Re: Chernaya dyra
17.01.2012 1:43 | A.P. Vasi
Fantasticheskii son o gorode fizikov.
Dal'she u dorogi relyativisty postavili tribu svoih dostizhenii
s trubnymi fanfarami.
Na fanfarah raznye nadpisi, - bez kotoryh relyativizm
byl by nevozmozhen.
Chtoby uiti ot efira pridumali fanfary ---- "vakuum"
Chtoby uiti ot sveta kotoryi byl
v efire, pridumali fanfary --- "foton"
Tak kak ne smogli pridumat'
kuda teplo devaetsya ot zvezd,
pridumali fanfary - ---"bol'shoi vzryv",
tepla u zvezd okazalos' mnogo
i chtoby pogloshat' eshe teplo
ot zvezd pridumali fanfary - --- "chernaya - dyra"
a energii okazalos' eshe bol'she,
pridumali fanfary ---" uskorennoe rasshirenie",
i neponyatno chem prityagivaetsya
tokmo po dva tela pridumali fanfary --- "gravitaciya".
A na protiv tribuny s fanfarami raspolagalsya zritel'nyi zal
smeha relyativistov, tak kak na tribunu s fanfarami periodicheski
zabegali odichavshie al'ty, oni pribegali s toi storony dorogi,
so storony klassicheskoi fiziki. I kogda odichavshie al'ty v svoih
vozmushennyh rechah ispol'zovali slova isklyuchitel'no dlya
relyativistov, i oni sovpadali s nadpisyami na fanfarah, to vmesto
slov oni duli v fanfary relyativistov.
Nekotorye dikie al'ty celye relyativistskie koncerty
ustraivali i vyduvali fugi , gorazdo
luchshe nekotoryh relyativistov. Relyativisty osobo sil'no
smeyalis' kogda dikie al'ty ispol'zovali vse slova.
Vdrug zavisli v vozduhe udary plet'yu, master Bi-Be na "zvezdomere"
shmagal vseh podryad a chtoby uvazhali.
Sobstvenno tak i zhili, klassicheskaya storona - pustynya bednosti,
i relyativistskie fruktovye sady s shokoladnymi kabinetami.
Po doroge to tam to tam probegali bobry, ih po druzheski bili
teleskopami s lyuboi storony ulicy.
Vot ya i prosnulsya.
[Citirovat'][Otvetit'][Novoe soobshenie]
Forumy >> Obsuzhdenie publikacii Astroneta |
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- Chernaya dyra
(I. D. Novikov, "Fizika Kosmosa", 1986,
26.03.2003 20:16, 22.4 KBait, otvetov: 659)
1. Vvedenie 2. Pole tyagoteniya nevrashayusheisya chernoi dyry 3.... - Re: Chernaya dyra
(oliya Korobeinikova,
11.12.2010 20:41, 362 Bait, otvetov: 3)
Privet vsem!Pisala... - Re[2]: Chernaya dyra
(s. a. veprev,
16.12.2010 12:38, 738 Bait)
Esli na Zemle... - Re[2]: Chernaya dyra
(s. a. veprev,
16.12.2010 12:38, 738 Bait)
Esli na Zemle... - Re[2]: Chernaya dyra
(Vlad Loginov,
18.12.2010 21:58, 147 Bait)
A prichem tut chernaya dyra i bermudskii treugol'nik?... - Re: Chernaya dyra
(A. V. Rykov,
12.12.2010 15:34, 3.7 KBait, otvetov: 1)
Radius chernyh dyr opredelyayutsya... - Re[2]: Chernaya dyra
(V. V. Komogorov,
13.12.2010 20:38, 956 Bait)
Dovol'no stranno, pochemu ponyatnoe triedinstvo... - Re: Chernaya dyra
(G. V. Fiveiskii,
23.12.2010 15:19, 270 Bait)
Kazhdaya chernaya dyra imeet... - Re: Chernaya dyra
(G. A. Zubkov,
25.12.2010 1:36, 635 Bait)
tovarish Novikov pishet... - Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
26.12.2010 15:31, 756 Bait, otvetov: 1)
G.A.Zubkov"Pochemu... - Re[2]: Chernaya dyra
(A. V. Postnikov,
5.03.2016 14:41, 953 Bait)
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
26.12.2010 15:43, 318 Bait)
Estestvenno vopros voznikaet o edinicah... - Re: Chernaya dyra
(G. A. Zubkov,
26.12.2010 21:48, 1.5 KBait)
Chem blizhe k centru gravitacii... - Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
