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The R.A.P. Project (Reviews of Astro-Ph)

Obzornye stat'i poslednih let v astro-ph (2001-...)

Ostatki sverhnovyh
Nasha Galaktika
Solnechnaya sistema
Mezhzvezdnaya sreda
Tesnye dvoinye sistemy
Neitronnye zvezdy
Chernye dyry
Kosmicheskie luchi i vysokie energii
Gravitacionnye volny
Mehanizmy izlucheniya
Chislennoe modelirovanie
Budushie proekty
Vsyakaya ekzotika


Kosmologicheskie parametry: Xiaomin Wang et al. "The last stand before MAP: cosmological parameters from lensing, CMB and galaxy clustering" astro-ph/0212417
Lawrence M. Krauss "The State of the Universe: Cosmological Parameters 2002" astro-ph/0301012

Inflyaciya: A. Linde "Inflation and String Cosmology" hep-th/0107176

Struny i haos: Thibault Damour "String Cosmology and Chaos" hep-th/0204017

Brany: David Langlois "Gravitational and cosmological properties of a brane-universe" gr-qc/0205004
David Langlois "Gravitation and cosmology in a brane-universe" gr-qc/0207047
David Langlois "Brane cosmology: an introduction" hep-th/0209261
F. Quevedo "Lectures on string/brane cosmology" hep-th/0210292

Statistika, krupnomasshtabnaya struktura: Vicent J. Martinez, Enn Saar "Clustering statistics in cosmology" astro-ph/0209208

Galo galaktik: Asantha Cooray et al. "Halo Models of Large Scale Structure" astro-ph/0206508

Linzirovanie: Matthias Bartelmann "Strong and weak lensing by galaxy clusters" astro-ph/0207032

Effekt Syunyaeva-Zel'dovicha: Yoel Rephaeli "The Sunyaev-Zeldovich Effect: Current Status and Future Prospects" astro-ph/0105192
John E. Carlstrom et al. "Cosmology with the Sunyaev-Zel'dovich Effect" astro-ph/0208192

Skopleniya galaktik: J. Patrick Henry "Evolution of the X-ray Properties of Clusters of Galaxies" astro-ph/0207148

Skopleniya galaktik, evolyuciya, rentgenovskie dannye: Piero Rosati, Stefano Borgani, Colin Norman "The Evolution of X-ray Clusters of Galaxies astro-ph/0209035"

Krupnomasshtabnaya struktura: L. Guzzo "Large-Scale Structure from Galaxy and Cluster Surveys" astro-ph/0207285
Carlos S. Frenk "Simulating the formation of cosmic structure" astro-ph/0208219

Sloanovskii obzor: Jon Loveday, for the SDSS collaboration "The Sloan Digital Sky Survey" astro-ph/0107189

Kosmologicheskaya kartina (populyarnoe): Max Tegmark "Measuring spacetime: from big bang to black holes" astro-ph/0207199

Kosmologicheskaya kartina: S.E. Deustua et al. "Cosmological Parameters, Dark Energy and Large Scale Structure" astro-ph/0207293
P.J.E. Peebles "From Precision Cosmology to Accurate Cosmology" astro-ph/0208037
David D. Reid et al. "The picture of our universe: A view from modern cosmology" astro-ph/0209504
Novyi vzglyad: Marc Kamionkowski "New Views of Cosmology and the Microworld" hep-ph/0210370

Magnitnye polya: Lawrence M. Widrow "Origin of Galactic and Extragalactic Magnetic Fields" astro-ph/0207240

Pervichnyi gelii: V. Luridiana "The primordial Helium abundance" astro-ph/0209177

Temnaya materiya: Michael S. Turner "Dark Matter and Dark Energy: The Critical Questions" astro-ph/0207297
P. J. E. Peebles, Bharat Ratra "The Cosmological Constant and Dark Energy" astro-ph/0207347
Keith A. Olive "TASI Lectures on Dark Matter" astro-ph/0301505

Poisk temnoi materii: Martin Loidl "Experimental Particle Dark Matter Search" astro-ph/0207308

