<< Litepatupa | Oglavlenie |
- 1
Polyachenko V.L., Fridman A.M. Ravnovesie i ustoichivost'
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- 2 Fpidman A.M., Polyachenko V.L. Physics of gravitating systems. - N.Y.: Springer -- Verlag, 1984.
- 3 Voroncov-Vel'yaminov B.A. Vnegalakticheskaya astronomiya. -- M.: Nauka, 1978.
- 4 Gorbackii V.G. Vvedenie v fiziku galaktik i skoplenii galaktik. - M.: Nauka, 1986.
- 5 Zasov A.V. Fizika galaktik. -- Izd-vo MGU, 1994.
- 6 Zasov A.V. Normal'nye galaktiki. -- INT, 1981, t. 18, s. 3-47.
- 7 Marochnik L.S., Suchkov A.A. Galaktika. -- M.: Nauka, 1984.
- 8 Freeman K.C. On the disks of spiral and SO galaxies. -- ApJ, 1970, v. 160, p. 811-830.
- 9 Freeman K.C. The distribution of light in galaxies. -- Struct. and Prop. Nearby Galaxies. Symp. IAU N 77, Bad Münstereifel., 1978, p. 3-14.
- 10 Kruit van der P.C. The radial distribution of surface brightness in galactic disks. -- AsAp, 1987, v. 173, p. 59-80.
- 11 Cruz-Gonzales C. Local density gradient and galactic parameters determined from nearly stars. -- MN, 1974, v. 168, p. 41-52.
- 12 Allen K.U. Astrofizicheskie velichiny. -- M.: Mir, 1977.
- 13 Vaukouleurs G.de. On the scale length of the exponential disk of the Galaxy. -- Observatory, 1979, v. 99, p. 128-129.
- 14 Freeman K.C. The old population. -- The Milky Way galaxy, Symp. IAU N106, The Netherlands: 1985, p. 113-122.
- 15 Robin A.C., Oblak E. A kinematic model of the galaxy. -- 10 th European regional Astronomy meeting of the IAU, Praha, August 24-29, 1987, p. 323-326.
- 16 Robin A.C., Creze M., Mohau V. The radial structure of the galactic disc. -- AsAp, 1992, v. 265, p. 32-40.
- 17 Mestel L. On galactic low rotation. -- MN, 1963, v. 126, p. 553-575.
- 18 Lin D.N., Pringle J.E. The formation of the exponential disk in spiral galaxies. -- ApJ, 1987, v. 320, p. L87-91.
- 19 Hellsten U., Sommer-Larsen J. Dynamical and chemical evolution of viscous, star-forming galactic discs. -- MN, 1992, v. 255, p. 650-654.
- 20 Burstein D. Structure and origin of SO galaxies. III. The luminosity distribution perpendicular to the plane of the disks in SO's. -- ApJ, 1979, v. 234, p. 829-836.
- 21 Zasov A.V. Zvezdnyi disk galaktik mozhet imet' "dyru" v centre. -- AC, 1976,
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- 22 Barabanov A.V., Zasov A.V. O sushestvovanii central'nogo minimuma plotnosti zvezdnogo diska v nekotoryh galaktikah. -- AZh, 1979, t. 56, s. 252-257.
- 23 Einasto J., Tenjes P., Barabanov A.V., Zasov A.V. Central holes in disks of spiral galaxies. -- ASS, 1980, v. 67, p. 31-43.
- 24 Caldwell J.A.R., Ostriker J.P. The mass distribution within our Galaxy: a three component model. -- ApJ, 1981, v. 251, p. 61-87.
- 25 Kruit van der P.C., Searle L. Surface photometry of edge-on spiral galaxies. I. A model of the three-dimensional distribution of light in galactic disks. -- AsAp, 1981, v. 95, p. 105-115.
- 26 Bartaya R.A. Massovaya dvumernaya spektral'naya klassifikaciya zvezd v ploshadkah Kapteina i primenenie ee dannyh k resheniyu zvezdoastronomicheskih zadach. -- Byull. Abastum. AO, 1979, t. 50, 238 s.
- 27 Freeman K.C. The galactic spheroid and old disk. -- Ann. Rev. AsAp, 1987, v. 25, p. 603-632.
