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ChANDRASEKAR Subrahman'yan (CHANDRASEKHAR Subrahmanyan) /SShA/
1.08.2000 0:00 | A. B. Zheleznyakov/Enciklopediya Kosmonavtika

      Amerikanskii astrofizik-teoretik. Po nacional'nosti indiec.

      Rodilsya 19 oktyabrya 1910 goda v gorode Lahor (territoriya nyneshnego Pakistana; v nachale veka - territoriya Indii). V 1918 godu vmeste s roditelyami pereehal v Madras. V 1925 - 1930 godah uchilsya v Presidency College v Madrase na fizicheskom otdelenii. V 1930 godu pereehal v Angliyu. Vo vremya morskogo puteshestviya na bortu okeanskogo lainera vpervye sformuliroval tak nazyvaemyi predel Chandrasekara, vyrazhayushii predel'nuyu massu zvezdy, kotoruyu ona mozhet dostignut' prezhde chem proizoidet ee razrushenie. Eshe vo vremya ucheby v Presidency College nachal izuchat' klass zvezd nazyvaemyh belymi karlikami. Izucheniyu etoi problemy posvyatil okolo desyati let. Pervye stat'i o belyh karlikah opublikoval v 1931 - 1932 godah. V 1933 godu pod rukovodstvom W.A.Fowler zashitil doktorskuyu dissertaciyu v Kembridzhskom universitete. V sentyabre 1936 goda zhenilsya na Lalitha Doraiswamy, a v yanvare sleduyushego goda pereehal v Chikago (SShA), gde stal sotrudnikom Yerkes Observatory mestnogo universiteta. Chikagskii universitet stal dlya nego mestom raboty do poslednih dnei ego zhizni. Zanimalsya voprosami vnutrennego stroeniya zvezd, zvezdnyh atmosfer, zvezdnoi dinamiki, stohasticheskim processam. V 1983 godu udostoen Nobelevskoi premii po fiziki (sovmestno s W.A.Fowler). Skonchalsya 21 avgusta 1995 goda v Chikago (SShA).

      Avtor mnogih monografii i nauchnyh statei. Perechen' osnovnyh trudov Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar priveden nizhe:

      'The highly collapsed configurations of a stellar mass', Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc., 91, 456-66 (1931).
      'The maximum mass of ideal white dwarfs', Astrophys. J., 74, 81 - 2 (1931).
      'The density of white dwarfstars', Phil. Mag., 11, 592 - 96 (1931).
      'Some remarks on the state of matter in the interior of stars', Z. f. Astrophysik, 5, 321-27 (1932).
      'The physical state of matter in the interior of stars', Obseroatoy, 57, 93 - 9 (1934)
      'Stellar configurations with degenerate cores', Observatoy, 57, 373 - 77 (1934).
      'The highly collapsed configurations of a stellar mass' (second paper), Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc., 95, 207 - 25 (1935).
      'Stellar configurations with degenerate cores', Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc., 95, 226-60 (1935).
      'Stellar configurations with degenerate cores' (second paper), Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc., 95, 676 - 93 (1935).
      'The pressure in the interior of a star', Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc., 96, 644 - 47 (1936).
      'On the maximum possible central radiation pressure in a star of a given mass', Observatoy, 59, 47 - 8 (1936).
      'Dynamical instability of gaseous masses approaching the Schwarzschild limit in general relativity', Phys. Rev. Lett., 12, 114 - 16 (1964); Erratum, Phys. Rev. Lett., 12, 437 - 38 (1964).
      'The dynamical instability of the white-dwarf configurations approaching the limiting mass' (with Robert F. Tooper), Astrophys. J., 139, 1396 - 98 (1964).
      'The dynamical instability of gaseous masses approaching the Schwarzschild limit in general relativity', Astrophys. J., 140, 417 - 33 (1964).
      'Solutions of two problems in the theory of gravitational radiation', Phys. Rev. Lett., 24, 611 - 15 (1970); Erratum, Phys. Rev. Lett., 24, 762 (1970).
      'The effect of graviational radiation on the secular stability of the Maclaurin spheroid', Astrophys. J., 161, 561 - 69 (1970).

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