Eksperimental'nye poiski WIMPs: A. Morales "Pryamoe obnaruzhenie slabovzaimodeistvuyushih massivnyh chastic (WIMP) s pomosh'yu nekriogennyh detektorov: eksperimental'nyi obzor " (Direct detection of WIMPs with conventional (non-cryogenic) detectors. Experimental review) astro-ph/0211446

Antimateriya: A.D. Dolgov " Antimatter in the Universe" astro-ph/0207441

Pre-big-bang: M. Gasperini, G. Veneziano "The Pre-Big Bang Scenario in String Cosmology" hep-th/0207130

Izmenenie mirovyh konstant: G. Fiorentini, B. Ricci "$\alpha$:a constant that is not a constant?", astro-ph/0207390

Pervichnyi nukleosintez: Gary Steigman "Primordial Alchemy: From The Big Bang To The Present Universe" astro-ph/0208186

Izmerenie vnegalakticheskih rasstoyanii i postoyannaya Habbla: G.A. Tammann, B. Reindl "Cosmic Expansion and Ho: A Retro- and Pro-Spective Note" astro-ph/0208176

Izmerenie vnegalakticheskih rasstoyanii: Saul Perlmutter, Brian P. Schmidt "Measuring Cosmology with Supernovae" astro-ph/0303428

Kvantovaya kosmologiya, inflyaciya: H.J. de Vega "Tsunami Inflation: Selfconsistent Quantum Dynamics" astro-ph/0208576

Reliktovoe izluchenie: M. Bersanelli, D. Maino, A. Mennell "Anisotropies of the Cosmic Microwave Backgroun" astro-ph/0209215
Joseph Silk "The Cosmic Microwave Background" astro-ph/0212305
Pervyi god raboty WMAP: 17 statei

  • astro-ph/0302207

    Vtorichnaya ionizaciya: P. Madau " First Light and the Reionization of the Universe" astro-ph/0210268

    Svyaz' s vysokimi energiyami: John Ellis "High-Energy Astrophysics and Cosmology" astro-ph/0210580

    Parallel'nye vselennye: Max Tegmark "(Parallel Universes" astro-ph/0302131


    Galaktiki s burnym zvezdoobrazovaniem: Christopher J. Conselice "The Evolution of Starburst Galaxies" astro-ph/0012454

    Evolyuciya galaktik: Sidney van den Bergh "Evolution of Galaxy Morphology" astro-ph/0208160 Aktivnye yadra galaktik: W. Collmar "AGN: The High-Energy Status before INTEGRAL" astro-ph/0105193

    Obrazovanie i evolyuciya barov: E. Athanassoula "Formation and evolution of bars in disc galaxies" astro-ph/0209438

    Chernye dyry v yadrah galaktik, rentgenovskie nablyudeniya: Stefanie Komossa "X-ray Evidence for Supermassive Black Holes at the Centers of Nearby Galaxies" astro-ph/0209007

    Blazary: Elena Pian "Recent highlights in the X-ray study of blazars" astro-ph/0211054

    Diski galaktik: P.C. van der Kruit "Structure and dynamics of disks in galaxies" astro-ph/0109480
    Joseph Silk "Formation and Evolution of Disk Galaxies" astro-ph/0210371

    Karlikovye galaktiki: Eline Tolstoy "Dwarf Galaxies: Important Clues to Galaxy Formation" astro-ph/0210377

    Mestnaya gruppa: Alistair R. Walker "Distances to Local Group Galaxies" astro-ph/0303011


    Klassifikaciya sverhnovyh: Massimo Turatto "Classification of Supernovae" astro-ph/0301107

    Temp vspyshek: Enrico Cappellaro & Massimo Turatto "Supernova types and rates" astro-ph/0012455

    Mehanizm vspyshek: H.-Th. Janka et al. "Supernova Explosions and Neutron Star Formation" astro-ph/0103015
    Adam Burrows, Todd A. Thompson "The Mechanism of Core-Collapse Supernova Explosions: A Status Report" astro-ph/0210212
    H.-Th. Janka et al. "Explosion Mechanisms of Massive Stars" astro-ph/0212314

