Re: Chernaya dyra
24.01.2012 22:04 | O. E. Korobeinikova
Kak pisalGermes Trismenist:"To,chto nahoditsya vnizu,sootvetstvuet tomu,chto prebyvaet vverhu, i to chto prebyvaet vverhu ,sootvetstvuet tomu,chto nahoditsya vnizu,chtoby osushestvit' chudesa edinoi veshi." Izumrudnaya skrizhal'."Esli chernaya dyra est' v centre Vselennoi,. To i v Solnechnoi Sisteme est',i na Zemle,i u cheloveka. V Solnechnoi Sisteme nahoditsya ot Poyasa Koipera do O'laka Oorta. Na Zemle ot Ural'skih gor do Tihogo okeana. Chernaya dyra,kak pylesos. Sibir' ot slova "mesti","podmetat'".Esli polozhit' Sozvezdie Oriona na Zemlyu. To ego Poyas budet na Urale. Rossiya "serdce Oriona" Evropa "verhnyaya polovina tela,gde pravit golova,mech." Sibir' "chrevo,nutro" Ameriki nogi. V cheloveke pravit seichas"chernaya nenasytnaya dyra". Ona postoyanno prosit pishi. Kinzhal/vspomnite sozvezdie/ tozhe pravit/Aziya/. Chut' -chto vonzyat v spinu,ispodtishka. Postoyanno nekotorym udaryaet mocha v golovu. Golova tam ne pravit. Zahodite v moi dnevnik. Pravda ya tam s yanvarya. hppt.//www/liveinternet/ru/users/4652061/profile Ne znai pravil'no nabrala?
[Citirovat'][Otvetit'][Novoe soobshenie]
Forumy >> Obsuzhdenie publikacii Astroneta |
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- Chernaya dyra
(I. D. Novikov, "Fizika Kosmosa", 1986,
26.03.2003 20:16, 22.4 KBait, otvetov: 659)
1. Vvedenie 2. Pole tyagoteniya nevrashayusheisya chernoi dyry 3.... - Re: Chernaya dyra
(oliya Korobeinikova,
11.12.2010 20:41, 362 Bait, otvetov: 3)
Privet vsem!Pisala... - Re[2]: Chernaya dyra
(s. a. veprev,
16.12.2010 12:38, 738 Bait)
Esli na Zemle... - Re[2]: Chernaya dyra
(s. a. veprev,
16.12.2010 12:38, 738 Bait)
Esli na Zemle... - Re[2]: Chernaya dyra
(Vlad Loginov,
18.12.2010 21:58, 147 Bait)
A prichem tut chernaya dyra i bermudskii treugol'nik?... - Re: Chernaya dyra
(A. V. Rykov,
12.12.2010 15:34, 3.7 KBait, otvetov: 1)
Radius chernyh dyr opredelyayutsya... - Re[2]: Chernaya dyra
(V. V. Komogorov,
13.12.2010 20:38, 956 Bait)
Dovol'no stranno, pochemu ponyatnoe triedinstvo... - Re: Chernaya dyra
(G. V. Fiveiskii,
23.12.2010 15:19, 270 Bait)
Kazhdaya chernaya dyra imeet... - Re: Chernaya dyra
(G. A. Zubkov,
25.12.2010 1:36, 635 Bait)
tovarish Novikov pishet... - Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
26.12.2010 15:31, 756 Bait, otvetov: 1)
G.A.Zubkov"Pochemu... - Re[2]: Chernaya dyra
(A. V. Postnikov,
5.03.2016 14:41, 953 Bait)
- Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
26.12.2010 15:43, 318 Bait)
Estestvenno vopros voznikaet o edinicah... - Re: Chernaya dyra
(G. A. Zubkov,
26.12.2010 21:48, 1.5 KBait)
Chem blizhe k centru gravitacii... - Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
27.12.2010 18:56, 1.5 KBait, otvetov: 1)
G.A.ZubkovYa smotryu... - Re[2]: Chernaya dyra
(G. A. Zubkov,
28.12.2010 21:38, 2.1 KBait)
Oi,ne smeshite... - Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
30.12.2010 0:24, 1019 Bait, otvetov: 1)
Vy kak i vse astro... - Re[2]: Chernaya dyra
(G. A. Zubkov,
30.12.2010 9:34, 744 Bait)
Nepriyatno obshat'sya s takimi priblatnennymi negativistami,kak vy.... - Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
30.12.2010 17:53, 1.8 KBait)
Ya Vam kul'turno vse vremya... - Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
