Re: Chernaya dyra
25.03.2013 14:08 | A.P. Vasi
Prochital tekst ot chmyrdyaya kotoryi
pytalsya unizit' drugogo avtora po prichine
ne pravil'nogo s ego tochki zreniya primeneniya
edinic izmereniya.
Vot kak raz zdes' i proyavilis' vnutrennie svoistva
ostavshiesya posle kursov gandol'erov.
Ne udosuzhilsya ob'yasnit' gandol'er po kakoi prichine
eti edinicy izmereniya huzhe chem drugie,
tak potom kak istinnyi gandol'er sam ispol'zuet
eti edenicy izmereniya.
Sepul'ka Dmitri Wiebe 5 dnei nazad
V Krabovidnoi zvezdnaya velichina byla otricatel'noi,
a tut vo skol'ko raz blizhe? da eshe v kvadrat? Tak chto yarkaya - ne to slovo.
Naskol'ko mozhno doveryat' (g-nu Ponomarenko):
"V sluchae vzryva kak Sverhnovoi zvezdy Betel'geize , nahodyasheisya narasstoyanii 320-500 sv. let ot Zemli, potok UF izlucheniya v diapazone
200-300 nm sostavit 35-55 tysyach erg/sm2 i stanet naibolee
moshnym mutagennym faktorom za poslednie dva milliona
let. Ee
prevrashenie v sverhnovuyu budet soprovozhdat'sya sbrosom obolochki okolo 10-4
ee massy , sostoyashei , v osnovnom, iz vodoroda i geliya s energiei
kazhdogo yadra do 1,8 GeV /4/. Na Zemle detektor tipa Kamiokande II
zaregistriruet neitrinnuyu vspyshku intensivnost'yu v 25-75 tysyach sobytii
(pereschitano po rezul'tatam izmerenii na Kamiokande II vspyshki ot SN1987
/5/) . Cherez neskol'ko chasov (do sutok) posle registracii neitrino /5/,
stanet vidna dazhe dnem yarchaishaya zvezda, sravnimaya po blesku s polnoi
Lunoi. V techenie neskol'kih desyatkov - soten let posle maksimuma cherez
40-50 let posle prihoda na Zemlyu kvantov i neitrino, na Zemlyu budut
vozdeistvovat' relyativistskie yadra (v osnovnom, protony i gelii)
obolochki Sverhnovoi. ih polnyi flyuens na granice magnitosfery Zemli
sostavit 5*105 - 2*106 chast/sm2.
Chastichno oni budut zahvacheny magnitosferoi, chastichno vyzovut rozhdenie
vtorichnyh chastic v atmosfere, a chastichno doidut do poverhnosti Zemli,
stav vtorym sil'neishim mutagennym faktorom posle UF izlucheniya. Iz dannyh
/6/ sleduet, chto vzryva Betel'geize mozhno ozhidat' v blizhaishie neskol'ko
tysyach let."
I tam zhe:
Pri vzryve tipovoi sverhnovoi krome nachal'nogo impul'sa rentgena, kotoryi spadaet neskol'ko let, obrazuetsya cepochka gamma-izluchatelei v kolichestve 0,075-0,1 massy Solnca (Ni-56- >Co-56(847,1288 keV)->Fe-56)/5/.Svetimost' tipovoi Sverhnovoi v gamma-diapazone padaet s 1042 erg/s do 1040 za dva goda, do 1038 - za tri goda , dal'she rabotaet Co-57, Ti-44, Na-22 - spad zamedlyaetsya. S 1038 do 1037 spad aktivnosti proishodit s tret'ego po pyatyi goda. V maksimume aktivnosti eto sootvetstvuet 0,5-0,8 erg/sm2 t.e. (3-5)*10^7 kvantov so srednei energiei 1 MeV na 1 sm2 v sekundu na granice Zemnoi atmosfery ot Sverhnovoi na rasstoyanii 320-500 sv let. S uchetom krivoi spada rentgenovskogo izlucheniya i prihoda GeVnyh zaryazhennyh chastic, pomimo mutagennyh faktorov, o pilotiruemoi kosmonavtike pridetsya zabyt' na desyatiletiya.
Zhdu ot Vas primerno takogo soobsheniya: "G-n Ponomarenko izvesten kak avtor mnozhestva slabyh i oshibochnyh rabot..."
