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  Lunnoe Foto Dnya 

Po materialam www.lpod.org

za aprel' 2005 goda.

Dual Eclipses Dual Eclipses
9.04.2005 | Lunnoe foto dnya

Living in Nicaragua, the solar eclipse of April 8 should be glorious, with about 90% of the Sun covered by our favorite celestial body. However, my telescope (along with all our other household goods and car) remains in Nicaraguan customs as weeks of delay continue.

Cups & Saucers Cups & Saucers
8.04.2005 | Lunnoe foto dnya

The word crater is Greek for cup, so it is not surprising that the much more shallow depressions on the floor of Ptolemaeus are called saucers. What is not widely known is that similar cups and saucers occur on the floor of Ptolemaeus near neighbor Albategnius.

Northern Arc Northern Arc
7.04.2005 | Lunnoe foto dnya

The terminator runs N-S, but many geologic structures dont. Because of this, as we observe an individual large feature we see different parts of it under varying illuminations. Paco Bellidos remarkable (shot with...

Donut Donut
6.04.2005 | Lunnoe foto dnya

Recently Danny Caes, the indefatigable explorer of ancient Apollo photos, reported that he had found two images of the concentric crater Crozier H. This LPOD shows the Apollo 16 view (in a sepia tone to indicate antiquity) and a Lunar Orbiter IV view from a previous LPOD.

Moon & Mercury Moon & Mercury
5.04.2005 | Lunnoe foto dnya

Moon over Hawaii, and over Mercury too. This was the scene in March when Howard leaned his camera against a post and used the timer to acquire this evocative image. Hawaii is a good...

Fabulous Furnerius Fabulous Furnerius
4.04.2005 | Lunnoe foto dnya

On June 29, 2004 LPOD presented Fantastic Furnerius, the best image of that crater I had ever seen. Today that title of best ever gets passed to this new image, illustrating rapid improvement, due in part to the continuing stimulation of great images.

A Wondrous Image! A Wondrous Image!
3.04.2005 | Lunnoe foto dnya

Like a comet, the Oppel Ridge widens and becomes less conspicuous where it streaks away from a small nameless crater along the northern shore of Mare Crisium. Oppel is part of the circular mare...

Purblind? No! Purblind? No!
2.04.2005 | Lunnoe foto dnya

Purblind - lacking in vision, insight, or understanding. Merriam-Webster Online. Purbach a lunar crater which requires good vision to see all the details and understanding of geologic processes to interpret! Purbach is an 118 km diameter crater in the highlands east of the Straight Wall.

LPOD Image of the Month - March 2005 LPOD Image of the Month - March 2005
1.04.2005 | Lunnoe foto dnya

Congratulations Wes! From March 26: Schiller is not the largest crater on the Moon but it is probably the least circular. Its length of 180 km and width of 70 km implies that it has had an unusual origin, as discussed in a previous LPOD.

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