Credit & Copyright: John Spencer
(Lowell Observatory),
Orbiting Jupiter once every 43 hours, the
volcanic moon Io cruises
500,000 kilometers above swirling, banded cloud-tops.
Orbiting Earth once every 1.5 hours,
the Hubble Space Telescope watched as Io accompanied
by its shadow crossed the face of the
reigning gas giant planet in 1997.
This and other sharp false-color images have recently
been chosen
to celebrate
the ninth anniversary of
the Hubble's launch (April 24, 1990).
Reflective patches of sulfur dioxide "frost"
are visible on Io's surface while Io's round dark shadow is seen passing
over brownish white regions of Jupiter's high altitude haze and clouds.
In October and November of this year, the Galileo spacecraft
currently operating in the Jovian system
is scheduled to make two daring
close approaches to Io,
possibly flying through a
volcanic plume.
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HST - Jupiter - Io - Jupiter's Moons - Io - Yupiter
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