Dmitri Wiebe Sepul'ka 5 dnei nazad ---------------------------------
Dmitri Wiebe sergey da 3 dnya nazad V stat'e Ponomarenko privoditsya ssylka na stat'yu
Disturbance Ecology from Nearby Supernovae, a oni, v
svoyu ochered', ssylayutsya na rabotu Skalo so tovarishi,
gde oni dayut kriticheskuyu dozu UF-oblucheniya dlya mutacii
mikroorganizmov 600 erg/sm2. Esli sravnit' eto s dozoi,
kotoruyu Zemlya riskuet poluchit' ot Betel'geize (v stat'e
Ponomarenko, vidimo, imenno ona nazyvaetsya potokom), to
rezul'tat poluchaetsya pugayushim za predelami atmosfery
poluchitsya primerno 20000 erg/sm2 (esli brat' energiyu,
izluchennuyu sverhnovoi v UF-diapazone, iz stat'i Skalo i
dr.; 10^47 erg). No chto budet esli sravnit'
etu velichinu s UF-izlucheniem Solnca? My ezhesekundno poluchaem
ot Solnca 1,4 milliona erg na kv. sm. (solnechnaya postoyannaya).
Na dolyu UF prihoditsya neskol'ko procentov (zavisit ot togo,
kak opredelit' UF-diapazon). Pust' budet 5% dlya opredelennosti.
Poluchaem 70000 erg/sm2 v sekundu, a ne 20000 vsego, kak ot Betel'geize.
O tom, naskol'ko vazhno takoe dobavochnoe obluchenie, pust' govoryat
biologi. Pro drugie izlucheniya skazat' ne mogu, poskol'ku ne sovsem
ponimayu, chto imeetsya v vidu v stat'e.
[Citirovat'][Otvetit'][Novoe soobshenie]
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- Chernaya dyra (I. D. Novikov, "Fizika Kosmosa", 1986, 26.03.2003 20:16, 22.4 KBait, otvetov: 659)
- Re: Chernaya dyra (oliya Korobeinikova, 11.12.2010 20:41, 362 Bait, otvetov: 3)
- Re[2]: Chernaya dyra (s. a. veprev, 16.12.2010 12:38, 738 Bait)
- Re[2]: Chernaya dyra (s. a. veprev, 16.12.2010 12:38, 738 Bait)
- Re[2]: Chernaya dyra (Vlad Loginov, 18.12.2010 21:58, 147 Bait)
- Re: Chernaya dyra (A. V. Rykov, 12.12.2010 15:34, 3.7 KBait, otvetov: 1)
- Re[2]: Chernaya dyra (V. V. Komogorov, 13.12.2010 20:38, 956 Bait)
- Re: Chernaya dyra (G. V. Fiveiskii, 23.12.2010 15:19, 270 Bait)
- Re: Chernaya dyra (G. A. Zubkov, 25.12.2010 1:36, 635 Bait)
- Re: Chernaya dyra (A.P. Vasi, 26.12.2010 15:31, 756 Bait, otvetov: 1)
- Re[2]: Chernaya dyra (A. V. Postnikov, 5.03.2016 14:41, 953 Bait)
- Re: Chernaya dyra (A.P. Vasi, 26.12.2010 15:43, 318 Bait)
- Re: Chernaya dyra (G. A. Zubkov, 26.12.2010 21:48, 1.5 KBait)
- Re: Chernaya dyra (A.P. Vasi, 27.12.2010 18:56, 1.5 KBait, otvetov: 1)
- Re[2]: Chernaya dyra (G. A. Zubkov, 28.12.2010 21:38, 2.1 KBait)
- Re: Chernaya dyra (A.P. Vasi, 30.12.2010 0:24, 1019 Bait, otvetov: 1)
- Re[2]: Chernaya dyra (G. A. Zubkov, 30.12.2010 9:34, 744 Bait)
- Re: Chernaya dyra (A.P. Vasi, 30.12.2010 17:53, 1.8 KBait)
- Re: Chernaya dyra (A.P. Vasi, 30.12.2010 18:13, 507 Bait)
- Re: Chernaya dyra (A.P. Vasi, 30.12.2010 18:29, 397 Bait)
