Credit & Copyright: Robert Gendler
The Pelican Nebula, also known as IC 5070, lies about 2,000 light-years
away in the high and far-off
constellation of Cygnus, the Swan.
This picture spans a portion
of the magnificent nebula about 30 light-years wide.
Fittingly, this cosmic
pelican is found
just off the east "coast" of
the North America Nebula,
another surprisingly familiar looking
emission nebula in Cygnus.
In fact, the Pelican and North America nebulae are part of the same
large star forming region.
The two glowing
nebulae appear separated from our vantage point
by a large obscuring dust cloud running across the upper
left corner in this
color view.
Within the
Nebula, dark dust clouds also help define
the eye and long bill, while a
bright front of ionized gas
suggests the curved shape of the head and neck.
Even though it is almost as close as the
Orion Nebula,
the stellar nursery marked by the Pelican and North America
nebulae has
proven complex and difficult to study.
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Publikacii s klyuchevymi slovami:
emission nebula - Pelican Nebula - Cygnus - star formation - emissionnaya tumannost' - Lebed' - zvezdoobrazovanie - Tumannost' Pelikan - IC 5070
Publikacii so slovami: emission nebula - Pelican Nebula - Cygnus - star formation - emissionnaya tumannost' - Lebed' - zvezdoobrazovanie - Tumannost' Pelikan - IC 5070 | |
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