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  Lunnoe Foto Dnya 

Po materialam www.lpod.org

za 2004 god.

Ortho Atlas Ortho Atlas
25.04.2004 | Lunnoe foto dnya

Gerard Kuiper generated more lunar atlases than any other person I know. In 1959, he began the onslaught with the publication of the Photographic Atlas of the Moon, a heavy red box containing large halftone enlargements of lunar photos.

The Star of Astronomy Night The Star of Astronomy Night
24.04.2004 | Lunnoe foto dnya

Today is Astronomy Day, and the star of the night sky is five days old, awaiting your visit with friends to be introduced to its charms. The Moon is often the first heavenly body people look at when they become attracted to the sky - and why not? The Moon is big and easy to find.

Magnetic Moon Magnetic Moon
23.04.2004 | Lunnoe foto dnya

The Moon lacks a dynamic magnetic field, but does possess remanent magnetization locked in when lunar rocks cooled and solidified billions of years ago. In 1998 the Lunar Prospector (LP) spacecraft collected 400,000 measurements of lunar magnetization - enough to make the first global map of surface magnetic field strength.

Earth Day Earth Day
22.04.2004 | Lunnoe foto dnya

Earth Day is one of the great ideas of the new thinking that sprang from the 1960s. Starting April 22, 1970 Earth Day has been celebrated as a time to honor the Earth and our responsibility toward it.

A Boisterous Astronaut A Boisterous Astronaut
21.04.2004 | Lunnoe foto dnya

Thirty-two years ago today the Apollo 16 lunar module Orion dropped down on to the Descartes highlands. Commander John Young was an astronaut's astronaut. He understood systems engineering, he was a great pilot and he loved space with a passion.

On the Moon On the Moon
20.04.2004 | Lunnoe foto dnya

This panoramic image shows the Surveyor 3 landing site, later visited by the Apollo 12 astronauts. The bland appearance is largely the result of a high sun angle, but dust on the camera mirror also reduced image quality.

Elger's Journal - or Goodacre's? Elger's Journal - or Goodacre's?
19.04.2004 | Lunnoe foto dnya

Thomas Gwyn Elger [LPOD Mar. 28] was the first director of the Lunar Section of the British Astronomical Association. He published a monthly lunar column in The Observer and published occasional reports of the Section. He kept a journal called The Moon - Observations, Notes and Sketches, November 1897-8- to... in a bound blank page book.

Langrenus Langrenus
18.04.2004 | Lunnoe foto dnya

Langrenus (132 km wide and a max depth of 4.9 km) is just another Copernicus-style impact crater, or so it looks. Wreathed in wall terraces, and possessing a central peak complex and partly flat floor, Langrenus is Copernicus-East. Originally thought to be Copernican [LPOD Feb. 23] in age (i.e. 1.1 b.y.

Cassini North Cassini North
17.04.2004 | Lunnoe foto dnya

Cassini is an unusual looking crater. I think its because it is surrounded by Imbrium lavas so there is an abrupt boundary with its near rim deposits, and because it is filled with lava nearly to its rim. Cassini is a more extreme version of Archimedes.

Eastern Rays Eastern Rays
16.04.2004 | Lunnoe foto dnya

I love views from unfamiliar perspectives because they force me to look freshly at the areas shown. This image taken by Apollo 16 astronauts doesn't disappoint. As the astronauts flew over the eastern limb they took this photo looking across Mare Fecunditatis to Mare Nectaris and the bright lunar highlands beyond.

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