- Re: Chernaya dyra (A.P. Vasi, 30.12.2010 22:23, 911 Bait, otvetov: 1)
- Re[2]: Chernaya dyra (G. A. Zubkov, 31.12.2010 18:32, 1.9 KBait)
- Re: Chernaya dyra (A.P. Vasi, 31.12.2010 18:00, 571 Bait)
- Re: Chernaya dyra (A.P. Vasi, 31.12.2010 19:31, 2.2 KBait)
- Re: Chernaya dyra (A.P. Vasi, 1.01.2011 16:22, 1.0 KBait)
- Re: Chernaya dyra (A.P. Vasi, 1.01.2011 17:59, 1.2 KBait)
- Re: Chernaya dyra (A.P. Vasi, 1.01.2011 20:23, 1.4 KBait, otvetov: 1)
- Re[2]: Chernaya dyra (G. A. Zubkov, 1.01.2011 21:21, 886 Bait)
- Re: Chernaya dyra (A.P. Vasi, 1.01.2011 22:18, 1.3 KBait)
- Re: Chernaya dyra (A.P. Vasi, 2.01.2011 13:26, 189 Bait, otvetov: 1)
- Re[2]: Chernaya dyra (G. A. Zubkov, 3.01.2011 0:08, 708 Bait)
- Re: Chernaya dyra (A.P. Vasi, 3.01.2011 10:48, 2.8 KBait)
- Re: Chernaya dyra (A.P. Vasi, 3.01.2011 11:52, 1.9 KBait, otvetov: 1)
- Re[2]: Chernaya dyra (G. A. Zubkov, 3.01.2011 16:36, 2.1 KBait)
- Re: Chernaya dyra (A.P. Vasi, 3.01.2011 17:25, 3.5 KBait, otvetov: 1)
- Re[2]: Chernaya dyra (G. A. Zubkov, 3.01.2011 23:16, 3.2 KBait)
- Re: Chernaya dyra (G. A. Zubkov, 4.01.2011 0:12, 253 Bait)
- Re: Chernaya dyra (G. A. Zubkov, 4.01.2011 0:15, 253 Bait)
- Re: Chernaya dyra (G. A. Zubkov, 4.01.2011 0:16, 253 Bait)
- Re: Chernaya dyra (A.P. Vasi, 4.01.2011 1:08, 1.3 KBait, otvetov: 1)
- Re[2]: Chernaya dyra (G. A. Zubkov, 4.01.2011 7:14, 1.7 KBait)
- Re: Chernaya dyra (A.P. Vasi, 4.01.2011 9:37, 1.4 KBait)
- Re: Chernaya dyra (A.P. Vasi, 4.01.2011 10:27, 2.9 KBait)
- Re: Chernaya dyra (A.P. Vasi, 5.01.2011 14:35, 1.9 KBait, otvetov: 1)
- Re[2]: Chernaya dyra (G. A. Zubkov, 5.01.2011 19:34, 627 Bait)
- Re: Chernaya dyra (A.P. Vasi, 5.01.2011 20:55, 2.3 KBait)
- Re: Chernaya dyra (A.P. Vasi, 8.01.2011 11:41, 1.8 KBait)
- Re: Chernaya dyra (A.P. Vasi, 16.01.2011 13:46, 1.5 KBait)
- Re: Chernaya dyra (A.P. Vasi, 16.01.2011 14:13, 656 Bait, otvetov: 2)
- Re[2]: Chernaya dyra (S. V. Semenov, 7.01.2013 10:26, 1.1 KBait, otvetov: 1)
- Re[3]: Chernaya dyra (Yu. S. Reshnikov, 7.01.2013 12:42, 583 Bait)
- Re: Chernaya dyra (A.P. Vasi, 16.01.2011 22:21, 1.7 KBait)
- Re: Chernaya dyra kak super kollaedr (L. L. luyko, 15.02.2011 14:47, 2.5 KBait)
- Re: Chernaya dyra (A.P. Vasi, 16.04.2011 12:00, 968 Bait)
- Re: Chernaya dyra (s. s. pogosyan, 17.04.2011 10:15, 232 Bait)
- Re: Chernaya dyra (L. L. Li, 24.05.2011 6:20, 2.5 KBait)
- Re: Chernaya dyra (s. s. pogosyan, 24.05.2011 10:32, 1.2 KBait)
- Re: Chernaya dyra (A.P. Vasi, 25.05.2011 9:38, 1.3 KBait, otvetov: 2)
- Re[2]: Chernaya dyra (M. Yu. Yakimov, 25.05.2011 10:56, 1.1 KBait, otvetov: 1)
- Re[3]: Chernaya dyra (M. Yu. Yakimov, 25.05.2011 11:05, 539 Bait)
- Re: Chernaya dyra (A.P. Vasi, 25.05.2011 22:22, 11.4 KBait, otvetov: 1)