27.12.2010 18:56, 1.5 KBait, otvetov: 1)
G.A.ZubkovYa smotryu... - Re[2]: Chernaya dyra
(G. A. Zubkov,
28.12.2010 21:38, 2.1 KBait)
Oi,ne smeshite... - Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
30.12.2010 0:24, 1019 Bait, otvetov: 1)
Vy kak i vse astro... - Re[2]: Chernaya dyra
(G. A. Zubkov,
30.12.2010 9:34, 744 Bait)
Nepriyatno obshat'sya s takimi priblatnennymi negativistami,kak vy.... - Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
30.12.2010 17:53, 1.8 KBait)
Ya Vam kul'turno vse vremya... - Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
30.12.2010 18:13, 507 Bait)
V astronomii krizis ochen' bol'shoi... - Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
30.12.2010 18:29, 397 Bait)
Prochitaite 16 otvet, i drugie... - Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
30.12.2010 22:23, 911 Bait, otvetov: 1)
Vy vot dazhe ne znaete... - Re[2]: Chernaya dyra
(G. A. Zubkov,
31.12.2010 18:32, 1.9 KBait)
Sfera,radius chernoi dyry- ponyatie uslovnoe.... - Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
31.12.2010 18:00, 571 Bait)
Da chut' ne zabyl... - Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
31.12.2010 19:31, 2.2 KBait)
"(esli verit' teorii BV)"o - Vy delaete uspehi.... - Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
1.01.2011 16:22, 1.0 KBait)
Vot yarkii primer kogda moderatory... - Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
1.01.2011 17:59, 1.2 KBait)
""Vy polagaete... - Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
1.01.2011 20:23, 1.4 KBait, otvetov: 1)
VibeVy polagaete, chto komp'yuter sozdavalsya bez matematicheskoi modeli nablyudaemyh yavlenii?... - Re[2]: Chernaya dyra
(G. A. Zubkov,
1.01.2011 21:21, 886 Bait)
Vas voobshe nauka interesuet? Zanimaetes' melkimi dryazgami,vyyasneniem otnoshenii.... - Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
1.01.2011 22:18, 1.3 KBait)
Vy uzh izvinite... - Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
2.01.2011 13:26, 189 Bait, otvetov: 1)
Vot eshe nashel "Predpolozhenie... - Re[2]: Chernaya dyra
(G. A. Zubkov,
3.01.2011 0:08, 708 Bait)
Po poslednei ssylke prochital takoe... - Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
3.01.2011 10:48, 2.8 KBait)
Ya ne ponimayu pochemu... - Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
3.01.2011 11:52, 1.9 KBait, otvetov: 1)
Vy vot slishkom uzko smotrite... - Re[2]: Chernaya dyra
(G. A. Zubkov,
3.01.2011 16:36, 2.1 KBait)
Vychislyat' vzaimodeistviya mezhdu potokami efira... - Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
3.01.2011 17:25, 3.5 KBait, otvetov: 1)
"Vychislyat' vzaimodeistviya mezhdu potokami... - Re[2]: Chernaya dyra
(G. A. Zubkov,
3.01.2011 23:16, 3.2 KBait)
Naschet elektronov ya chital takoe... - Re: Chernaya dyra
(G. A. Zubkov,
4.01.2011 0:12, 253 Bait)
Utochnenie: pro Fotonnuyu sferu pishet Natanzon D.D.... - Re: Chernaya dyra
(G. A. Zubkov,
4.01.2011 0:15, 253 Bait)
Utochnenie: pro Fotonnuyu sferu pishet Natanzon D.D.... - Re: Chernaya dyra
(G. A. Zubkov,
4.01.2011 0:16, 253 Bait)
Utochnenie: pro Fotonnuyu sferu pishet Natanzon D.D.... - Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
4.01.2011 1:08, 1.3 KBait, otvetov: 1)
Vy ya smotryu nedoponimaete... - Re[2]: Chernaya dyra
(G. A. Zubkov,
4.01.2011 7:14, 1.7 KBait)
Gravitaciya i klei- ponyatiya slishkom raznye.... - Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
