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za mart 2004 goda.

Fold a Moon Fold a Moon
21.03.2004 | Lunnoe foto dnya

Is it a globe if it has 20 sides? Not really, but its close enough to be a useful 3-D rendition of the Moon. Go to Calvin Hamilton's web site to download a larger version of this image, and then with, scissors, glue or two-side tape, fold yourself a Moon.

An Unusual View of a Lunar Limb An Unusual View of a Lunar Limb
20.03.2004 | Lunnoe foto dnya

As the Galileo spacecraft swung by the Earth-Moon system to get a gravitational boost for its long trip to Jupiter, it imaged the Moon. Most attention was focused on the Full Moon view of Mare Orientale, visible at top right.

Selenology Selenology
19.03.2004 | Lunnoe foto dnya

The Moon attracts more observers than any other celestial body. I just made that up, but it may be true. Certainly, the Moon has attracted organized efforts to coordinate observations since the 1860s, and the British Astronomical Association's Lunar Section was formed in 1891.

Bull's Eye! Bull's Eye!
18.03.2004 | Lunnoe foto dnya

Our understanding of the Moon would have advanced much faster if the Orientale basin were not just over the western limb. If Orientale were more centered of the face of the Moon we see from Earth everyone from Galileo onward would have understood large circular impact basins.

Awesome Pitatus Awesome Pitatus
17.03.2004 | Lunnoe foto dnya

Pitatus is one of the under-appreciated gems of the Moon. With a diameter of 97 km it is about the same width as Plato (101 km), but has a much more interesting interior. Presumably Pitatus was a Copernicus style crater when formed, with magnificent concentric wall terraces and a large central peak.

Lunar Ephemeris Lunar Ephemeris
16.03.2004 | Lunnoe foto dnya

I am one of the special 5% (or is it 4%?) of Americans who use the Macintosh computer. My life is happy and I am awed with the ease of computing....for most things. But almost all astronomy software is written for Intel/Windows machines, especially lunar software.

Peaks of Plato Peaks of Plato
15.03.2004 | Lunnoe foto dnya

The Moon always repays observation. For sociological reasons (sleep and jobs), Plato is commonly studied before midnight, and so the sunrise view with shadows cast by peaks on the eastern ramparts is most familiar.

Happy Birthday, Einstein! Happy Birthday, Einstein!
14.03.2004 | Lunnoe foto dnya

If you think the Theory of Relativity is hard, try finding Einstein's crater! Although its diameter of 170 km makes it one of the largest craters on the lunar near side, Einstein's location at 88.5 W longitude means that its rarely visible.

First Light on a Nearly Full Moon First Light on a Nearly Full Moon
13.03.2004 | Lunnoe foto dnya

A new telescope brings great joy, anticipation and too often, clouds. Here is a first light image by Mark Stronge of Northern Ireland of the nearly full Moon of March 5th. Mark followed...

Forming the Moon Forming the Moon
12.03.2004 | Lunnoe foto dnya

Bill Hartmann isn't really that old, but from his paintings of the formation of the Moon you might think he witnessed the event 4.5 billion years ago. As a leading planetary scientist and a skilled artist, Hartmann uses painting to visualize scientific understanding and hypotheses.

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