernye dyry - dyry v prostranstve ili v nauke?...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
24.08.2013 15:49, 1.1 KBait)
Kak-to davno videl v vannoi...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
25.08.2013 13:44, 1.5 KBait)
Re: Novyi vzglyad na fiziku chastic....
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
25.08.2013 23:31, 2.2 KBait)\\\ "Reliktovoe izluchenie...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
25.08.2013 23:33, 2.1 KBait)\\\ "Reliktovoe izluchenie...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
25.08.2013 23:56, 11.8 KBait)
Esli vzyat' kupyuru i posmotret'...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
27.08.2013 1:23, 1.1 KBait)
Tak vot - v 1941godu otkryto...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
27.08.2013 1:37, 335 Bait)
Vot otsutstvie takoi melochi...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
5.09.2013 23:40, 2.7 KBait)
Soobshenii: 8 090Reiting: +267/-63".....
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
5.09.2013 23:52, 4.4 KBait)
Zavsegdatai foruma
Na Forume...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
7.09.2013 17:46, 3.6 KBait)
Otvet #141 : Segodnya...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
7.09.2013 19:54, 1.6 KBait)
Otvet #755 : Segodnya...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
7.09.2013 20:05, 941 Bait)
Ni kuya tam net relyativistskih popravok....
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
7.09.2013 20:12, 10.0 KBait)
Na skol'ko ya pomnyu...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
7.09.2013 20:31, 452 Bait)
Dlya teh kto ne ponyal...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
10.09.2013 21:26, 1.8 KBait)
---Mne azh smeshno, kak govoritsya...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
11.09.2013 21:50, 2.3 KBait)
Otvet #1 : Vchera...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
11.09.2013 22:17, 2.5 KBait)
Soobshenii: 230Reiting...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
13.09.2013 8:40, 2.2 KBait, otvetov: 1)
: Vchera...
- Re[2]: Chernaya dyra
(A. S. Kolomenskii,
14.09.2013 20:27, 75 Bait)
Stol'ko slovesnogo ponosa i umstvennogo...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
14.09.2013 21:32, 3.9 KBait)
Re: Konec efirnoi teorii- finita la comédie....
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
14.09.2013 21:36, 276 Bait)
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
12.10.2013 12:03, 9.9 KBait)
A tekst to chitaetsya...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
13.10.2013 21:11, 67.2 KBait)
Eto dolzhen prochitat' kazhdyi,chto-by...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
13.10.2013 21:19, 99.9 KBait)
Perevod: Roman Chertanov, 29 maya 2013 g.
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
16.10.2013 23:48, 3.5 KBait)
Prochital tak skazat' standartnuyu situaciyu...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
17.10.2013 0:48, 2.1 KBait)
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
31.10.2013 23:15, 4.1 KBait)
Vot ne proshlo i mnogo...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
31.10.2013 23:25, 632 Bait)
Menya smeshit Vibe aki polnyi...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
1.11.2013 0:10, 10.5 KBait)
Vibe opozorilsya prevzoshel sam sebya....
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
6.11.2013 23:07, 1.5 KBait)
Ya estestvenno chto-to logichnoe dolzhen...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
15.11.2013 23:39, 91 Bait) dumayu.
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
17.11.2013 10:50, 760 Bait)
U menya takoe chuvstvo...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
17.11.2013 11:10, 5.0 KBait)
Vot primer iz zhizni, nekotoryi...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
17.11.2013 11:24, 1.6 KBait)
Iz vikipedii \\\
V sluchae rasprostraneniya...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
17.11.2013 15:07, 2.2 KBait)
Izuchaem formuly.------------------------------------------------Sobstvenno...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
17.11.2013 18:57, 764 Bait)
Chto est' v nalichii...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
17.11.2013 20:08, 685 Bait)
Esli razobrat'sya detal'no s kineskopom...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
18.11.2013 9:41, 2.6 KBait)
S moei tochki zreniya...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
20.11.2013 11:59, 2.1 KBait)
Chtoby sobstvenno provesti...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
20.11.2013 21:32, 479 Bait)
Kak govoritsya dazhe ne smeshno...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
22.11.2013 19:44, 4.3 KBait)
Sobstvenno bor'ba razvivaetsya ochen' moshnaya...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
1.12.2013 0:00, 139 Bait)
Smotret' rekomenduyu tol'ko al'tam, relyativistam skorei vsego ne ponravit'sya....