    X-rays: Stefan Immler and Walter H.G. Lewin "X-Ray Supernovae" astro-ph/0202231

    Nukleosintez v Sverhnovyh: Yong-Zhong Qian "Proishozhdenie tyazhelyh elementov: progress v ponimanii r-processa" (The Origin of the Heavy Elements: Recent Progress in the Understanding of the r-Process) astro-ph/0301422
    "Stellar Sources for Heavy r-Process Nuclei" astro-ph/0301461
    v gipernovyh: Ken'ichi Nomoto et al. "Hypernovae and their Nucleosynthesis" astro-ph/0209064

    Sverhnovye vtorogo tipa:Mario Hamuy "Review on the Observed and Physical Properties of Core Collapse Supernovae" astro-ph/0301006

    Kiki, neitronnye zvezdy i t.p.: Dong Lai "Core-Collapse Supernovae and Neutron Star Kicks" astro-ph/0212140

    Bibliograficheskii obzor: J. Craig Wheeler "Observations and Theory of Supernovae" astro-ph/0209514

    Ostatki sverhnovyh

    Rentgenovskie nablyudeniya: B. Aschenbach "X-rays from Supernova Remnants" astro-ph/0208492

    Radionablyudeniya: W. Reich "Radio Observations of Supernova Remnants" astro-ph/0208498

    Vysokie energii: Stephen Fegan "TeV observations of SNRs and unidentified sources" astro-ph/0102324

    Vzaimosvyaz' s anomal'nymi pul'sarami i MPG: Bryan Gaensler "Anomalous X-ray pulsars and soft gamma-ray repeaters - the connection with supernova remnants" astro-ph/0212086


    Obshee: M.C. Gonzalez-Garcia and Y. Nir "Developments in Neutrino Physics" hep-ph/0202058

    Astronomiya neitrino vysokih energii: F. Halzen "High-energy Neutrino Astronomy: Science and First Results" astro-ph/0301143

    Solnechnaya model': John N. Bahcall "Solar Models: An Historical Overview" astro-ph/0209080

    Teleskopy: C.Spiering "Future High Energy Neutrino Telescopes" astro-ph/0012532

    Baikal: G.Domogatsky (for the BAIKAL Collaboration) "BAIKAL experiment: status report" astro-ph/0112446

    ANTARES: T. Montaruli "The ANTARES project" astro-ph/0207531

    Kosmologicheskie ogranieniya na massu: G.G.Raffelt "Neutrino Masses in Astroparticle Physics" astro-ph/0207220

    Rasprostranenie: M. Prakash et al. "Neutrino Propagation in Dense Astrophysical Systems" astro-ph/0103095

    Nasha Galaktika

    Raspredelenie massy: Ortwin Gerhard "Mass distribution in our Galaxy" astro-ph/0203110

    Rentgen: R. S. Warwick "A new look at the X-ray properties of the Galaxy" astro-ph/0203333


    Nachal'naya funkciya mass: Richard B. Larson "The Stellar Initial Mass Function and Beyond" astro-ph/0205466
    Daniel Schaerer "The massive star IMF" astro-ph/0208227

    Zvezdoobrazovanie: Bruce G. Elmegreen "Star Formation from Galaxies to Globules" astro-ph/0207114

    Zvezdoobrazovanie, Nachal'naya funkciya mass: Aake Nordlund, Paolo Padoan "Star Formation and the Initial Mass Function" astro-ph/0209244

    Zvezdoobrazovanie, molodye skopleniya: Charles J. Lada, Elizabeth A. Lada "Embedded Clusters in Molecular Clouds" astro-ph/0301540

    Pervye zvezdy: Nino Panagia "Primordial Stellar Populations" astro-ph/0209346
    A. Heger et al. "Massive Star Evolution Through the Ages" astro-ph/0211062

    "Zvezdnaya radioaktivnost'": Nikos Prantzos "Stellar Radioactivities and diffuse gamma-ray line emission in the Milky Way" astro-ph/0209303

    Zvezdy planetarnyh tumannostei: T. Bloecker "H- and He-burning central stars and the evolution to white dwarfs" astro-ph/0207161