4.01.2011 9:37, 1.4 KBait)
Mne Vashi vydumki ne interesny... - Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
4.01.2011 10:27, 2.9 KBait)
Ya ponimayu chto mozhno doktorskuyu... - Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
5.01.2011 14:35, 1.9 KBait, otvetov: 1),79788.msg1436797.html#msg1436797Vibe prodolzhaet tupit'... - Re[2]: Chernaya dyra
(G. A. Zubkov,
5.01.2011 19:34, 627 Bait)
K sozhaleniyu na etom forume... - Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
5.01.2011 20:55, 2.3 KBait)
Vy v lyubom poiskovike naberite T.... - Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
8.01.2011 11:41, 1.8 KBait)
"chem bol'she... - Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
16.01.2011 13:46, 1.5 KBait)
Po povodu... - Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
16.01.2011 14:13, 656 Bait, otvetov: 2)
Vot ob'yasnit' deistviya moderatora-gandol'era dostatochno... - Re[2]: Chernaya dyra
(S. V. Semenov,
7.01.2013 10:26, 1.1 KBait, otvetov: 1)
Ya-novichok. Veselo u vas, rebyata! A.P.... - Re[3]: Chernaya dyra
(Yu. S. Reshnikov,
7.01.2013 12:42, 583 Bait)
Fiziki, chto religioznye fanatiki, religiya kotoryh - fizika.... - Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
16.01.2011 22:21, 1.7 KBait)
Hot' ya i uvlekayus' astronomiei... - Re: Chernaya dyra kak super kollaedr
(L. L. luyko,
15.02.2011 14:47, 2.5 KBait)
Nachnu... - Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
16.04.2011 12:00, 968 Bait),73830.msg1534675.html#msg1534675Moderatora na atroforume... - Re: Chernaya dyra
(s. s. pogosyan,
17.04.2011 10:15, 232 Bait) V sovremennoi nauke ustanovlenno... - Re: Chernaya dyra
(L. L. Li,
24.05.2011 6:20, 2.5 KBait)
Uvazhaemye kollegi teoretiki davaite razberemsya... - Re: Chernaya dyra
(s. s. pogosyan,
24.05.2011 10:32, 1.2 KBait)
Uvazhaemyi L.L.L.,Sverhmassivnye... - Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
25.05.2011 9:38, 1.3 KBait, otvetov: 2)
\davaite razberemsya s ChD kotoraya... - Re[2]: Chernaya dyra
(M. Yu. Yakimov,
25.05.2011 10:56, 1.1 KBait, otvetov: 1)
Prezhde chem trepat', dorogoi gospodin Vasi, podumaite, kak otmyvat'sya-to budete.... - Re[3]: Chernaya dyra
(M. Yu. Yakimov,
25.05.2011 11:05, 539 Bait)
Vnimanie!K sozhaleniyu, privedennye... - Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
25.05.2011 22:22, 11.4 KBait, otvetov: 1)
M.Yu.YakimovVy... - Re[2]: Chernaya dyra
(M. Yu. Yakimov,
27.05.2011 8:00, 746 Bait)
A.P.Vasi - vashe neponimanie... - Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
27.05.2011 9:27, 922 Bait)
M.Yu.YakimovVy ili otvet'te... - Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
27.05.2011 10:11, 627 Bait)
M.Yu.YakimovVy opredelites' zachem... - Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
7.06.2011 20:14, 916 Bait),85823.0.html\\\Dmitrii Vibe Moderator Tema zakryta.... - Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
14.08.2011 11:47, 1.3 KBait, otvetov: 1),76585.msg1641461.html#msg1641461Dmitrii Vibe prodolzhaet davit' na liniyu obsuzhdeniya.... - Re[2]: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
14.08.2011 12:07, 3.1 KBait)
Ya lichno voobshe ne ponimayu... - Re: Chernaya dyra
(A. P. Ivanov,
2.09.2011 13:29, 290 Bait, otvetov: 1)
Ya dumayu chto nikakih chernyh dyr netu.... - Re[2]: Chernaya dyra
(V. V. Komogorov,