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
1.12.2013 1:43, 1.3 KBait)
8 lekciya. Gravitaciya.
Acyukovskii V.A....
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
4.12.2013 3:11, 2.2 KBait)
Soobshenii: 15 011Reiting...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
4.12.2013 3:29, 2.5 KBait)
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
4.12.2013 23:50, 3.2 KBait)
Vot chitayu i nablyudayu takoe...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
7.12.2013 14:43, 4.7 KBait)
S odnoi storony...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
15.12.2013 7:59, 2.0 KBait)
Mne i smeshno i ne smeshno....
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
22.12.2013 11:48, 2.8 KBait)
Skazhu Vam chestno kosmologi - v dannom sluchai intellektual'nye malyatka....
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
22.12.2013 22:52, 4.8 KBait, otvetov: 1)
To chto al'ty v osnovnom...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
23.12.2013 22:41, 2.6 KBait)
Sobstvenno i moya model' osnovana...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
23.12.2013 22:49, 476 Bait)
\\\Takoe oshushenie, chto chel (Vasi) sam s soboi razgovarivaet....
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
26.12.2013 23:37, 1.5 KBait)
Blin vot tak i ohota...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
27.12.2013 0:05, 748 Bait)
S drugoi tochki zreniya est' pogovorka, -"Yupiter - ty serdish'sya?...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
27.12.2013 0:12, 578 Bait)
"Yupiter - ty serdish'sya?, - znachit ty ne prav....
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
28.12.2013 14:42, 8.3 KBait)
Uzhe dazhe baryshnya dogadalas'...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
30.12.2013 9:41, 3.6 KBait)
Da vot i eshe odnogo relyativista - srazil starcheskii marazm....
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
30.12.2013 14:13, 398 Bait)
Po logike...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
3.01.2014 15:11, 2.8 KBait)
Ya estestvenno...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
3.01.2014 16:26, 721 Bait)
Uzhe proshli vremena kogda prosili proektirovshikov proektirovat' vse po umu....
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
27.01.2014 23:00, 1.2 KBait)
Krasnoe smeshenie i iskrivlenie prostranstvahttp...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
1.02.2014 1:45, 2.5 KBait)
- O, ya smotryu uzhe vzroslye zadachi nachinayut odolevat'....
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
2.02.2014 14:09, 970 Bait)
Za chto Dzhonu Shvarcu iMaiklu...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
3.02.2014 23:27, 5.8 KBait)
Soobshenii: 920Reiting: +32/-2Za zaborom krugozora - udivitel'noe......
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
18.02.2014 1:19, 2.7 KBait)
Soobshenii: 15 817Reiting...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
27.02.2014 3:52, 2.7 KBait)
Soobshenii: 13 565Reiting: +169/-19Mne nravitsya etot forum!...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
8.03.2014 11:50, 12.5 KBait)
Soobshenii: 2 104Reiting...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
22.03.2014 12:52, 4.2 KBait)
Soobshenii: 14 513Reiting...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
22.03.2014 19:17, 5.6 KBait)
U Vibe estestvenno byvayut probleski...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
2.04.2014 20:28, 22.0 KBait)
Soobshenii: 366Reiting: +4/-0specialist...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
2.04.2014 20:34, 240 Bait)
A s drugoi tochki zreniya...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
2.04.2014 22:05, 3.0 KBait)
Soobshenii: 7 524Reiting...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
14.04.2014 20:33, 117 Bait)
Tam gde zvezdy redkie - zvezdy...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
14.04.2014 21:16, 2.0 KBait)
: 21.03.2014...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
14.04.2014 22:16, 1.6 KBait)
Dlya teh kto ne ponyal...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
14.04.2014 23:54, 1.8 KBait)
Iz serii ch'yaby korova bychala...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
27.04.2014 19:46, 2.2 KBait)
U menya takoe chuvstvo...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
27.04.2014 19:49, 169 Bait)
Ya dumayu...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
4.05.2014 16:48, 2.8 KBait)
Chital dlya smeha--------------------------------------------------------------------
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
4.05.2014 17:16, 1.7 KBait)
Chto v itoge poluchilos' - relyativisty poslali al'tov v peshee puteshestvie....
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
4.05.2014 21:06, 2.5 KBait)
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
4.05.2014 21:14, 310 Bait)
I samoe smeshnoe chto relyativisty...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
10.05.2014 17:39, 2.9 KBait)
Otvet #1058 : Segodnya...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
11.05.2014 15:35, 8.9 KBait)
Re: Zakon planetarnyh rasstoyanii.