    Samye malomassivnye zvezdnye ob'ekty: Shiv S. Kumar "The Bottom of the Main Sequence and Beyond: Speculations, Calculations, Observations, and Discoveries (1958-2002)" astro-ph/0208096

    Sharovye skopleniya v drugih galaktikah: Duncan A. Forbes "Observational Properties of Extragalactic Globular Cluster Systems" astro-ph/0209110

    Rentgenovskie istochniki v sharovyh skopleniyah: Frank Verbunt "Binary evolution and neutron stars in globular clusters" astro-ph/0210057

    Belye karliki v sharovyh skopleniyah: Sabine Moehler " White Dwarfs in Globular Clusters - Progenitors, Successors and the Real Thing" astro-ph/0209293

    Novye zvezdy: Massimo Della Valle "Nova Populations" astro-ph/0210276

    Struktury zvezdnyh koron v aktivnyh dvoinyh sistemah: J. Sanz-Forcada et al "The Structure of Stellar Coronae in Active Binary Systems" astro-ph/0210652
    Fabio Favata, Giuseppina Micela "Zvezdnaya koronal'naya astronomiya - obzor" astro-ph/0302565

    Ostatki novyh: Michael F. Bode "Evolyuciya ostatkov Novyh" (The Evolution of Nova Remnants) astro-ph/0211437

    Opredelenie rasstoyanii po RR Lyrae: Carla Cacciari, Gisella Clementini "Globular Cluster Distances from RR Lyrae Stars" astro-ph/0301550


    Dinamika trubok: Bertil Dorch "Modelling flux tube dynamics" astro-ph/0207130

    Solnechnoe dinamo: Axel Brandenburg, Wolfgang Dobler "Solar and stellar dynamos -- latest developments", astro-ph/0207393

    Gelioseismologiya: J. Christensen-Dalsgaard "Helioseismology" astro-ph/0207403

    Bystryi veter, koronal'nye dyry: Steven R. Cranmer "Solar Wind Acceleration in Coronal Holes" astro-ph/0209301

    Vrashayushiesya zvezdy v OTO: Nikolaos Stergioulas "Rotating Stars in Relativity" astro-ph/0302034

    Solnechnaya sistema

    Rentgenovskoe izluchenie: A. Bhardwaj, et al. "Soft X-ray Emissions from Planets, Moons, and Comets" astro-ph/0209107

    Mezhzvezdnaya sreda

    Chislennoe modelirovanie:
    Enrique Vazquez-Semadeni "Numerical Models of the ISM " astro-ph/0201072

    Donald P. Cox "Modelirovanie mezhzvezdnoi sredy. Chert pryachetsya v detalyah: pokazhite mne vash OVI i ya pokazhu vam svoi" (In ISM Modeling, The Devil is in the Details: You Show Me Your OVI and I'll Show You Mine) astro-ph/0302470

    Tesnye dvoinye sistemy

    Obrazovanie i evolyuciya kompaktnyh rentgenovskih istochnikov: Thomas M. Tauri, Ed van den Heuvel "Formation and Evolution of Compact Stellar X-ray Sources" astro-ph/0303456

    Rentgenovskie pul'sary: S. Mereghetti "The Zoo of X-ray Pulsars" astro-ph/0101017

    Malomassivnye rentgenovskie dvoinye: T. Di Salvo, L. Stella "High Energy Radiation from Neutron Star Binaries" astro-ph/0207219

    Kvaziperiodicheskie oscillyacii: Ronald A. Remillard et al. "X-ray QPOs in Black-Hole Binary Systems astro-ph/0208402"

    Be/X-ray: Janusz Zi\'o{\l}kowski "Be/X-ray Binaries" astro-ph/0208455

    Kandidaty v chernye dyry: Jerome A. Orosz "Inventory of Black Hole Binaries" astro-ph/0209041

    Mikrokvazary: I.F. Mirabel "Microquasars as sources of high energy phenomena" astro-ph/0211085

    Ultraluminous X-ray sources: L. Foschini et al. "Search for ultraluminous X-ray sources in nearby galaxies" astro-ph/0209298