- 28 Rubin V.C., Ford W.K., Kumar C.K. Stellar motion near the nuclens of M31. -- ApJ, 1973, v. 181, p. 61.
- 29 Rubin V.C., Ford W.K., Thonnard N. Rotational properties of 21 Sc galaxies with a large range of luminosities and radii, from NGC 4605 (R=4 kps) to UGC 2885 (R=122 kps). -- ApJ, 1980, v. 238, p. 471-487.
- 30 Rubin V.C., Ford W.K., Thonnard N., Burstein D. Rotational properties of 23 Sb galaxies. -- ApJ, 1982, v. 261, p. 439-456.
- 31 Rubin V.C., Burstein D., Ford W.K., Thonnard N. Rotation velocities of 16 Sa galaxies and a comparison of Sa, Sb and Sc rotation properties. -- ApJ, 1985, v. 289, p. 81-104.
- 32 Sinha R.P. A reexamination of the rotation curve for the Galaxy. -- AsAp, 1978, v. 69, p. 227-233.
- 33 Barton W.B., Gordon M.A. Carbon monoxide in the Galaxy. III. The overall nature of its distribution the equatorial plane. - AsAp, 1978, v. 63, p. 7-27.
- 34 Blitz L. The rotation curve of the Galaxy to R=16 kiloparsecs. - ApJ, 1979, v. 231, L.115-119.
- 35 Haud U.A. Krivaya vrasheniya Galaktiki s uchetom rasshireniya gazovoi sostavlyayushei. -- PAZh, 1979, t. 5, s. 124-127.
- 36 Bektasova N.K., Petrovskaya I.V. The rotational low of the neutral hydrogen subsystem in the Galaxy with regardto expansion. -- Uch. Zap. LGU, Ser. Matem. Nauk, 1983, vyp. 60, t. 38, s. 127-141.
- 37 Petrovskaya I.V. Kinematika i raspredelenie neitral'nogo vodoroda v Galaktike. -- INT, 1985, t. 26, s. 113-154.
- 38 Gerasimov A.G., Petrovskaya I.V. Krivaya vrasheniya vo vneshnei oblasti Galaktiki. -- KFNT, 1990, t. 6, s. 17-24.
- 39 Allen C., Santillan A. An improved model of the galactic mass distribution for orbit computations. -- Rev. Mexicana Astron. Astrof., 1991, v. 22, p. 255-263.
- 40 Rubin V.C., Ford W.K. Rotation of the Andromeda nebula from a spectroscopic survey of emission regions. -- ApJ, 1970, v. 159, p. 379-403.
- 41 Goad J.M. Kinematics of the gas in the nuclear disk of M81. - ApJ. Suppl., 1976, v. 32, p. 89-113.
- 42 Kormendy J. The velocity dispersion in the disk of the SO galaxy NGC 1553. -- ApJ, 1984, v. 286, p. 116-131.
- 43 Pasha I.I. Osobennost' spiral'nogo uzora i zvezdoobrazovaniya v galaktike NGC 1566. -- AC, 1985,
1387, s. 4-6.
- 44 Zasov A.V., Sil'chenko O.K. Vrashenie vnutrennih chastei spiral'nyh galaktik. NGC 4353, 4814, 5371. -- PAZh, 1987, t. 13, s. 455-463.
- 45 Afanas'ev V.L., Burenkov A.N., Zasov A.V. Sil'chenko O.K. Vrashenie vnutrennih oblastei spiral'nyh galaktik. II. -- Af, 1988, t. 28, s. 142-150.
- 46 Afanas'ev V.L., Burenkov A.N., Zasov A.V. Sil'chenko O.K. Vrashenie vnutrennih oblastei spiral'nyh galaktik. III. -- Af, 1988, t. 29, s. 497-504.
- 47 Afanas'ev V.L., Burenkov A.N., Zasov A.V., Sil'chenko O.K. Vrashenie vnutrennih oblastei spiral'nyh galaktik. NGC 497, 895, 972 i 3646. -- AZh, 1991, t. 68, s. 1134-1149.
