Credit & Copyright: R. J. Nemiroff,
(Michigan Tech.)
J. T. Bonnell
et al.,
Photograph by W. Pereira
At the
Nature of the Universe Debate held last month at the
Smithsonian, top cosmologists P. James E. Peebles
(Princeton) and
Michael S. Turner
argued over whether new data is finally resolving the type of
universe in which we live.
Turner, pictured speaking above,
argued that a universe that underwent an early, rapid,
inflationary expansion now looks particularly strong,
potentially explaining even
new data that indicates some sort
of dark energy.
Peebles, watching, was more cautious,
agreeing that the evidence for a
big bang is strong,
but arguing that the specific type is still unclear.
Peebles noted that a
big bang leaving little but
low-density matter still could not be ruled out.
Both Turner and Peebles agreed that this is an exciting time, as
data should continue
to pour in and curious astrophysicists scramble to decode the
geometry of the universe.
Margaret J. Geller
(Harvard Smithsonian),
the debate moderator, looks on.
The event was sponsored by the
Smithsonian, the
National Science Foundation,
Michigan Technological University, and
It was held in the honor of
David N. Schramm.
Photograph by W. Pereira
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cosmology - universe - Bol'shoi Vzryv - Rasshirenie Vselennoi - temnaya energiya
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