30.12.2010 18:13, 507 Bait)
V astronomii krizis ochen' bol'shoi... - Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
30.12.2010 18:29, 397 Bait)
Prochitaite 16 otvet, i drugie... - Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
30.12.2010 22:23, 911 Bait, otvetov: 1)
Vy vot dazhe ne znaete... - Re[2]: Chernaya dyra
(G. A. Zubkov,
31.12.2010 18:32, 1.9 KBait)
Sfera,radius chernoi dyry- ponyatie uslovnoe.... - Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
31.12.2010 18:00, 571 Bait)
Da chut' ne zabyl... - Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
31.12.2010 19:31, 2.2 KBait)
"(esli verit' teorii BV)"o - Vy delaete uspehi.... - Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
1.01.2011 16:22, 1.0 KBait)
Vot yarkii primer kogda moderatory... - Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
1.01.2011 17:59, 1.2 KBait)
""Vy polagaete... - Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
1.01.2011 20:23, 1.4 KBait, otvetov: 1)
VibeVy polagaete, chto komp'yuter sozdavalsya bez matematicheskoi modeli nablyudaemyh yavlenii?... - Re[2]: Chernaya dyra
(G. A. Zubkov,
1.01.2011 21:21, 886 Bait)
Vas voobshe nauka interesuet? Zanimaetes' melkimi dryazgami,vyyasneniem otnoshenii.... - Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
1.01.2011 22:18, 1.3 KBait)
Vy uzh izvinite... - Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
2.01.2011 13:26, 189 Bait, otvetov: 1)
Vot eshe nashel "Predpolozhenie... - Re[2]: Chernaya dyra
(G. A. Zubkov,
3.01.2011 0:08, 708 Bait)
Po poslednei ssylke prochital takoe... - Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
3.01.2011 10:48, 2.8 KBait)
Ya ne ponimayu pochemu... - Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
3.01.2011 11:52, 1.9 KBait, otvetov: 1)
Vy vot slishkom uzko smotrite... - Re[2]: Chernaya dyra
(G. A. Zubkov,
3.01.2011 16:36, 2.1 KBait)
Vychislyat' vzaimodeistviya mezhdu potokami efira... - Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
3.01.2011 17:25, 3.5 KBait, otvetov: 1)
"Vychislyat' vzaimodeistviya mezhdu potokami... - Re[2]: Chernaya dyra
(G. A. Zubkov,
3.01.2011 23:16, 3.2 KBait)
Naschet elektronov ya chital takoe... - Re: Chernaya dyra
(G. A. Zubkov,
4.01.2011 0:12, 253 Bait)
Utochnenie: pro Fotonnuyu sferu pishet Natanzon D.D.... - Re: Chernaya dyra
(G. A. Zubkov,
4.01.2011 0:15, 253 Bait)
Utochnenie: pro Fotonnuyu sferu pishet Natanzon D.D.... - Re: Chernaya dyra
(G. A. Zubkov,
4.01.2011 0:16, 253 Bait)
Utochnenie: pro Fotonnuyu sferu pishet Natanzon D.D.... - Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
4.01.2011 1:08, 1.3 KBait, otvetov: 1)
Vy ya smotryu nedoponimaete... - Re[2]: Chernaya dyra
(G. A. Zubkov,
4.01.2011 7:14, 1.7 KBait)
Gravitaciya i klei- ponyatiya slishkom raznye.... - Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
4.01.2011 9:37, 1.4 KBait)
Mne Vashi vydumki ne interesny... - Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
4.01.2011 10:27, 2.9 KBait)
Ya ponimayu chto mozhno doktorskuyu... - Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
5.01.2011 14:35, 1.9 KBait, otvetov: 1),79788.msg1436797.html#msg1436797Vibe prodolzhaet tupit'... - Re[2]: Chernaya dyra
(G. A. Zubkov,
5.01.2011 19:34, 627 Bait)
K sozhaleniyu na etom forume... - Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
