Re: Chernaya dyra
21.05.2014 9:23 | A.P. Vasi
Otvet #1094 : Segodnya v 00:03:02
Chestno mogu skazat' lichno mne zhal' avtora takoe chuvstvo
chto samuyu malost' opyta i intellekta ne hvataet dlya resheniya
dannogo voprosa.
Na samom dele s moei tochki zreniya eti metody v svoei suti doroga
v nikuda.
Delo v tom chto reshaetsya zadacha sovsem po drugomu.
V pervuyu ochered' logichno vzyat' banku s vodoi i polozhit'
tuda ne melkii metallicheskii sharik, i tak pokrutit' bankoi
chtoby shar katilsya.
Togda srazu stanovitsya ponyatno chto pri krugovom dvizhenii, shar
kak v podshipnike, chast' vody vnutri budet zakruchivat' v odnu storonu,
a u stenok budet zakruchivat' kak v druguyu.
Chto zdes' igraet rol' - pravil'no i konyu ponyatno - diametr.
Vot uzhe est' odna sostavlyayushaya - diametr, vtoraya ponyatno, - vyazkost',
tret'ya ponyatno - plotnost'.
Ishodya iz togo chto efir uvlekaetsya po raznomu, dazhe pri odinakovom
razmere planet - to logichno ego opredelyat' po teplovomu sal'do planet,
i mozhno v itoge pereschitat' v Vt/m2.
Itogo est' chetvertaya velichina - teplovoe sal'do planety.
Estestvenno pyataya - teplovoe sal'do zvezdy.
Estestvenno vtoruyu velichinu vyazkost' - logichno podbirat' dlya plotnosti.
Sama plotnost' sredy opredelyaetsya po temperature kosmosa u etoi zvezdy,
bol'she temperatura - men'she plotnost' sredy.
I kak govorit'sya - vyvod - do kole ne budet v nekotoroi
formule, a tochnee raschetnoi programme, ispol'zovat'sya
vse perechislennye mnoi pyat' velichin - to v opredelenii
planetarnyh rasstoyanii logichno nablyudat' ustoichivyi
teoreticheskii sekas.
Chestno mogu skazat' lichno mne zhal' avtora takoe chuvstvo
chto samuyu malost' opyta i intellekta ne hvataet dlya resheniya
dannogo voprosa.
Na samom dele s moei tochki zreniya eti metody v svoei suti doroga
v nikuda.
Delo v tom chto reshaetsya zadacha sovsem po drugomu.
V pervuyu ochered' logichno vzyat' banku s vodoi i polozhit'
tuda ne melkii metallicheskii sharik, i tak pokrutit' bankoi
chtoby shar katilsya.
Togda srazu stanovitsya ponyatno chto pri krugovom dvizhenii, shar
kak v podshipnike, chast' vody vnutri budet zakruchivat' v odnu storonu,
a u stenok budet zakruchivat' kak v druguyu.
Chto zdes' igraet rol' - pravil'no i konyu ponyatno - diametr.
Vot uzhe est' odna sostavlyayushaya - diametr, vtoraya ponyatno, - vyazkost',
tret'ya ponyatno - plotnost'.
Ishodya iz togo chto efir uvlekaetsya po raznomu, dazhe pri odinakovom
razmere planet - to logichno ego opredelyat' po teplovomu sal'do planet,
i mozhno v itoge pereschitat' v Vt/m2.
Itogo est' chetvertaya velichina - teplovoe sal'do planety.
Estestvenno pyataya - teplovoe sal'do zvezdy.
Estestvenno vtoruyu velichinu vyazkost' - logichno podbirat' dlya plotnosti.
Sama plotnost' sredy opredelyaetsya po temperature kosmosa u etoi zvezdy,
bol'she temperatura - men'she plotnost' sredy.
I kak govorit'sya - vyvod - do kole ne budet v nekotoroi
formule, a tochnee raschetnoi programme, ispol'zovat'sya
vse perechislennye mnoi pyat' velichin - to v opredelenii
planetarnyh rasstoyanii logichno nablyudat' ustoichivyi
teoreticheskii sekas.
