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za fevral' 2005 goda.

Pamyat' kratera Pamyat' kratera
18.02.2005 | Lunnoe foto dnya

Kratery formiruyutsya na sushestvuyushei poverhnosti, kotoraya prodolzhit izmenyat'sya v budushem. Naprimer, Lambert (Lambert), shirinoi 30 km, obrazovan na lavovyh polyah Morya Dozhdei (Mare Imbrium) i vershina kratera s vybrosami yavno lezhat na poverhnosti morya. Neskol'ko posleduyushih sluchainyh udarov sozdali neskol'ko kraterov na etih otlozheniyah, po krainei mere dva nebol'shih kratera vnutri Lamberta.

Keeping Up With The Smythiis Keeping Up With The Smythiis
17.02.2005 | Lunnoe foto dnya

The equatorial eastern limb of the Moon is more interesting than much of the terrain immediately nearer the Earthside. The reason is twofold: (1) the area between Crisium and Fecunditatis and the limb...

A Newly Named Crater A Newly Named Crater
16.02.2005 | Lunnoe foto dnya

The Moon is full of names of people who contributed nothing to lunar science, so it is refreshing that the most recently named lunar crater honors one of the post-Apollo era scientists who devoted his life to the Moon.

Astro-serdce Astro-serdce
15.02.2005 | Lunnoe foto dnya

Oi — ya dumal, chto segodnya byl den' Svyatogo Valentina — tak chto predstavlyayu eto neskol'ko zapozdaloe i zagadochnoe foto s Luny. Vot to, chto El Bin i Pit Konrad skazali o serdcevidnom kratere...

Mare Swells Mare Swells
14.02.2005 | Lunnoe foto dnya

The continuing search for domes by members of the Geological Lunar Research group has resulted in acquisition of many excellent low Sun views of the maria, such as this one by Jim Phillips. Although...

Nearly Invisible Rille Nearly Invisible Rille
13.02.2005 | Lunnoe foto dnya

Rilles are detectable when their narrow walls either cast a shadow or brightly reflect a high Sun. Rilles that run east-west are difficult to image because their walls are mostly not at right angles to the Sun’s illumination. That is the case with the Sheepshanks Rille seen here.

Ochen' molodaya Luna Ochen' molodaya Luna
12.02.2005 | Lunnoe foto dnya

Inogda slova izlishni! Osobenno, esli pervyi uik-end zovet na Tihookeanskoe poberezh'e Nikaragua! — Chak Vud Tehnicheskie detali: 9 fevralya 2005 g., 23:29 UT. Refraktor Meade 6″ f/8 + 40-mm okulyar MaxView + fil'tr Orion V-block + Nikon Coolpix 4300, fl 14.2, 1/13.6 sekund.

Seeing Double at Capuanus Seeing Double at Capuanus
11.02.2005 | Lunnoe foto dnya

Here are two images of the 60 km wide crater Capuanus in Palus Epidemiarum. Although they differ in scale, resolution and lighting, both are valuable in increasing understanding of this piece of the lunar surface.

Peaky Piton Peaky Piton
10.02.2005 | Lunnoe foto dnya

In some of the speculative paintings of the Moon from the 1950s and earlier, Mount Piton, Pico and similar isolated peaks were often depicted as soaring spires with long shadows. It was the low-angle...

Postcard from the Moon Postcard from the Moon
9.02.2005 | Lunnoe foto dnya

Mom and Dad - Well, I've been up here 10 days now and still find the reduced gravity to be the most amazing part of the whole trip. It was a little scary at first because I'd bounce so high, but now it's really fun to feel like I have super powers!

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