Did A River Run Through It?
25.02.2005 | Lunnoe foto dnya
The lunar maria are composed of untold numbers of lava flows, but only rarely are the actual flows, or more accurately, their margins, detectable. Looking at Mike Wirths’ latest image of the region...
Dvoinoe udovol'stvie
24.02.2005 | Lunnoe foto dnya
Problema s lunnymi nablyudeniyami zaklyuchaetsya v tom, chto eto maniya nochnogo vremeni — ya hochu skazat', deyatel'nost'. No inogda byvaet oblachnye nochi, ili ustalost', ili to, chto detal' lunnoi poverhnosti bliz terminatora, kotoruyu ya hotel posmotret', byla tam neskol'ko chasov nazad. Etot LPOD demonstriruet, chto dnevnoi svet ne prepyatstvie dlya prevoshodnoi lunnoi fotografii.
The Big and Little of It
23.02.2005 | Lunnoe foto dnya
The Moon is far from constant. It varies visibly in size and shape more than any other celestial object. But it is harder to tell – almost impossible visibly? – that the Moon also varies in actual size as seen from Earth. The reason for this variation is simple.
New Light On A Familiar Domefield
22.02.2005 | Lunnoe foto dnya
This is the best mage of the Hortensius domes I have ever seen. It shows the domes and surrounding area so well that a new description is warranted. Dome 1 (see note below) is a perfect example of a hemispherical dome with a centered summit pit and well-defined edge where it meets the surrounding mare.
Its Just a Phase
21.02.2005 | Lunnoe foto dnya
The public is often ignorant of the most basic facts of science. A scientifically literate public is important to fight school boards which try to force intelligent design and creationism down our children’s minds.
Scattered Impressions of a Boundary Zone
20.02.2005 | Lunnoe foto dnya
Closeup views of individual features can provide details of their structure and hence clues to their origin and evolution. But wider perspectives of an entire mare basin or region are like a plate of appetizers – offering delectable morsels of a variety of flavors.
Smotrya skvoz' Vostochnoe more
19.02.2005 | Lunnoe foto dnya
Ya nikogda ne mogu uvidet' slishkom mnogo Vostochnogo morya. Pravda est' snyatye Lunar Orbiter zamechatel'nye podrobnye izobrazheniya etogo morya v vysokom razreshenii, kotorye pokazyvayut bol'she togo, chto my vidim s Zemli, no ya lyublyu smotret' skvoz' Vostochnoe more i nablyudat' Gory Ruka, vonzayushiesya v chernoe lunnoe nebo.
Pamyat' kratera
18.02.2005 | Lunnoe foto dnya
Kratery formiruyutsya na sushestvuyushei poverhnosti, kotoraya prodolzhit izmenyat'sya v budushem. Naprimer, Lambert (Lambert), shirinoi 30 km, obrazovan na lavovyh polyah Morya Dozhdei (Mare Imbrium) i vershina kratera s vybrosami yavno lezhat na poverhnosti morya. Neskol'ko posleduyushih sluchainyh udarov sozdali neskol'ko kraterov na etih otlozheniyah, po krainei mere dva nebol'shih kratera vnutri Lamberta.
Keeping Up With The Smythiis
17.02.2005 | Lunnoe foto dnya
The equatorial eastern limb of the Moon is more interesting than much of the terrain immediately nearer the Earthside. The reason is twofold: (1) the area between Crisium and Fecunditatis and the limb...
A Newly Named Crater
16.02.2005 | Lunnoe foto dnya
The Moon is full of names of people who contributed nothing to lunar science, so it is refreshing that the most recently named lunar crater honors one of the post-Apollo era scientists who devoted his life to the Moon.