5.09.2011 16:13, 554 Bait)
Vopros imeet obraz, no kak byt' s opredeleniyami?... - Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
17.09.2011 0:37, 1.0 KBait)
Re: Gravitaciya naoborot. Teoriya gravitacionnyh tochek.... - Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
17.09.2011 1:00, 544 Bait)
Paradigma dazhe prichiny skorosti sveta... - Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
17.09.2011 18:42, 1.0 KBait, otvetov: 1),88376.msg1675230.html#msg1675230Citata: gravicap... - Re[2]: Chernaya dyra
(A. S. Vishnevskii,
19.09.2011 3:13, 1.2 KBait)
O, e - Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
19.09.2011 12:14, 4.7 KBait)
Ono taki ochen' udobno... - Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
19.09.2011 12:38, 28.3 KBait)
1 Nekotorye sverhmassivnye chernye... - Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
19.09.2011 15:51, 2.3 KBait)'t edinica izmereniya... - Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
20.09.2011 10:05, 1.8 KBait)
Otvet #4 : Segodnya... - Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
20.09.2011 10:19, 952 Bait, otvetov: 1)
Citata: Che ot Segodnya... - Re[2]: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
30.10.2011 14:01, 2.2 KBait)
S moei tochki zreniya osnovnaya... - Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
25.11.2011 23:58, 1.6 KBait)
\\\Citata: Dmitrii... - Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
26.11.2011 1:17, 1.1 KBait)
Otvet... - Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
30.11.2011 13:17, 3.4 KBait)
Novaya situaciya na forume, uchastniki... - Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
30.11.2011 14:40, 3.8 KBait)
\\\"vibenok" I eto obsuzhdenie tozhe ostanetsya nezavershennym.... - Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
30.11.2011 15:20, 687 Bait)
Posmotrel fil'm ponravilsya, kak-by fil'm po astrofizike v hudozhestvennom variante.... - Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
30.11.2011 15:46, 1.7 KBait)
"vibenok"\\\Net, konechno.... - Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
30.11.2011 17:48, 1.7 KBait)
\\\Citata: lorein ot Segodnya... - Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
30.11.2011 20:08, 1.4 KBait)
Mne zhalko smotret'... - Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
1.12.2011 0:42, 1.3 KBait),90464.msg1759427.html#msg1759427Grishin S. G.... - Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
2.12.2011 10:29, 744 Bait)
Gandol'er vibenok za den'gi kotorye... - Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
2.12.2011 10:42, 346 Bait)
Vibenok - ballast nauki.Kotoryi tol'ko... - Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
2.12.2011 20:45, 288 Bait)
Kak i sledovalo ozhidat' zakryty oba foruma.... - Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
3.12.2011 16:57, 4.1 KBait)
Re: Deistvitel'no li skorost' sveta v vakuume - invariant?... - Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
3.12.2011 17:02, 72 Bait) - Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
14.12.2011 10:57, 1.4 KBait)
Eksperiment Aleksandrova... - Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
18.12.2011 20:12, 959 Bait)
Vot dumal pro opyt Aleksandrova... - Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
25.12.2011 17:17, 2.6 KBait)
Na populyarnoi kinematike menya zabanili...