    Super Soft sources: P. Kahabka "Super Soft Sources" astro-ph/0212037

    Kataklizmicheskie peremennye v rentgene: Erik Kuulkers, Andrew Norton, Axel Schwope, Brian Warner "X-rays from Cataclysmic Variables" astro-ph/0302351


    Diskovaya akkreciya na chernye dyry (prostoe vvedenie): A. Merloni " Modes of disc accretion onto black holes " astro-ph/0210251

    Diskovye neustoichivosti: Jean-Pierre Lasota "The disc instability model of dwarf-novae and low-mass X-ray binary transients" astro-ph/0102072

    Diski: Roger Blandford et al. "Compact Objects and Accretion Disks" astro-ph/0107228

    Advekciya: G.S. Bisnovatyi-Kogan, R.V.E. Lovelace "Advective Accretion Disks and Related Problems Including Magnetic Fields" astro-ph/0207625

    Fluorescentnye linii ot diskov vokrug ChD: Christopher S.Reynolds, Michael A.Nowak "Fluorescent iron lines as a probe of astrophysical black hole systems" astro-ph/0212065

    Neitronnye zvezdy

    Odinochnye: W.Becker, G.G.Pavlov "The Milky Way - Pulsars and Isolated Neutron Stars" astro-ph/0208356

    Strannye: R.X. Xu "Strannye kvarkovye zvezdy - obzor" (Strange quark stars - A review) astro-ph/0211348

    Rentgenovskie nablyudeniya: W. Becker, B. Aschenbach "X-ray Observations of Neutron Stars and Pulsars: First Results from XMM-Newton" astro-ph/0208466

    Ohlazhdenie: D.G. Yakovlev et al. "Neutrino Emission from Neutron Stars" astro-ph/0012122

    Vnutrennee stroenie: M. Prakash et al. "Evolution of a Neutron Star From its Birth to Old Age" astro-ph/0012136

    OTO: W. Kluzniak "Neutron stars and strong-field effects of general relativity" astro-ph/0012548

    Odinochnye radiotihie: S.B. Popov, M.E. Prokhorov "Astrophysics of isolated neutron stars: radioquiet neutron stars and magnetars" astro-ph/0205298

    Atmosfery: V.E. Zavlin, G.G. Pavlov "Modeling Neutron Star Atmospheres" astro-ph/0206015

    SGR & AXP: Christopher Thompson "Nature of the Soft Gamma Repeaters and Anomalous X-ray Pulsars" astro-ph/0110679

    AXP: G.L. Israel et al. "Observations of Anomalous X-ray Pulsars" astro-ph/0111093
    S. Mereghetti et al. "The Anomalous X-ray Pulsars" astro-ph/0205122
    F. Haberl "Anomal'nye rentgenovskie pul'sary i slabye v rentgene neitronnye zvezdy: svezhie rezul'taty XMM-Newton i Chandra" astro-ph/0302540

    SGR i ih okrestnosti: Stephen S. Eikenberry "The Environments of Soft Gamma-Ray Repeaters" astro-ph/0203054

    Temp rozhdeniya: V. M. Kaspi, D. J. Helfand "Constraining the Birth Events of Neutron Stars" astro-ph/0201183

    Pul'sary: D. R. Lorimer "Binary and Millisecond Pulsars at the New Millennium" astro-ph/0104388

    Massy, radiusy i EOS: Henning Heiselberg "Neutron Star Masses, Radii and Equation of State" astro-ph/0201465

    Veshestvo pri vysokih plotnostyah: Fridolin Weber "Nuclear and High-Energy Astrophysics" astro-ph/0207053

    Gravvolny: N. Andersson " Gravitational waves from instabilities in relativistic stars" astro-ph/0211057

    Chernye dyry

    Sverhmassivnye chernye dyry: John Kormendy and Karl Gebhardt " Supermassive Black Holes in Nuclei of Galaxies" astro-ph/0105230
    Laura Ferrarese "Supermassive Black Hole Research in the Post-HST Era" astro-ph/0207050

    Kvantovye chernye dyry: Jacob D. Bekenstein "Quantum Information and Quantum Black Holes" gr-qc/0107049

