Credit & Copyright: J. Bell
(Cornell University),
J. Maki (JPL),
M. Wolff (Space Sciences Institute),
Was Mars wetter and more Earth-like in its distant past?
This false-color composite image of Mars is part of the mounting
evidence that
liquid water once did play a significant role in
Martian surface geology.
Constructed from infrared imaging data
obtained by the Hubble Space Telescope
in July 1997, the north polar cap
is near the top of the picture and the large reddish region
indicates potential water-bearing mineral deposits.
Mars Pathfinder landed at the southern edge of this area, known
as the Mare Acidalium, also finding evidence of water-worn
conglomerate rocks.
Large scale surface
features in this region appear to have been sculpted
by massive flooding in the early history
of Mars.
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Mars - water - infrared - Mars - infrakrasnye nablyudeniya
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