- 48 Afanas'ev V.L., Burenkov A.N., Zasov A.V., Sil'chenko O.K. Vrashenie vnutrennih oblastei spiral'nyh galaktik. NGC 4100, 4536, 5351, 6181, 7171, 7721. -- AZh, 1992, t. 69, s. 19-37.
- 49 Zasov A.V., Zotov V.M. Chastota vstrechaemosti ploskih galaktik s dvugorbymi krivymi vrasheniya. -- PAZh, 1989, t. 15, s. 210-215.
- 50 Morozov A.G., Polyachenko V.L., Shuhman I.G. Ustoichivost' gravitiruyushih sistem s kvadratichnym potencialom. V. O nekotoryh principial'nyh momentah issledovaniya ustoichivosti tochnyh modelei zvezdnyh sistem. -- Preprint SibIZMIR SO AN SSSR 1-73, 1973.
- 51 Rohlfs K., Chini R., Wink J.E., Bohme R. The rotation curve of the Galaxy. -- AsAp, 1986, v. 158, p. 181-190.
- 52 Landau L.D., Lifshic E.M. Mehanika. -- M.: Nauka, 1988.
- 53 Wielen R. The kinematics and ages of stars in Gliese's catalogue. -- Highlights of astronomy, 1974, v. 3, p. 395-408.
- 54 Wielen R. The diffusion of stellar orbits derived from the observed age-dependent of the velocity dispersion. -- AsAp, 1977, v. 60, p. 263-275.
- 55 Ogorodnikov K.F., Osipkov L.P. Neopredelennost' ocenki dispersii radial'nyh skorostei zvezd v okrestnosti Solnca. -- Byull. Abast. AO, 1980, 52, s. 37-42.
- 56 Karimova D.K., Pavlovskaya E.D. Opredelenie kinematicheskih parametrov zvezd v blizhaishih okrestnostyah Solnca (
pk). - AZh, 1974, t. 51, s. 597-605.
- 57 Suchkov A.A. Zavisimost' ellipsoida skorostei blizkih zvezd ot spektral'nogo klassa i himicheskogo sostava. -- PAZh, 1983, t. 9, s. 44-47.
- 58 Karimova D.K., Pavlovskaya E.D. Kinematicheskie parametry sverhgigantov spektral'nogo klassa B. -- AZh, 1976, t. 53, s. 495-500.
- 59 Karimova D.K., Pavlovskaya E.D. Opredelenie nul'-punkta zavisimosti period-svetimost' i issledovanie kinematiki cefeid. - AZh, 1981, t. 58, s. 984-995.
- 60 Karimova D.K., Pavlovskaya E.D. Kinematika zvezd spektral'nogo klassa O. -- AZh, 1984, t. 61, s. 66-74.
- 61 Chandrasekhar S. Principy zvezdnoi dinamiki. -- M.: IL, 1948.
- 62 Mihailova E.A., Hoperskov A.V. Zavisimost' dispersii skorostei ot radial'noi koordinaty v zvezdnyh diskah ploskih galaktik. -- AZh, 1992, t. 69, s. 1112-1116.
- 63 Kormendy J. The velocity dispersion in the disk of the SBO galaxy NGC 936. -- ApJ, 1984, v. 286, p. 132-143.
- 64 Bottema R. The stellar kinematics of the spiral galaxies NGC 3198 and NGC 3938. -- AsAp, 1988, v. 197, p. 105-122.
- 65 Bottema R. The stellar velosity dispersion of the spiral galaxies NGC 6503 and NGC 6340. -- AsAp, 1989, v. 221, p. 236-249.
- 66 Bottema R. The intricate kinematics of the Sb spiral galaxy NGC 2613. -- AsAp, 1989, v. 225, p. 358-368.
- 67 Zasov A.V. Ocenka massy diska i galo galaktik po lokal'nomu kriteriyu ustoichivosti diska. -- PAZh, 1985, t. 11, s. 730-736.
- 68 Carter D. Weak disks in rapidly rotating elliptical galaxies. - ApJ, 1987, v. 312, p. 514-517.
- 69 Scorza C., Bender R. A disk in the elliptical galaxy NGC 3610. - AsAp, 1990, v. 235, p. 49-54.
