Topologiya i metrika par keplerovskih orbit
<< 6. Nahozhdenie pochti sovpadayushih orbit | Oglavlenie |
- 1.
Kholshevnikov K.V., Vasiliev N.N.
On the Distance Function Between Two Keplerian Elliptic Orbits //
Celest. Mech. and Dynam. Astron. 1999. V.75, N2. P.75-83.
- 2. Kholshevnikov K.V., Vasiliev N.N. On Linking Coefficient of Two Keplerian Orbits // Celest. Mech. and Dynam. Astron. 1999. V.75, N1. P.67-74.
- 3. Buchberger. B. Gröbner Bases: an Alghorithmic Method in Polynomial Ideal Theory // Progress directions and open problems in multidimensional systems theory / ed. N.K.Bose, D.Reidel. 1985. P.184-232.
- 4. Greb A.V. Algoritmy i programmy massovogo opredeleniya koefficientov zacepleniya keplerovskih orbit// Fizika Kosmosa: Tr. 30-i Mezhdunar. stud. nauch. konf., Ekaterinburg, 29 yanv. - 2 fevr. 2001 g. Ekaterinburg: UrGU, 2001.
- 5. Efemeridy malyh planet na 2000 god / Red. V.A.Shor. SPb., 2000.
- 2. Kholshevnikov K.V., Vasiliev N.N. On Linking Coefficient of Two Keplerian Orbits // Celest. Mech. and Dynam. Astron. 1999. V.75, N1. P.67-74.
<< 6. Nahozhdenie pochti sovpadayushih orbit | Oglavlenie |
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