- Re[2]: Chernaya dyra (M. Yu. Yakimov, 27.05.2011 8:00, 746 Bait)
- Re: Chernaya dyra (A.P. Vasi, 27.05.2011 9:27, 922 Bait)
- Re: Chernaya dyra (A.P. Vasi, 27.05.2011 10:11, 627 Bait)
- Re: Chernaya dyra (A.P. Vasi, 7.06.2011 20:14, 916 Bait)
- Re: Chernaya dyra (A.P. Vasi, 14.08.2011 11:47, 1.3 KBait, otvetov: 1)
- Re[2]: Chernaya dyra (A.P. Vasi, 14.08.2011 12:07, 3.1 KBait)
- Re: Chernaya dyra (A. P. Ivanov, 2.09.2011 13:29, 290 Bait, otvetov: 1)
- Re[2]: Chernaya dyra (V. V. Komogorov, 5.09.2011 16:13, 554 Bait)
- Re: Chernaya dyra (A.P. Vasi, 17.09.2011 0:37, 1.0 KBait)
- Re: Chernaya dyra (A.P. Vasi, 17.09.2011 1:00, 544 Bait)
- Re: Chernaya dyra (A.P. Vasi, 17.09.2011 18:42, 1.0 KBait, otvetov: 1)
- Re[2]: Chernaya dyra (A. S. Vishnevskii, 19.09.2011 3:13, 1.2 KBait)
- Re: Chernaya dyra (A.P. Vasi, 19.09.2011 12:14, 4.7 KBait)
- Re: Chernaya dyra (A.P. Vasi, 19.09.2011 12:38, 28.3 KBait)
- Re: Chernaya dyra (A.P. Vasi, 19.09.2011 15:51, 2.3 KBait)
- Re: Chernaya dyra (A.P. Vasi, 20.09.2011 10:05, 1.8 KBait)
- Re: Chernaya dyra (A.P. Vasi, 20.09.2011 10:19, 952 Bait, otvetov: 1)
- Re[2]: Chernaya dyra (A.P. Vasi, 30.10.2011 14:01, 2.2 KBait)
- Re: Chernaya dyra (A.P. Vasi, 25.11.2011 23:58, 1.6 KBait)
- Re: Chernaya dyra (A.P. Vasi, 26.11.2011 1:17, 1.1 KBait)
- Re: Chernaya dyra (A.P. Vasi, 30.11.2011 13:17, 3.4 KBait)
- Re: Chernaya dyra (A.P. Vasi, 30.11.2011 14:40, 3.8 KBait)
- Re: Chernaya dyra (A.P. Vasi, 30.11.2011 15:20, 687 Bait)
- Re: Chernaya dyra (A.P. Vasi, 30.11.2011 15:46, 1.7 KBait)
- Re: Chernaya dyra (A.P. Vasi, 30.11.2011 17:48, 1.7 KBait)
- Re: Chernaya dyra (A.P. Vasi, 30.11.2011 20:08, 1.4 KBait)
- Re: Chernaya dyra (A.P. Vasi, 1.12.2011 0:42, 1.3 KBait)
- Re: Chernaya dyra (A.P. Vasi, 2.12.2011 10:29, 744 Bait)
- Re: Chernaya dyra (A.P. Vasi, 2.12.2011 10:42, 346 Bait)
- Re: Chernaya dyra (A.P. Vasi, 2.12.2011 20:45, 288 Bait)
- Re: Chernaya dyra (A.P. Vasi, 3.12.2011 16:57, 4.1 KBait)
- Re: Chernaya dyra (A.P. Vasi, 3.12.2011 17:02, 72 Bait)
- Re: Chernaya dyra (A.P. Vasi, 14.12.2011 10:57, 1.4 KBait)
- Re: Chernaya dyra (A.P. Vasi, 18.12.2011 20:12, 959 Bait)
- Re: Chernaya dyra (A.P. Vasi, 25.12.2011 17:17, 2.6 KBait)
- Re: Chernaya dyra (A.P. Vasi, 17.01.2012 1:13, 2.0 KBait)
- Re: Chernaya dyra (A.P. Vasi, 17.01.2012 1:43, 1.8 KBait)
- Re: Chernaya dyra (O. E. Korobeinikova, 24.01.2012 22:04, 1.1 KBait)
- Re: Chernaya dyra (O. E. Korobeinikova, 4.02.2012 16:21, 31 Bait)
- Re: Chernaya dyra (A.P. Vasi, 4.02.2012 18:59, 816 Bait)
- Re: Chernaya dyra (O. E. Korobeinikova, 5.02.2012 22:49, 111 Bait)
- Re: Chernaya dyra (A.P. Vasi, 6.02.2012 0:34, 802 Bait)
- Re: Chernaya dyra (A.P. Vasi, 6.02.2012 22:27, 885 Bait)
- Re: Chernaya dyra