Credit & Copyright: STS-91 Crew,
While orbiting the planet during
their June 1998 mission,
the crew of the Space Shuttle Discovery
photographed this view of two moons of Earth.
Thick storm clouds are visible in the lovely blue planet's
nurturing atmosphere
and, what was then Earth's largest artificial moon, the spindly
Mir Space Station can be seen above the planet's limb.
The bright spot to the right of Mir is Earth's
large natural satellite, The Moon.
Mir orbited
planet Earth once every 90 minutes
about 200 miles above the planet's surface or about 4,000 miles
from Earth's center.
The Moon orbits once every 28 days at a distance of about
250,000 miles from
the center of the Earth.
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NASA Official: Jay Norris. Specific rights apply.
A service of: LHEA at NASA / GSFC
& Michigan Tech. U.
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spacecraft - Mir - Moon - kosmicheskaya stanciya Mir - Luna
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