Credit & Copyright: Kuiper Airborne Observatory,
Comet Halley was photographed superposed in front of the disk of our
Milky Way Galaxy in 1986 by the
Airborne Observatory. Comet Halley is the bright white streak near this photograph's center.
Comet Halley is the most
famous comet in history, and returns to the inner
Solar System every 76 years.
Stars visible in our
Milky Way Galaxy typically lie
millions of times farther in the distance and
orbit the
Galactic center every 250 million years.
Billions of
comets are thought to orbit our
but most do not get close enough for us to see.
Similarly, billions of stars orbit our Milky Way's center but do not get close enough for us to see.
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NASA Official: Jay Norris. Specific rights apply.
A service of: LHEA at NASA / GSFC
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comet Halley - Milky Way - kometa Galleya - Mlechnyi Put'
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