- 70 Sanders D.B., Solomon P.M., Scoville N.Z. Giant molecular clouds in the Galaxy. I. The axisymmetrical distribution of
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- 71 Sanders D.B. The distribution of molecular clouds in the Galaxy. -- Kinematics, dynamics and structure of the Milky Way, Vancouver, 1982, p. 115-125.
- 72 Sanders D.B., Scoville N.Z., Solomon P.M. Giant molecular clouds in the Galaxy. II. Characteristics of discrete features. - ApJ, 1985, v. 289, p. 373-387.
- 73 Rots A.H. Distribution and kinematics ofneutral hydrogen in the spiral galaxy M81. II. Analysis. -- AsAp, 1975, v. 45, p. 43-55.
- 74 England M.N., Gottesman S.T., Hunter J.H. High-resolution observations, kinematics, and dynamics of the barred spiral NGC 1073. -- ApJ, 1990, v. 348, p. 456-466.
- 75 Dather M., Biermann P.L. Accretion in disk galaxies: the hydrodynamical evolution of molecular rings. -- AsAp, 1990, v. 235, p. 55-59.
- 76 Solomon P.M., Sunders D.B. Giant molecular clouds as a dominant component of interstellar matter in the Galaxy. -- Giant Mol. Clouds Galaxy, 3rd Gregynog. Astrophys. Workshop., Oxford e.a., 1980, p. 41-73.
- 77 Casoli F., Combes F., Stark A.A. Mapping of a molecular complex in a northern spiral arm of M31. -- AsAp, 1987, v. 173, p. 43-48.
- 78 Solomon P.M., Rivolo A.R., Mooney T.J., Barrett J.W., Sage L.J. Masses, luminosities and dynamics of galactic molecular clouds. - In: Star formation in Galaxies / Ed. C. Persson. 1986.
- 79 MacLaren J. The mass of molecular hydrogen in our Galaxy. -- Irish. Astron. J., 1990, v. 19, p. 154-156.
- 80 Pence W.D., Blackman C.P. Gas dynamics in barred spiral galaxies -- II. NGC 7496 and 289. -- MN, 1984, v. 210, p. 547-563.
- 81 Athanassoula E., Bosma A., Papaioannou . Halo parameters of spiral galaxies. -- AsAp, 1987, v. 179, p. 23-40.
- 82 Digel S., Bally J., Thaddeus P. Giant molecular clouds in the outer arm of the Galaxy. -- ApJ, 1990, v. 357, L.29-33.
- 83 Badhwar G.D., Stephens S.A. Hydrostatic equilibrium of gas, extent of cosmic ray confinement, and radio emission in the Galaxy. -- ApJ, 1977, v. 212, p. 494-506.
- 84 Fuchs B., Thielheim K.O. On the hydrostatic equilibrium of the interstellar gas. -- ApJ, 1979, v. 227, p. 801-807.
- 85 Stark A.A. Kinematics of molecular clouds. I. Velocity dispersion in the Solar neighborhood. -- ApJ, 1984, v. 281, p. 624-633.
- 86 Burton W.B. Galactic structure derived from neutral hydrogen observations using kinematic models based on the density -- wave theory. -- AsAp, 1971, v. 10, p. 76-96.
- 87 Unwin S.C. Neutral hydrogen in the Andromeda nebula. III. The velocity field. -- MN, 1983, v. 205, p. 773-786.
- 88 Kruit van der P.C. The thickness of the hydrogen layer and the three-dimensional p ass distribution in NGC 891. -- AsAp, 1981, v. 99, p. 298-304.
- 89 Rohlfs K. Lectures on density wave theory, Springer -- Verlag, N.Y., 1977. (Imeetsya perevod: Rol'fs K. Lekcii po teorii voln plotnosti. -- M.: Mir, 1980.)
- 90 Rots A.H., Shane W.W. A high-resolution map of the distribution of neutral hydrogen in the spiral galaxy M81. -- AsAp, 1974, v. 31, p. 245-248.
- 91 Efremov Yu.N. Ochagi zvezdoobrazovaniya v galaktikah: zvezdnye kompleksy i spiral'nye rukava. -- M.: Nauka, 1989.
- 92 Pasha I.I., Cicin F.A. O verhnem predele chislennosti lidiruyushih spiralei sredi normal'nyh spiral'nyh galaktik. -- AC, 1979,
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- 93 Danver C.-G. Annals of the observatory of Lund., N10, 1942.