[Citirovat'][Otvetit'][Novoe soobshenie]
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- Chernaya dyra (I. D. Novikov, "Fizika Kosmosa", 1986, 26.03.2003 20:16, 22.4 KBait, otvetov: 659)
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- Re: Chernaya dyra (G. A. Zubkov, 26.12.2010 21:48, 1.5 KBait)
- Re: Chernaya dyra (A.P. Vasi, 27.12.2010 18:56, 1.5 KBait, otvetov: 1)
- Re[2]: Chernaya dyra (G. A. Zubkov, 28.12.2010 21:38, 2.1 KBait)
- Re: Chernaya dyra (A.P. Vasi, 30.12.2010 0:24, 1019 Bait, otvetov: 1)
- Re[2]: Chernaya dyra (G. A. Zubkov, 30.12.2010 9:34, 744 Bait)
- Re: Chernaya dyra (A.P. Vasi, 30.12.2010 17:53, 1.8 KBait)
- Re: Chernaya dyra (A.P. Vasi, 30.12.2010 18:13, 507 Bait)
- Re: Chernaya dyra (A.P. Vasi, 30.12.2010 18:29, 397 Bait)
- Re: Chernaya dyra (A.P. Vasi, 30.12.2010 22:23, 911 Bait, otvetov: 1)
- Re[2]: Chernaya dyra (G. A. Zubkov, 31.12.2010 18:32, 1.9 KBait)
- Re: Chernaya dyra (A.P. Vasi, 31.12.2010 18:00, 571 Bait)
- Re: Chernaya dyra (A.P. Vasi, 31.12.2010 19:31, 2.2 KBait)
- Re: Chernaya dyra (A.P. Vasi, 1.01.2011 16:22, 1.0 KBait)
- Re: Chernaya dyra (A.P. Vasi, 1.01.2011 17:59, 1.2 KBait)
- Re: Chernaya dyra (A.P. Vasi, 1.01.2011 20:23, 1.4 KBait, otvetov: 1)
- Re[2]: Chernaya dyra (G. A. Zubkov, 1.01.2011 21:21, 886 Bait)
- Re: Chernaya dyra (A.P. Vasi, 1.01.2011 22:18, 1.3 KBait)
- Re: Chernaya dyra (A.P. Vasi, 2.01.2011 13:26, 189 Bait, otvetov: 1)
- Re[2]: Chernaya dyra (G. A. Zubkov, 3.01.2011 0:08, 708 Bait)
- Re: Chernaya dyra (A.P. Vasi, 3.01.2011 10:48, 2.8 KBait)
- Re: Chernaya dyra (A.P. Vasi, 3.01.2011 11:52, 1.9 KBait, otvetov: 1)
- Re[2]: Chernaya dyra (G. A. Zubkov, 3.01.2011 16:36, 2.1 KBait)
- Re: Chernaya dyra (A.P. Vasi, 3.01.2011 17:25, 3.5 KBait, otvetov: 1)
- Re[2]: Chernaya dyra (G. A. Zubkov, 3.01.2011 23:16, 3.2 KBait)
- Re: Chernaya dyra (G. A. Zubkov, 4.01.2011 0:12, 253 Bait)
- Re: Chernaya dyra (G. A. Zubkov, 4.01.2011 0:15, 253 Bait)
- Re: Chernaya dyra (G. A. Zubkov, 4.01.2011 0:16, 253 Bait)
- Re: Chernaya dyra (A.P. Vasi, 4.01.2011 1:08, 1.3 KBait, otvetov: 1)
- Re[2]: Chernaya dyra (G. A. Zubkov, 4.01.2011 7:14, 1.7 KBait)
- Re: Chernaya dyra (A.P. Vasi, 4.01.2011 9:37, 1.4 KBait)
- Re: Chernaya dyra (A.P. Vasi, 4.01.2011 10:27, 2.9 KBait)
- Re: Chernaya dyra (A.P. Vasi, 5.01.2011 14:35, 1.9 KBait, otvetov: 1)
- Re[2]: Chernaya dyra (G. A. Zubkov, 5.01.2011 19:34, 627 Bait)
- Re: Chernaya dyra (A.P. Vasi, 5.01.2011 20:55, 2.3 KBait)
- Re: Chernaya dyra (A.P. Vasi, 8.01.2011 11:41, 1.8 KBait)
- Re: Chernaya dyra (A.P. Vasi, 16.01.2011 13:46, 1.5 KBait)
- Re: Chernaya dyra (A.P. Vasi, 16.01.2011 14:13, 656 Bait, otvetov: 2)
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- Re[3]: Chernaya dyra (Yu. S. Reshnikov, 7.01.2013 12:42, 583 Bait)
