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Re: Svet i prostranstvo i o skorosti sveta.
18.10.2013 21:16 | A.P. Vasi

sortirovannye s tem chto est' tol'ko u nih
- a eto i tak vidno.

Galaxy NGC 2787

A mysterious old spiral

NGC 2397 with an explosive secret

backlit dust lanes in NGC 7049

An Abrasive Collision Gives One Galaxy a

Hubble Snaps Images of a Pinwheel-Shaped Galaxy

IC 5298

NGC 3256

One ring to rule them all

party almost over in NGC 2976

Core of Messier  
100 in super high res

Hubble scores a perfect ten

NGC 3256

Galaxy NGC 4314 (Hubble View)

Composite ultraviolet-visible-infrared  
image of NGC 1512

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