- 94 Karachenceva V.E., Karachencev I.D. O forme i srednih harakteristikah spiral'nyh rukavov galaktik. -- Soobsh. Byurok. AO, 1967, t. 38, s. 49-57.
- 95 Thomasson M., Donner K.J., Sundelius B., Byrd G.G., Huang T.-V., Valtonen M.J. Formation of leading spiral arms in retrograde galaxy encounters. -- AsAp, 1989, v. 211, p. 25-36.
- 96 Blitz L., Binney J., Lo K.Y., Bally J., Ho P.T.P. The centre of the Milky Way. -- Letters to Nature, 1993, v. 361, p. 417-424.
- 97 Wilkerson M.S. Neutral-hydrogen observations of smooth-arm spiral galaxies. -- ApJ, 1980, v. 240, p. L115-L119.
- 98 Morrison H.L., Flynn C., Freeman K.C. Where does the disk stop and the halo begin? -- AsJ, 1990, v. 100, p. 1191-1222.
- 99 Schmidt M. The mass of the galactic halo derived from the luminosity function of high-velocity stars. -- ApJ, 1975, v. 202, p. 22-29.
- 100 Monet D.G., Richstone D.O., Schechter P.L. The effect of massive disks on bulge isophotes. -- ApJ, 1981, v. 245, p. 454-458.
- 101 Woltjer L. The galactic halo: globular clusters. -- AsAp, 1975, v. 42, p. 109-118.
- 102 Haud U., Einasto J. Galactic models with massive corona. -- AsAp, 1989, v. 223, p. 95-106.
- 103 Cote S., Carignan C., Sancisi R. A dark-halo-dominated galaxy: NGC 5585. -- AsJ, 1991, v. 102, p. 904-913.
- 104 Zasov A.V., Makapov D.I., Mihailova E.A. Tolshina tonkih zvezdnyh diskov i massa temnogo galo. -- PAZh, 1991, t. 17, s. 884-892.
- 105 Shostak G.S. The distribution of HI in the lenticular galaxy NGC 2787. -- AsAp, 1987, v. 175, p. 4-8.
- 106 Whitemore B.C., McElroy D.B., Schweizer F., The shape of the dark halo in polar-ring galaxies. -- ApJ, 1987, v. 314, p. 439-456.
- 107 Karachencev I.D. Dvoinye galaktiki. -- M.: Nauka, 1987.
- 108 Moorsel G.A. Dark matter associated with binary galaxies. - AsAp, 1987, v. 176, p. 13-24.
- 109 Fillmore J.A., Boroson T.A., Dressler A. Internal kinematics of spiral galaxies: gas and stellar rotation curves and dispersion profiles. -- ApJ, 1986, v. 302, p. 208-233.
- 110 Lyutyi V.M. Opticheskaya peremennost' yader seifertovskih galaktik. II. UBV i H2 - fotometriya. -- AZh, 1977, t. 54, s. 1153.
- 111 Lawrence A. Repeated X-ray flaring in NGC 4151. -- MN, 1980, v. 192, p. 83-94.
- 112 Singh K.P., Rao A.R., Vahia M.N. X-ray observations of the bright Seyfert galaxy IC 4329 A. -- ApJ, 1991, v. 377, p. 417-425.
- 113 Pounds K.A., Turner T.Y., Warwick R.S. Rapid X-ray variability of the Seyfert galaxy MCG -- 6-30-15. -- MN, 1986, v. 221, p. 7-12.
- 114 Tennant A.F., Mushotzhy R.F., Boldt E.A., Swank J.H. Rapid X-ray variability in the Seyfert galaxy NGC 6814. -- ApJ, 1982, v. 251, p. 15.
- 115 Nazarova L.S. Emissionnye spektry seifertovskih galaktik i kvazarov (obzor nablyudenii i modelei aktivnyh yader galaktik). -- Soobsh. SAO AN SSSR, 1991, 66, s. 37-100.
- 116 Byrd G.G., Sundellus B., Valtonen M. Tidal triggering of syfert galaxies and quasars: occurence in multiple systems. -- AsAp, 1987, v. 171, p. 16-24.
