za dekabr' 2004 goda.
29.12.2004 | Lunnoe foto dnya
Kopernik odin iz samyh vazhnyh kraterov na Lune. Vy sprosite kak ya mogu nazvat' chto-libo na Lune "naibolee vazhnym"? Pozvol'te mne izmenit' pervoe predlozhenie i Vy veroyatno soglasites': Kopernik samyi vazhnyi krater na Lune iz-za togo, chemu on nas nauchil. Vot tri uroka, kotorye on nam prepodnes.
Gory na polyuse Luny
28.12.2004 | Lunnoe foto dnya
Vsya oblast' yuzhnogo polyusa Luny predstavlyaet soboyu dramaticheskuyu kakofoniyu iz kraterov i pikov. Ekstremal'nye rakursy i ves'ma peresechennaya mestnost' delayut etu oblast' ves'ma trudnoi dlya navigacii. I vse eto tol'ko dlya zemnyh nablyudatelei, a predstav'te, kakie problemy po navigacii vstanut pered staratelyami po dobyche l'da v budushem!
Favority goda — Guk i Gipparh
27.12.2004 | Lunnoe foto dnya
Na rannih risunkah Luny obychno izobrazhalsya ves' ee disk. V 1665 godu Robert Guk (Robert Hooke), angliiskii sopernik Isaaka N'yutona, opublikoval (v svoei "Mikrografii") risunok tol'ko odnogo lunnogo obrazovaniya i etot risunok byl na udivlenie tochnym.
Favorite LPODs of the Year - Hippalus Arcs
26.12.2004 | Lunnoe foto dnya
Impact basins are characterized by a family of features such as multiple rims, concentric fractures and ridges, a central depression, radial markings, and extensive ejecta deposits. This list results not from a single perfect basin, but from recognizing consistent patterns in all the Moon's basins.
Favorite LPODs of the Year - Lake of Death
25.12.2004 | Lunnoe foto dnya
Do you consider Lacus Mortis - The Lake of Death - a crater? Because of the mare-like term "lacus" some observers just see it as a patch of mare material linking Mare Frigoris and Lacus Somniorum.
Favorite LPODs of the Year - Posidonius
24.12.2004 | Lunnoe foto dnya
Posidonius is a beacon of interest along the otherwise bland north-eastern shore of Serenitatis. The large (95 km wide, 2.3 km max depth crater may have originally looked like Copernicus with broad terraced walls and a scattering of peaks centered on a deep, flat floor. But that's not how it looks now!
Introducing PlanetWarp!
23.12.2004 | Lunnoe foto dnya
Earlier this year LPOD introduced J-P Metsavainio's procedure for using the commercial software Photoshop to digitally project telescopic lunar images onto a sphere. This manipulation restores foreshortened limb craters into circles. Now Philip...
Double Rings
22.12.2004 | Lunnoe foto dnya
When I see a halo around the Moon I feel lucky at witnessing such a magical sight. And I usually explain to someone that its due to sunlight, bounced off the Moon and refracted thru ice crystals in the atmosphere to our eyes.
Swell Linne
21.12.2004 | Lunnoe foto dnya
Linne was the most famous crater of the 19th century. And the most famous non-event. The well-known story is that the great observer Schmidt announced that the once easy to see crater Linne had disappeared, being replaced by a small pit surrounded by a white halo.
Full Moon and High Res
20.12.2004 | Lunnoe foto dnya
Almost all of the really great LPOD images are dramatic low sun conditions, views that enhance low relief features. But this image by Paolo Lazzaroti demonstrates that good pictures and new information also come from high sun images with high resolution and good tonal values.