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Astronomicheskaya kartinka dnya
NGC 1316: posle stolknoveniya galaktik
9.09.2015 |
Astronomam prihoditsya stanovit'sya detektivami, kogda im nuzhno ponyat', chto proishodit v takih udivitel'nyh mestah,
kak NGC 1316.
Rassledovanie pokazalo, chto NGC 1316 —
eto ogromnaya ellipticheskaya galaktika, kotoraya okolo 100 millionov let nazad nachala
pogloshat' sosednyuyu men'shuyu
spiral'nuyu galaktiku, NGC 1317,
kotoraya vidna vverhu na etoi kartinke.
>> Prochitat' stat'yu
Naverh |
Willanmkawaz Willanmkawaz
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Willanmkawaz Willanmkawaz
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12.08.2021 12:51 |
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Willanmkawaz Willanmkawaz
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12.08.2021 12:51 |
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