- 117 Zasov A.V., Heizvestnyi S.I. Cvet vnutrennih oblastei galaktik Seiferta v sravnenii s normal'nymi galaktikami. -- PAZh, 1989, t. 15, s. 963-970.
- 118 Goffmeister K., Rihter G., Vencel' V. Peremennye zvezdy. -- M.: Nauka, 1990.
- 119 Hewitt A., Burbidge G. A new optical catalog of quasi-stellar objects. -- ApJ. Suppl., 1987, v. 63, p. 1-246.
- 120 Boroson T.A., Oke J.B. Spectroscopy of the galaxy components of N and Seyfert galaxies. -- PASP, 1987, v. 99, p. 809-815.
- 121 Block D.L., Stockton A.S. Structure in host galaxies of steep-spectrum radio QSOs. -- AsJ, 1991, v. 102, p. 1928-1932.
- 122 Rees M.J. Accretion and quasar phenomena. -- Physica Scripta, 1978, v. 17, p. 193.
- 123 Vil'kovskii E.Ya. Kvazary. -- M.: Nauka, 1985.
- 124 Blendford R. Akkreciya na massivnye chernye dyry v aktivnyh yadrah galaktik. -- Sb.: Chislennoe modelirovanie v astrofizike. -- M.: Mir, 1988, s. 15-39.
- 125 Courvoisier T.J.-L., Clavel J. Observational constraints on disc models for quasars and Seyfert galaxies. -- AsAp, 1991, v. 248, p. 389-394.
- 126 Pounds K.A., Stanger V.J., Turner T.J., King A.R., Czerny B. Discovery of a strong soft X-ray excess in Mkn 335 -- evidence for an accretion disk? -- MN, 1987, v. 224, p. 443-452.
- 127 Rigler G., Blendford R. Centr Galaktiki. -- M.: Mir, 1984.
- 128 Kundt W. The galactic centre. -- ASS, 1990, v. 172, p. 109-134.
- 129 Lacy J. VII. Sagittarius A West; the nebula at the galactic center. -- PASP, 1986, v. 98, p. 988-991.
- 130 Zel'dovich Ya.B. Sud'ba zvezdy i vydelenie gravitacionnoi energii pri akkrecii. -- DAN SSSR, 1964, t. 155, s. 67-69.
- 131 Vzaimodeistvuyushie dvoinye zvezdy. / Pod ped. Dzh.E. Ppingla, R.A. Ueida, M.: Fizmatlit., 1993.
- 132 Pringle J.E., Rees M.J. Accretion disc models for compact X-ray sources. -- AsAp, 1972, v. 21, p. 1-9.
- 133 Shapiro S.A., T'yukolski S.A. Chernye dyry, belye karliki i neitronnye zvezdy. -- M.: Mir, 1985.
- 134 Trumper J., Peitsch W., Reppin C., Voges W., Staubert R., Kendziorra E. Evidence for strong cyclotron line emission in the hard X-ray spectrum of Hercules X-1. -- ApJ, 1978, v. 219, p. L105-L110.
- 135 Wheaton W.A. et. al. An absorption feature in the spectrum of the pulsed hard X-ray flux from 4U 0115+63. -- Nature, 1979, v. 282, p. 240.
- 136 Pravdo S.H., Boldt E.A., Holt S.S., Serlemitsos P.J. X-ray spectra of Hercules X-1. II. The pulse. -- ApJ. Lett., 1977, v. 216, p. L23-26.
- 137 Priedhorsky W.C., Verbunt F. Tidal forces and mass transfer instabilities in low-mass X-ray binaries. -- ApJ, 1988, v. 333, p. 895-905.
- 138 Charles P.A. The mysterious SU UMa stars. -- Sky & Telesc, 1990, v. 79, p. 607-610.
- 139 O'Donoghue D., Chen A., Marang F., Mittaz J.P.D., Winkler H., Warner B. WX Cet and the WZ Sge stars. -- MN, 1991, v. 250, p. 363 - 372.
- 140 O'Donoghue D. The radius of the accretion disc in Z Cha between outbursts. -- MN, 1986, v. 220, p. L23-26.
- 141 Cook M.C. High-speed photometry of the eclipsing dwarf nova OY Carinae. -- MN, 1985, v. 215, p. 211-232.