- Re: Chernaya dyra (A.P. Vasi, 16.01.2011 22:21, 1.7 KBait)
- Re: Chernaya dyra kak super kollaedr (L. L. luyko, 15.02.2011 14:47, 2.5 KBait)
- Re: Chernaya dyra (A.P. Vasi, 16.04.2011 12:00, 968 Bait)
- Re: Chernaya dyra (s. s. pogosyan, 17.04.2011 10:15, 232 Bait)
- Re: Chernaya dyra (L. L. Li, 24.05.2011 6:20, 2.5 KBait)
- Re: Chernaya dyra (s. s. pogosyan, 24.05.2011 10:32, 1.2 KBait)
- Re: Chernaya dyra (A.P. Vasi, 25.05.2011 9:38, 1.3 KBait, otvetov: 2)
- Re[2]: Chernaya dyra (M. Yu. Yakimov, 25.05.2011 10:56, 1.1 KBait, otvetov: 1)
- Re[3]: Chernaya dyra (M. Yu. Yakimov, 25.05.2011 11:05, 539 Bait)
- Re: Chernaya dyra (A.P. Vasi, 25.05.2011 22:22, 11.4 KBait, otvetov: 1)
- Re[2]: Chernaya dyra (M. Yu. Yakimov, 27.05.2011 8:00, 746 Bait)
- Re: Chernaya dyra (A.P. Vasi, 27.05.2011 9:27, 922 Bait)
- Re: Chernaya dyra (A.P. Vasi, 27.05.2011 10:11, 627 Bait)
- Re: Chernaya dyra (A.P. Vasi, 7.06.2011 20:14, 916 Bait)
- Re: Chernaya dyra (A.P. Vasi, 14.08.2011 11:47, 1.3 KBait, otvetov: 1)
- Re[2]: Chernaya dyra (A.P. Vasi, 14.08.2011 12:07, 3.1 KBait)
- Re: Chernaya dyra (A. P. Ivanov, 2.09.2011 13:29, 290 Bait, otvetov: 1)
- Re[2]: Chernaya dyra (V. V. Komogorov, 5.09.2011 16:13, 554 Bait)
- Re: Chernaya dyra (A.P. Vasi, 17.09.2011 0:37, 1.0 KBait)
- Re: Chernaya dyra (A.P. Vasi, 17.09.2011 1:00, 544 Bait)
- Re: Chernaya dyra (A.P. Vasi, 17.09.2011 18:42, 1.0 KBait, otvetov: 1)
- Re[2]: Chernaya dyra (A. S. Vishnevskii, 19.09.2011 3:13, 1.2 KBait)
- Re: Chernaya dyra (A.P. Vasi, 19.09.2011 12:14, 4.7 KBait)
- Re: Chernaya dyra (A.P. Vasi, 19.09.2011 12:38, 28.3 KBait)
- Re: Chernaya dyra (A.P. Vasi, 19.09.2011 15:51, 2.3 KBait)
- Re: Chernaya dyra (A.P. Vasi, 20.09.2011 10:05, 1.8 KBait)
- Re: Chernaya dyra (A.P. Vasi, 20.09.2011 10:19, 952 Bait, otvetov: 1)
- Re[2]: Chernaya dyra (A.P. Vasi, 30.10.2011 14:01, 2.2 KBait)
- Re: Chernaya dyra (A.P. Vasi, 25.11.2011 23:58, 1.6 KBait)
- Re: Chernaya dyra (A.P. Vasi, 26.11.2011 1:17, 1.1 KBait)
- Re: Chernaya dyra (A.P. Vasi, 30.11.2011 13:17, 3.4 KBait)
- Re: Chernaya dyra (A.P. Vasi, 30.11.2011 14:40, 3.8 KBait)
- Re: Chernaya dyra (A.P. Vasi, 30.11.2011 15:20, 687 Bait)
- Re: Chernaya dyra (A.P. Vasi, 30.11.2011 15:46, 1.7 KBait)
- Re: Chernaya dyra (A.P. Vasi, 30.11.2011 17:48, 1.7 KBait)
- Re: Chernaya dyra (A.P. Vasi, 30.11.2011 20:08, 1.4 KBait)
- Re: Chernaya dyra (A.P. Vasi, 1.12.2011 0:42, 1.3 KBait)
- Re: Chernaya dyra (A.P. Vasi, 2.12.2011 10:29, 744 Bait)
- Re: Chernaya dyra (A.P. Vasi, 2.12.2011 10:42, 346 Bait)
- Re: Chernaya dyra (A.P. Vasi, 2.12.2011 20:45, 288 Bait)
- Re: Chernaya dyra (A.P. Vasi, 3.12.2011 16:57, 4.1 KBait)
- Re: Chernaya dyra (A.P. Vasi, 3.12.2011 17:02, 72 Bait)
- Re: Chernaya dyra (A.P. Vasi, 14.12.2011 10:57, 1.4 KBait)
- Re: Chernaya dyra (A.P. Vasi, 18.12.2011 20:12, 959 Bait)