5.01.2011 20:55, 2.3 KBait)
Vy v lyubom poiskovike naberite T.... - Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
8.01.2011 11:41, 1.8 KBait)
"chem bol'she... - Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
16.01.2011 13:46, 1.5 KBait)
Po povodu... - Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
16.01.2011 14:13, 656 Bait, otvetov: 2)
Vot ob'yasnit' deistviya moderatora-gandol'era dostatochno... - Re[2]: Chernaya dyra
(S. V. Semenov,
7.01.2013 10:26, 1.1 KBait, otvetov: 1)
Ya-novichok. Veselo u vas, rebyata! A.P.... - Re[3]: Chernaya dyra
(Yu. S. Reshnikov,
7.01.2013 12:42, 583 Bait)
Fiziki, chto religioznye fanatiki, religiya kotoryh - fizika.... - Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
16.01.2011 22:21, 1.7 KBait)
Hot' ya i uvlekayus' astronomiei... - Re: Chernaya dyra kak super kollaedr
(L. L. luyko,
15.02.2011 14:47, 2.5 KBait)
Nachnu... - Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
16.04.2011 12:00, 968 Bait),73830.msg1534675.html#msg1534675Moderatora na atroforume... - Re: Chernaya dyra
(s. s. pogosyan,
17.04.2011 10:15, 232 Bait) V sovremennoi nauke ustanovlenno... - Re: Chernaya dyra
(L. L. Li,
24.05.2011 6:20, 2.5 KBait)
Uvazhaemye kollegi teoretiki davaite razberemsya... - Re: Chernaya dyra
(s. s. pogosyan,
24.05.2011 10:32, 1.2 KBait)
Uvazhaemyi L.L.L.,Sverhmassivnye... - Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
25.05.2011 9:38, 1.3 KBait, otvetov: 2)
\davaite razberemsya s ChD kotoraya... - Re[2]: Chernaya dyra
(M. Yu. Yakimov,
25.05.2011 10:56, 1.1 KBait, otvetov: 1)
Prezhde chem trepat', dorogoi gospodin Vasi, podumaite, kak otmyvat'sya-to budete.... - Re[3]: Chernaya dyra
(M. Yu. Yakimov,
25.05.2011 11:05, 539 Bait)
Vnimanie!K sozhaleniyu, privedennye... - Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
25.05.2011 22:22, 11.4 KBait, otvetov: 1)
M.Yu.YakimovVy... - Re[2]: Chernaya dyra
(M. Yu. Yakimov,
27.05.2011 8:00, 746 Bait)
A.P.Vasi - vashe neponimanie... - Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
27.05.2011 9:27, 922 Bait)
M.Yu.YakimovVy ili otvet'te... - Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
27.05.2011 10:11, 627 Bait)
M.Yu.YakimovVy opredelites' zachem... - Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
7.06.2011 20:14, 916 Bait),85823.0.html\\\Dmitrii Vibe Moderator Tema zakryta.... - Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
14.08.2011 11:47, 1.3 KBait, otvetov: 1),76585.msg1641461.html#msg1641461Dmitrii Vibe prodolzhaet davit' na liniyu obsuzhdeniya.... - Re[2]: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
14.08.2011 12:07, 3.1 KBait)
Ya lichno voobshe ne ponimayu... - Re: Chernaya dyra
(A. P. Ivanov,
2.09.2011 13:29, 290 Bait, otvetov: 1)
Ya dumayu chto nikakih chernyh dyr netu.... - Re[2]: Chernaya dyra
(V. V. Komogorov,
5.09.2011 16:13, 554 Bait)
Vopros imeet obraz, no kak byt' s opredeleniyami?... - Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
17.09.2011 0:37, 1.0 KBait)
Re: Gravitaciya naoborot. Teoriya gravitacionnyh tochek.... - Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
17.09.2011 1:00, 544 Bait)
Paradigma dazhe prichiny skorosti sveta... - Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