- 142 Cook M.C. High-speed photometry of Z Chamaeleontis covering the 1983 March normal outburst. -- MN, 1985, v. 216, p. 219-239.
- 143 Verbunt F. Theory and observations of time-dependent accretion disks. -- In.: The phisics of accretion onto compact objects / Ed. K.O. Mason, M.G. Watson, N.E. White. Springer, Berlin, 1986, p. 59-75.
- 144 Illarionov A.F., Syunyaev R.A. Why the number of galactic X-ray stars is so small? -- AsAp, 1975, v. 39, p. 185-195.
- 145 Meyer-Hofmeister E., Meyer F. The pre-outburst state of dwarf novae. -- AsAp, 1988, v. 194, p. 135-142.
- 146 Nather R.E. High-speed photometry. -- Vistat Astron., 1973, v. 15, p. 91-112.
- 147 Robinson E.L. The structure of cataclysmic variables. -- Ann. Rev. Astron. Astrophys., 1976, v. 14, p. 119-142.
- 148 Howell S.B., Szhody P. High galactic latifude cataclismic variables. -- ApJ, 1990, v. 356, p. 623-629.
- 149 Howell S.B., Szhody P. Cataclismic variables at high galactic latifude: photometric survey results after three years of observations. -- Bull. Amer. Astr. Soc., 1991, v. 23, p. 943.
- 150 Lipunov V.M. Astrofizika neitronnyh zvezd. -- M.: Nauka, 1987.
- 151 Murakami T. Progress in gamma-ray burst astronomy with Ginga. - Adv. Space Res., 1990, v. 10, p. 63-67.
- 152 Wasserman I. eading between the lines. -- Nature, 1990, v. 346, N 6281, p. 222-223.
- 153 Lipunov V.M., Postnov K.A. Accretion spin-up of low magnetic neutron stars. -- ASS, 1984, v. 106, p. 103-115.
- 154 Hanawa T., Hirotani H., Kawai N. A theory of the rapid burster (MXB 1730-335). / In: X-Ray Binaries. -- Paris: 1989, p. 423-426.
- 155 Klis van der M., Jansen F., Paradijs van J. et. al. Intensity - dependent quasiperiodic oscillations in X-ray flux of GX5-1. - Nature, 1985, v. 316, p. 225-230.
- 156 Penninx W., Lewin W.H.G., Mitsuda K., van der Klis M., van Paradijs J., Zijlstra A.A. Quasiperiodic oscillations in GX 17+2. -- MN, 1990, v. 243, p. 114-125.
- 157 Phys. Neutron Stars and Black Holes. / Proc. Int. Symp., Tokyo, 1-3 Febr., 1988.
- 158 Shinoda K., Kii T., Mitsuda K., Nagase F., Tanaka Y., Mikishima K., Shibazaki N. Discovery of the quasi-periodic oscillations from the X-ray pulsar X1627-673. -- PASJ, 1990, v. 42, p. L27-32.
- 159 Ebisawa K., Mitsuda K., Inoue H., Dotani T. Discovery of the 0.08 Hz quasi periodic oscillation from the black hole candidate LMC X-1. -- Phys. Neutron stars and black holes, Tokyo, 1988, p. 149-153.
- 160 Cherepashuk A.M. Nablyudeniya massivnyh tesnyh dvoinyh sistem na pozdnih stadiyah evolyucii. -- V sb.: Sovremennye problemy fiziki i evolyucii zvezd. -- M.: Nauka, 1989, s. 133-168.
- 161 Johnston H.M., Kulkarni S.R., Oke J.B. The black hole A 0620-00 and its accretion disk. -- ApJ, 1989, v. 345, p. 492-497.
- 162 Cherepashuk A.M. SS 433 as an eclipsing binary. -- MN, 1981, v. 194, p. 761-769.
- 163 Stewart G.C., Watson M.G., Matsuoka M. et. al. Simultaneous observations of the X-ray and optical eclipses of SS 433 and their implication. -- MN, 1987, v. 228, p. 293-303.
- 164 Margon B. Observations of SS 433. -- Ann. Rev. Astron. Astrophys., 1984, v. 22, p. 507-536.
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