Credit & Copyright: P. Gitto
Gripped by an
astronomical spring fever,
it's once again time for
many amateur stargazers to embark on
a Messier Marathon!
The Vernal Equinox
occurs March 20, marking the
first day of Spring for the Northern Hemisphere.
It also marks a favorable
celestial situation for
potentially viewing all the objects in 18th century French astronomer
Charles Messier's catalog
in one
glorious dusk to dawn observing run.
This year a bright full moon will interfere with dark skies near
the actual equinox, so good nights near new moon for weekend
marathoners are March 11/12 and April 1/2.
(As an added bonus all the
planets in the solar system can be viewed
on these dates.)
Astronomer Paul Gitto has created this
masterful Messier Marathon grid with 11 rows
and 10 columns of
Messier catalog objects.
In numerical order, the grid begins with
M1, the Crab Nebula,
at upper left
and ends
with M110, a small elliptical galaxy in Andromeda
(lower right).
Gitto's images were made with a digital camera and a 10-inch diameter
reflecting telescope.
Tomorrow's picture: The Unexpected
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Messier catalog - katalog Mess'e
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