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
11.05.2014 18:05, 3.6 KBait)
Zakon planetarnyh rasstoyanii.
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
15.05.2014 23:03, 2.4 KBait)
Zakon planetarnyh rasstoyanii.
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
18.05.2014 14:43, 1.4 KBait)
Zakon planetarnyh rasstoyanii.
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
21.05.2014 8:57, 1.4 KBait)
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Re: Pro novye raboty...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
21.05.2014 9:23, 2.0 KBait)
-----------------------------------------------------------------Re: Zakon planetarnyh rasstoyanii.
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
21.05.2014 21:39, 10.8 KBait)
\\\Planety dvizhutsya vokrug...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
21.05.2014 21:45, 321 Bait)
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
23.05.2014 2:17, 3.6 KBait)
Sushestvuet li oblako Oorta? I v kakom vide....
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
23.05.2014 2:45, 4.3 KBait)
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Kak raz otkryl stat'yu...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
23.05.2014 12:07, 3.0 KBait)
-------------------------------------------\\\Fizik iz Kembridzha...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
23.05.2014 15:45, 2.1 KBait)
Astronomam ne nravitsya chto zapretili...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
23.05.2014 16:12, 2.3 KBait)
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Re: Zakon planetarnyh rasstoyanii.
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
23.05.2014 16:16, 257 Bait)
I samoe smeshnoe...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
23.05.2014 16:25, 5.0 KBait)
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Re: Zakon planetarnyh rasstoyanii.
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
24.05.2014 15:10, 6.0 KBait)
poryadke breda: Raketnyi dvigatel'...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
24.05.2014 17:45, 4.5 KBait)
Bezopornoe dvizhenie...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
24.05.2014 17:56, 889 Bait)
Sobstvenno s moei tochki zreniya...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
25.05.2014 13:34, 3.1 KBait)
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
29.06.2014 14:07, 3.5 KBait)
Fizicheskie kotlety i matematicheskie muhi.
Vchera :: 18:10:57
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
1.07.2014 22:15, 2.1 KBait)
\\\Pochemu na lekciyah malo slushatelei...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
1.07.2014 22:43, 8.6 KBait)
Re: Mirovaya efirodinamicheskaya gonka ob'yavlena...
- Teoriya pustoty
(Serg Ol,
5.07.2014 0:54, 25 Bait)
otvety na vse voprosy
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
10.07.2014 12:56, 2.3 KBait)
Re: O kritikah i storonnikah...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
10.07.2014 13:07, 11.3 KBait)
nado opredelitsya s nazvaniyami, - sravneniya i izmerenie....
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
11.07.2014 11:51, 1.2 KBait)
Re: O kritikah...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
11.07.2014 12:55, 1.9 KBait)
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
12.07.2014 9:54, 2.0 KBait)
Re: O kritikah i storonnikah...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
12.07.2014 23:33, 3.3 KBait)
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Ladno tak kak moski bol'shinstva...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
13.07.2014 10:58, 4.7 KBait)
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
13.07.2014 13:33, 6.2 KBait)
Vremya idet a v kosmologii...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(v. n. bespalov,
22.07.2014 14:30, 1021 Bait)
Teoriya 2
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
22.07.2014 16:09, 8.0 KBait)
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
22.07.2014 16:13, 13.5 KBait)
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
28.07.2014 10:26, 2.7 KBait)
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
30.07.2014 0:32, 2.8 KBait)
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
30.07.2014 0:52, 1.5 KBait)
V predydushem soobshenii chto sobstvenno...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
4.08.2014 16:15, 1.3 KBait)
Do poslednego vremeni uchenye-fiziki...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
4.08.2014 17:00, 507 Bait)
Sobstvenno zdes' situaciya...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
4.08.2014 17:14, 671 Bait) SPR Prototype
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
4.08.2014 17:19, 193 Bait)
Posmotrel opisanie i chego-to...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
4.08.2014 23:32, 1.1 KBait)\\\Ustroistvo dvigatelya Shauera dostatochno prosto....
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
5.08.2014 23:56, 1.1 KBait)
\\\Uchenye Stenforda...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
6.08.2014 0:17, 1.9 KBait)
Sobstvenno otvet s tochki zreniya efira - primitivnei nekuda....
