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za mart 2004 goda.

Great Graben! Great Graben!
31.03.2004 | Lunnoe foto dnya

A graben is a linear block of land that has subsided between two parallel faults. On the Moon, such graben are usually called rilles - not the sinuous kind (which are lava channels), but the straight or arcuate ones.

Silicic Domes? Silicic Domes?
30.03.2004 | Lunnoe foto dnya

Lunar volcanism was pervasive, producing mare lava flows and associated features such as sinuous rilles, pyroclastic deposits and domes. The magmas that made these features were basalts - melted mantle rocks rich in silica, oxygen, iron and magnesium. The latter two elements give basalts the dark color we see in the maria.

Hoover Dam (and Surroundings) Hoover Dam (and Surroundings)
29.03.2004 | Lunnoe foto dnya

The 97 km wide crater Arzachel is often overlooked, being near the superstars of Alphonsus and Ptolemaeus. But Steve Keene became fascinated with Arzachel early in March and, despite average seeing, acquired this fine image.

A Quadrant of Elger A Quadrant of Elger
28.03.2004 | Lunnoe foto dnya

Maps are absolutely necessary for studying the Moon. To observe a specific feature you have to be able to find it. The great books Epic Moon (Sheehan and Dobbins) and Naming and Mapping...

27.03.2004 | Lunnoe foto dnya

Lunar Topographic Orthophotomosaic. That mouthful explains the widespread use of the abbreviation LTO for the best topo images ever made for the Moon. Derived from stereo images taken from Apollo orbiting command modules, more than 250 LTOs were produced covering much of the landscape under the flight paths of Apollo 15, 16 and 17.

Six Little Volcanoes Six Little Volcanoes
26.03.2004 | Lunnoe foto dnya

Volcanism on the Moon is completely dominated by mare basalts, mostly in the form of vast sheets of lava flows that create the maria. Sitting on top of mare lavas in some places are 5-20 km wide blisters or domes, some with summit pits.

Russian Gores Russian Gores
25.03.2004 | Lunnoe foto dnya

The American side of the 1960s Race to the Moon is well documented at numerous web sites. Unfortunately, on the web the story of the Soviet lunar effort is less complete. Recently however, more...

24.03.2004 | Lunnoe foto dnya

Thirty-nine years ago today the Ranger 9 spacecraft crashed into the north-east floor of Alphonsus crater, having successfully taken 5,814 pictures during the previous 19 minutes. Rangers 7 and 8 had provided high resolution views of possible landing sites on mare surfaces, freeing Ranger 9 to explore a geologically more interesting site.

Magnificent Moon! Magnificent Moon!
23.03.2004 | Lunnoe foto dnya

Its impossible to take a single image of the Moon that shows topography across the entire Earth-facing side. Pablo Lonnie Pacheco of Monterrey, Mexico has responded to this impossibility with the most spectacular piece of image processing I have ever seen.

Double Planet Double Planet
22.03.2004 | Lunnoe foto dnya

The origin of the Moon was long a mystery. Most scientists now accept the giant impact model but one of the earlier ideas was that the Earth and Moon formed at the same time from the same region of the solar nebula.

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