Credit & Copyright: Dennis Mammana
Can you spot the comet?
Flowing across the frozen
landscape is an easily visible, colorful aurora.
Just to the lower left, however, well in the background,
is something harder to spot:
Comet Ikeya-Zhang, the brightest comet of recent years.
Although the aurora faded in minutes, the
comet is just now
beginning to fade.
It remains just barely
visible without aid,
however, before sunrise in the East.
The comet is actually a giant
dirt-covered snowball
that spends most of its time in the outer
Solar System --
to where it is now returns.
The above photograph was taken on March 20 when
Comet Ikeya-Zhang was near its brightest.
Careful inspection of the photo will uncover
several other sky delights, including the giant galaxy
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comet Ikeya-Zhang - aurora - kometa Ikeya-Zhanga - polyarnoe siyanie
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