Re: Astronomicheskaya nedelya s 20 po 26 iyulya 2020 goda
23.03.2022 16:42 | 147258 linamal
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[Citirovat'][Otvetit'][Novoe soobshenie]
Forumy >> Obsuzhdenie publikacii Astroneta |
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- Astronomicheskaya nedelya s 20 po 26 iyulya 2020 goda
(Aleksandr Kozlovskii,
17.07.2020 10:31, 24.4 KBait, otvetov: 3)
Na dannoi nedele 20 iyulya Saturn dostignet protivostoyaniya s Solncem.... - Re: Astronomicheskaya nedelya s 20 po 26 iyulya 2020 goda
(Oleg Petrov,
22.11.2020 2:41, 666 Bait)
Spasibo, vsegda orientiruyus' po vashim dannym i prognozam.... - Re: Astronomicheskaya nedelya s 20 po 26 iyulya 2020 goda
(ayvvyayva ayvayva,
7.12.2020 14:33, 68 Bait)
DANDRUFF IS AFRAID... - >> Re: Astronomicheskaya nedelya s 20 po 26 iyulya 2020 goda
(147258 linamal,
23.03.2022 16:42, 270 Bait)
Thank you for these good times on your blog....