17.09.2011 18:42, 1.0 KBait, otvetov: 1),88376.msg1675230.html#msg1675230Citata: gravicap... - Re[2]: Chernaya dyra
(A. S. Vishnevskii,
19.09.2011 3:13, 1.2 KBait)
O, e - Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
19.09.2011 12:14, 4.7 KBait)
Ono taki ochen' udobno... - Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
19.09.2011 12:38, 28.3 KBait)
1 Nekotorye sverhmassivnye chernye... - Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
19.09.2011 15:51, 2.3 KBait)'t edinica izmereniya... - Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
20.09.2011 10:05, 1.8 KBait)
Otvet #4 : Segodnya... - Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
20.09.2011 10:19, 952 Bait, otvetov: 1)
Citata: Che ot Segodnya... - Re[2]: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
30.10.2011 14:01, 2.2 KBait)
S moei tochki zreniya osnovnaya... - Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
25.11.2011 23:58, 1.6 KBait)
\\\Citata: Dmitrii... - Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
26.11.2011 1:17, 1.1 KBait)
Otvet... - Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
30.11.2011 13:17, 3.4 KBait)
Novaya situaciya na forume, uchastniki... - Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
30.11.2011 14:40, 3.8 KBait)
\\\"vibenok" I eto obsuzhdenie tozhe ostanetsya nezavershennym.... - Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
30.11.2011 15:20, 687 Bait)
Posmotrel fil'm ponravilsya, kak-by fil'm po astrofizike v hudozhestvennom variante.... - Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
30.11.2011 15:46, 1.7 KBait)
"vibenok"\\\Net, konechno.... - Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
30.11.2011 17:48, 1.7 KBait)
\\\Citata: lorein ot Segodnya... - Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
30.11.2011 20:08, 1.4 KBait)
Mne zhalko smotret'... - Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
1.12.2011 0:42, 1.3 KBait),90464.msg1759427.html#msg1759427Grishin S. G.... - Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
2.12.2011 10:29, 744 Bait)
Gandol'er vibenok za den'gi kotorye... - Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
2.12.2011 10:42, 346 Bait)
Vibenok - ballast nauki.Kotoryi tol'ko... - Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
2.12.2011 20:45, 288 Bait)
Kak i sledovalo ozhidat' zakryty oba foruma.... - Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
3.12.2011 16:57, 4.1 KBait)
Re: Deistvitel'no li skorost' sveta v vakuume - invariant?... - Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
3.12.2011 17:02, 72 Bait) - Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
14.12.2011 10:57, 1.4 KBait)
Eksperiment Aleksandrova... - Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
18.12.2011 20:12, 959 Bait)
Vot dumal pro opyt Aleksandrova... - Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
25.12.2011 17:17, 2.6 KBait)
Na populyarnoi kinematike menya zabanili... - Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
17.01.2012 1:13, 2.0 KBait)
RasskazFantasticheskii son o gorode fizikov.... - Re: Chernaya dyra
(A.P. Vasi,
17.01.2012 1:43, 1.8 KBait)
ProdolzhenieRasskazFantasticheskii son o gorode fizikov.... - >> Re: Chernaya dyra
(O. E. Korobeinikova,
24.01.2012 22:04, 1.1 KBait)
Kak pisalGermes Trismenist:"... - Re: Chernaya dyra (O. E