Re[4]: NGC 1316: posle stolknoveniya galaktik
13.08.2021 11:43 | Mona Sharma
Your post is amazingly wonderful and strong for every customer You just saved my stress with this article
I truly beloved it, I want to steer about this, for the explanation that it's useful.
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- NGC 1316: posle stolknoveniya galaktik
(Astronomicheskaya kartinka dnya,
9.09.2015, 2.3 KBait, otvetov: 14)
Astronomam prihoditsya stanovit'sya detektivami, kogda im nuzhno ponyat', chto proishodit v takih udivitel'nyh mestah,
kak NGC 1316.
Rassledovanie pokazalo, chto NGC 1316 —
eto ogromnaya ellipticheskaya galaktika, kotoraya okolo 100 millionov let nazad nachala
pogloshat' sosednyuyu men'shuyu
spiral'nuyu galaktiku, NGC 1317,
kotoraya vidna vverhu na etoi kartinke.
Dopolnitel'nymi ulikami sluzhat temnye pylevye polosy, harakternye dlya
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struktury iz gaza i zvezd, kotorye mozhno uvidet' na etom
glubokom shirokougol'nom izobrazhenii.
Neob'yasnennym ostaetsya prisutstvie neobychno malen'kih sharovyh zvezdnyh skoplenii,
kotorye vidny na izobrazhenii kak slabye svetyashiesya tochki.
V bol'shinstve ellipticheskih galaktik
sharovyh skoplenii bol'she, i oni yarche, chem v
NGC 1316.
Odnako nablyudaemye sharovye skopleniya slishkom starye, chtoby obrazovat'sya pri poslednem
stolknovenii so spiral'noi galaktikoi.
Soglasno odnoi gipoteze, eti sharovye skopleniya
vhodili v galaktiku, kotoraya eshe ran'she byla pogloshena
NGC 1316.
Eshe odna udivitel'naya osobennost' galaktiki NGC 1316,
nazvannaya Pech' A — eto gigantskie gazovye lepestki,
kotorye ochen' yarko svetyatsya v
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- Re: NGC 1316: posle stolknoveniya galaktik
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- Re[2]: NGC 1316: posle stolknoveniya galaktik
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- Re: NGC 1316: posle stolknoveniya galaktik
(Vladislav Chernecov,
24.03.2023 3:47, 264 Bait)
Interesnaya stat'ya oNGC 1316, blagodaryu.Zhal' kommentatory angliiskie ne po teme chto to pishut.S uvazheniem,
- Re: NGC 1316: posle stolknoveniya galaktik
(Vladislav Chernecov,
24.03.2023 3:47, 264 Bait)
Interesnaya stat'ya oNGC 1316, blagodaryu.Zhal' kommentatory angliiskie ne po teme chto to pishut.S uvazheniem,