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Gamma-vspleski i sverhnovye
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1 Shklovskii I.S. Sverhnovye zvezdy i svyazannye s nimi problemy. 2-e izd. M.: Nauka. 1976.

2 Imshennik V.S., Nadezhin D.K. // Itogi nauki i tehniki: Astronomiya. 1982. T.21. S.63.

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12 Janka, H.-T., Ruffert, M., Eberl, T. Merging Neutron Stars and Black Holes as Sources of Gamma-Ray Bursts and Heavy Elements // Nuclei in the Cosmos V, Editions Frontieres, astro-ph/9810057 (1998).

13 Imshennik V.S. // Pis'ma v AZh. 1992. T.18. S.489.

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17 Cvetkov D.Yu., Blinnikov S.I., Pavlyuk N.N. Radial'noe raspredelenie gamma-vspleskov i SN Ib/c v galaktikah // Pis'ma v AZh (v pechati).

18 Blinnikov S.I., Hlopov M.Yu. O vozmozhnyh astronomicheskih proyavleniyah "zerkal'nyh" chastic // Astron. zhurn. 1983. T.60. S.632.

19 Blinnikov S.I. Gamma-ray Bursts Produced by Mirror Stars // Presented at XXVII ITEP Winter School, Snegiri, Feb. 16 - 24, astro-ph/9902305, 1999.

20 Meneghetti M., et al. // Giant cluster arcs as a constraint on the scattering cross-section of dark matter. astro-ph/0011405, 2000.

21 Sokolov V.V., Fatkhullin T.A., Komarova V.N. The Multiband Photometry of the GRB Host Galaxies // astro-ph/0006207, 2000.

22 Trentham N., Meller O., Ramirez-Ruiz E. Completely dark galaxies: their existence, properties, and strategies for finding them // astro-ph/0010569, 2000.

23 Cvetkov D.Yu., Pavlyuk N.N., Bartunov O.S., Pskovskii Yu.P. Katalog sverhnovyh zvezd. 2000. http://www.sai.msu.su/sn/sncat/.

24 Cherepashchuk A.M., Postnov K.A. // astro-ph/0012512, 2000.

25 Spergel D.N., Steinhardt P.J. // Phys. Rev. Lett. 2000. V.84. P.3760.

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