- Re: Chernaya dyra (A.P. Vasi, 25.12.2011 17:17, 2.6 KBait)
- Re: Chernaya dyra (A.P. Vasi, 17.01.2012 1:13, 2.0 KBait)
- Re: Chernaya dyra (A.P. Vasi, 17.01.2012 1:43, 1.8 KBait)
- Re: Chernaya dyra (O. E. Korobeinikova, 24.01.2012 22:04, 1.1 KBait)
- Re: Chernaya dyra (O. E. Korobeinikova, 4.02.2012 16:21, 31 Bait)
- Re: Chernaya dyra (A.P. Vasi, 4.02.2012 18:59, 816 Bait)
- Re: Chernaya dyra (O. E. Korobeinikova, 5.02.2012 22:49, 111 Bait)
- Re: Chernaya dyra (A.P. Vasi, 6.02.2012 0:34, 802 Bait)
- Re: Chernaya dyra (A.P. Vasi, 6.02.2012 22:27, 885 Bait)
- Re: Chernaya dyra (A.P. Vasi, 6.02.2012 22:30, 2.2 KBait)
- Re: Chernaya dyra (A.P. Vasi, 7.02.2012 2:47, 1.6 KBait)
- Re: Chernaya dyra (A.P. Vasi, 7.02.2012 17:42, 2.2 KBait)
- Re: Chernaya dyra (A.P. Vasi, 12.02.2012 15:35, 2.7 KBait)
- Re: Chernaya dyra (A.P. Vasi, 12.02.2012 16:24, 2.3 KBait)
- Re: Chernaya dyra (A.P. Vasi, 12.02.2012 16:31, 469 Bait)
- Re: Chernaya dyra (A.P. Vasi, 12.02.2012 19:24, 2.9 KBait)
- Re: Chernaya dyra (A.P. Vasi, 13.02.2012 2:12, 1.6 KBait)
- Re: Chernaya dyra (A.P. Vasi, 13.02.2012 2:29, 409 Bait)
- Re: Chernaya dyra (A.P. Vasi, 13.02.2012 16:46, 2.3 KBait)
- Re: Chernaya dyra (O. E. Korobeinikova, 14.02.2012 19:58, 53 Bait)
- Re: Chernaya dyra (A.P. Vasi, 15.02.2012 22:56, 460 Bait)
- Re: Chernaya dyra (A.P. Vasi, 15.02.2012 23:09, 804 Bait)
- Re: Chernaya dyra (A.P. Vasi, 15.02.2012 23:18, 2.9 KBait)
- Re: Chernaya dyra (A.P. Vasi, 18.02.2012 2:11, 1.6 KBait)
- Re: Chernaya dyra (A.P. Vasi, 18.02.2012 2:15, 183 Bait)
- Re: Chernaya dyra (A.P. Vasi, 18.02.2012 12:58, 1.4 KBait)
- Re: Chernaya dyra (A.P. Vasi, 19.02.2012 15:10, 1.3 KBait)
- Re: Chernaya dyra (A.P. Vasi, 19.02.2012 19:08, 817 Bait)
- Re: Chernaya dyra (A.P. Vasi, 24.02.2012 4:41, 932 Bait)
- Re: Chernaya dyra (A.P. Vasi, 24.02.2012 23:40, 1.1 KBait)
- Re: Chernaya dyra (A.P. Vasi, 26.02.2012 2:52, 1.4 KBait)
- Re: Chernaya dyra (A.P. Vasi, 26.02.2012 11:27, 14.1 KBait)
- Re: Chernaya dyra (A.P. Vasi, 26.02.2012 11:45, 972 Bait)
- Re: Chernaya dyra (A.P. Vasi, 26.02.2012 12:03, 1.2 KBait)
- Re: Chernaya dyra (A.P. Vasi, 26.02.2012 12:20, 182 Bait)
- Re: Chernaya dyra (A.P. Vasi, 26.02.2012 12:59, 1.5 KBait)
- Re: Chernaya dyra (A.P. Vasi, 26.02.2012 13:12, 1.0 KBait)
- Re: Chernaya dyra (A.P. Vasi, 26.02.2012 13:19, 2.5 KBait)
- Re: Chernaya dyra (A.P. Vasi, 26.02.2012 13:21, 1.7 KBait)
- Re: Chernaya dyra (A.P. Vasi, 26.02.2012 13:24, 997 Bait)
- Re: Chernaya dyra (A.P. Vasi, 26.02.2012 13:53, 1.3 KBait)
- Re: Chernaya dyra (A.P. Vasi, 28.02.2012 11:26, 598 Bait)
- Re: Chernaya dyra (Masha Kovaleva, 28.02.2012 12:05, 25 Bait)
- Re: Chernaya dyra (A.P. Vasi, 28.02.2012 20:55, 10.4 KBait)
- Re: Chernaya dyra (A.P. Vasi, 29.02.2012 12:18, 6.2 KBait)
- Re: Chernaya dyra (A.P. Vasi,