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Re: Svet i prostranstvo i o skorosti sveta.
7.10.2013 1:54 | A.P. Vasi

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Galactic Wreckage in Stephan's Quintet

Extra Large (1.42 MB)

Details of the Hubble Abell 370 Image
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Star Clusters Born Among the Interacting Galaxies of Stephan's Quintet

Extra Large (1.13 MB)

Lenticular Galaxy in the Coma Cluster with Numerous Background  Galaxies, a Detail of a Larger Hubble Image


Extra Large (1.15 MB)

Spiral Galaxy in the Coma Cluster, Part of a Larger Hubble Image

JPEG (495.9 kB)

Seyfert's Sextet: Four Colliding Galaxies, and Two Bystanders

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