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
17.08.2014 11:16, 3.3 KBait)
Soobshenii: 14 999Reiting...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
17.08.2014 17:08, 891 Bait)
Sobstvenno u menya poyavilos' logicheskoe...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
24.08.2014 14:25, 2.3 KBait)
Vot Vibe rassuzhdaet kak vremenshik...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
24.08.2014 21:07, 1.5 KBait)
Dazhe ne ponimayu...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
24.08.2014 22:28, 4.4 KBait, otvetov: 1)
Ya vot smotryu...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
25.08.2014 15:49, 1.6 KBait)
Re: Efirnaya Teoriya. Edinaya koncepciya....
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
25.08.2014 16:07, 4.7 KBait)
Ya tozhe napisal samostoyatel'no - bazovye...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
25.08.2014 16:49, 3.0 KBait)
\\\Razrushitel'nye posledstviya moshnogo...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
25.08.2014 16:56, 595 Bait)
Chto sobstvenno stranno chto nikto...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
6.09.2014 10:00, 295 Bait)
Vy ne sostoyanii - sformulirovat' vopros....
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
13.09.2014 12:48, 2.2 KBait)
Opyt Yunga. Eksperiment s dvumya shelyami....
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
13.09.2014 12:51, 109 Bait)
Samoe smeshnoe chto opyt mozhno...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
23.09.2014 23:17, 3.0 KBait)
26 avgusta 2014goda.
TrV 161,
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
23.09.2014 23:19, 234 Bait)
"Zdes' hot' rolik snimai...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
24.09.2014 0:09, 329 Bait)
Legko relyativista otlichit' ot al'ta...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
28.09.2014 14:03, 5.0 KBait)
: 08.01.2003...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
28.09.2014 14:13, 1.7 KBait)
Sobstvenno ne mogu ponyat' pochemu...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
28.09.2014 15:03, 1.8 KBait)
\\\Chto ne publikuet
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
8.10.2014 22:36, 4.4 KBait, otvetov: 1)
Otvet #31 : Segodnya...
- Re[2]: Chernaya dyra
(Evgen'evna L'vovyanka,
27.10.2014 14:10, 64 Bait)
ya ne doveryayu hokkingu
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
14.10.2014 22:13, 2.7 KBait)
Sobstvenno ne mogu ponyat' pochemu...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
25.10.2014 15:26, 4.5 KBait)
Otvet #208 : Segodnya...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
25.10.2014 15:43, 585 Bait)
Po bol'shomu schetu dostatochno stranno...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
27.10.2014 21:55, 580 Bait)
Vy sluchaino ne pereputali baletnyi...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
28.10.2014 13:15, 4.1 KBait)
Otvet #109 : Segodnya...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
28.10.2014 13:40, 1.1 KBait)
A opyt ochen' prostoi, beretsya...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
31.10.2014 21:25, 52 Bait)
Uvazhaemye al'ty i relyativisty - vse budet normal'no.
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
9.11.2014 15:07, 1.9 KBait)
-------------------------------------------------------------------------Ya azh smeyalsya, ochen' ponravilos'...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
9.11.2014 15:26, 1.0 KBait)
Sobstvenno logichno chto relyativisty sol'yut vodu na sleduyushie voprosy....
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
10.11.2014 20:32, 11.5 KBait)
Otvet #800 : Segodnya...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
10.11.2014 20:40, 715 Bait)
Otvet #804 : Segodnya...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
10.11.2014 20:53, 555 Bait)
Ya ne ponimayu chto dumayut...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
17.11.2014 21:03, 2.4 KBait)
Detskii sad slegka povzroslev...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(Albert Timashov,
20.11.2014 0:03, 826 Bait)
Chernaya dyra, nalichie nevidimogo ob'ekta...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
20.11.2014 20:18, 527 Bait)
Kakto vecherom hot' kto vdrug...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
24.11.2014 19:53, 80 Bait)
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
25.12.2015 20:10, 2.5 KBait)
srazu pereshel s pervogo v tretii klass....
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A. V. Postnikov,
23.02.2016 6:02, 93 Bait)
ya dumayu chto chernyh...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(R. M. Noev,
13.06.2016 23:08, 1.6 KBait)
Kogda stat'ya nachinaetsya takimi perlami, kak "......
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(R. M. Noev,
13.06.2016 23:28, 1.9 KBait)
Dubl' vtoroi (v kotorom ispravleny...
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(R. M. Noev,
17.05.2017 18:56, 449 Bait)
Bolee togo, v prodolzhenie...