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za mai 2004 goda.

Volcanic Craters on the Moon Volcanic Craters on the Moon
21.05.2004 | Lunnoe foto dnya

At one time or another nearly all lunar craters from Copernicus to Messier have been consider volcanic - but virtually all craters can now be convincingly re-interpreted as products of impact cratering. So, are there any volcanic craters on the Moon?

A Tunnel Thru the Moon? A Tunnel Thru the Moon?
20.05.2004 | Lunnoe foto dnya

Messier and Pickering (or Messier A as nomenclatural "reformers" renamed Pickering) are perhaps the most perplexing craters on the Moon. Their shapes are not standard round ones, their rays are parallel mysteries, and their obviously related origins have been controversial. Do the parallel rays imply an intelligent construction of a railroad?

A New Observing Guide A New Observing Guide
19.05.2004 | Lunnoe foto dnya

Can you think of an observers guide to the Moon? There are a bunch of books to be read indoors - from Moore's classic 1953 Guide to the Moon to my recent The Modern Moon: A Personal View, but there aren't any/many handy sized guides to take to the telescope. Now there is one.

Southern Sea Southern Sea
18.05.2004 | Lunnoe foto dnya

Many of the great orbital images from the Apollo program have been high resolution Metric and Panoramic camera shots, but the handheld Hasselblads photos have also provided many superb views, in large part because the astronauts looked out the window and snapped away whenever there was an interesting scene.

Clementine Atlas Clementine Atlas
17.05.2004 | Lunnoe foto dnya

Finally, after much waiting, the Clementine Atlas of the Moon by Ben Bussey and Paul Spudis has arrived from England and is being mailed to early buyers. Unfortunately for me, my copy was seriously damaged so now I await a new one.

Asteroid 3251? Asteroid 3251?
16.05.2004 | Lunnoe foto dnya

No, its not a close up of The Little Princes' Asteroid 3251. This is the Moon as you've never seen it before. It is one of the panoramas photographed by the Apollo 14 astronauts, but re-projected into a circle to approximate an overhead view.

The Golden Triad The Golden Triad
15.05.2004 | Lunnoe foto dnya

In American slang, something is "golden" when it is "supremely favored or fortunate". And that describes the triad of craters near the center of the Moon's face. Ptolemaeus, Alphonsus...

North Polar Rays North Polar Rays
14.05.2004 | Lunnoe foto dnya

The north polar region of the Moon is blessed with two wonderful ray systems - and a mystery ray - that few observers pay attention to. In this portion of a near full Moon image...

A New/Old Catalog of Lunar Craters A New/Old Catalog of Lunar Craters
13.05.2004 | Lunnoe foto dnya

From 1969 thru 1973 I led the day to day cataloging of lunar craters at the Lunar & Planetary Lab in Tucson. Working under the initial direction of Dai Arthur I supervised a small...

A Basin Near Schiller A Basin Near Schiller
12.05.2004 | Lunnoe foto dnya

How many times have you observed the weirdly elongated crater Schiller, or looked past Phocylides to find Wargentin, or beyond Zucchius to see Bailly? Did you ever notice the relatively smooth-surface between these other craters?

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