    Chernye dyry v dvoinyh sistemah: R. A. Remillard "Properties of Black Holes in Stellar Binary Systems" astro-ph/0103431


    Teoriya: P. Meszaros "Theories of Gamma-Ray Bursts" astro-ph/0111170

    "Pushechnoe yadro": A. De Rujula "GRBs in the Cannonball model: an overview" astro-ph/0207033

    RXTE: Hale Bradt et al. "Observations of Gamma-ray Bursts with the Rossi X-ray Timing Explorer" astro-ph/0108004

    Dzhety: S. E. Woosley et al. "Gamma-Ray Bursts and Jet-Powered Supernovae" astro-ph/0211063

    Kosmicheskie luchi i vysokie energii

    Obshee: Luis Anchordoqui et al. "Ultrahigh Energy Cosmic Rays: The state of the art before the Auger Observatory" hep-ph/0206072
    F.W. Stecker "Astrophysics at the Highest Energy Frontiers" astro-ph/0208507

    GeV-TeV Gamma-astronomiya: Masaki Mori "GeV-TeV Gamma-ray Astronomy" astro-ph/0108463

    Skopleniya galaktik: Pasquale Blasi "Gamma rays from clusters of galaxies" astro-ph/0207361

    Yadernaya sostavlyayushaya galakticheskih kosmicheskih luchei: David Maurin et al. "Galactic Cosmic Ray Nuclei as a Tool for Astroparticle Physics" astro-ph/0212111

    Gravitacionnye volny

    Istochniki: Curt Cutler, Kip S. Thorne "An Overview of Gravitational-Wave Sources" gr-qc/0204090

    Detektirovanie: J. Alberto Lobo "The detection of Gravitational Waves" gr-qc/0202063

    r-mode: Benjamin J. Owen and Lee Lindblom "Gravitational radiation from the r-mode instability" gr-qc/0111024

    Vrashenie neitronnyh zvezd: D. I. Jones "Gravitational waves from rotating neutron stars" gr-qc/0111007

    Mehanizmy izlucheniya

    Neprozrachnosti: Sultana N. Nahar "The Iron Project and Non-LTE stellar modeling" astro-ph/0207223

    Kovariantnaya teoriya rasprostranenie izlucheniya magnitnoi plazme: Avery Broderick, Roger Blandford "Covariant Magnetoionic Theory I: Ray Propagatio" astro-ph/0302190

    Chislennoe modelirovanie


    Migraciya planet v sistemah: Edward W. Thommes, Jack J. Lissauer "Planet migration" astro-ph/0209416

    nablyudeniya otrazhennogo sveta: Jean Schneider "Characterising Extrasolar Planets in Reflected Light and Thermal Emission" astro-ph/0210622

    Budushie proekty

    Rentgen: Nicholas E. White " NASA's Future Missions in X-ray Astronomy" astro-ph/0202356

    Virtual'naya observatoriya: S.G. Djorgovski "The Roles of Small Telescopes in a Virtual Observatory Environment" astro-ph/0208170

    Vsyakaya ekzotika

    Variacii fundamental'nyh konstant: M. T. Murphy et al. "Time evolution of the fine structure constant" astro-ph/0209488

    Antropnyi princip: Berndt M\"uller "The Anthropic Principle Revisited" astro-ph/0108259

    MHD turbulenciya: Jungyeon Cho, A. Lazarian, Ethan Vishniac "MHD Turbulence: Scaling Laws and Astrophysical Implications" astro-ph/0205286
    A. Lazarian, Jungyeon Cho, Huirong Yan "The Properties of Compressible MHD and Cosmic Ray Transport" astro-ph/0211031

    Magnitnye polya v kosmose (galaktiki): J. L. Han, R. Wielebinski "Milestones in the Observations of Cosmic Magnetic Fields" astro-ph/0209090

    Uravnenie Greda-Shafranova: V.S.Beskin "2D Transonic Hydrodynamics in General Relativity" astro-ph/0212377

    Dannye Kosmicheskogo teleskopa: Mario Livio "astro-ph/0303500"

    Vashi kommentarii prisylaite po elektronnoi pochte polar@sai.msu.ru

    Sergei Popov

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