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  1. Einstein A. Foreword. In: Galileo Galilei. Dialogue concerning the two chief world systems, Ptolemaic and Copernican. Berkeley, 1953. (Cit. po: A.Einshtein. Predisloviya k knige Galileya "Dialog o dvuh glavnyh sistemah mira"i. Sobranie nauchnyh trudov. Tom 4. M., Nauka, 1967. S. 337).
  2. Jeans J.H. Astronomy and cosmogony. 2nd ed. Cambridge Univ. Press, 1929.
  3. Brown E.W. Gravitational forces in spiral nebulae // ApJ 1925. Vol.61, N 2. P. 97-113.
  4. Lindblad B. The small oscillations of a rotating stellar system and the development of spiral arms // Ark 1927. Vol. 20A, N 10.
  5. Lindblad B. Star-streaming and the structure of stellar systems. Paper 2 // Ark 1926. Vol. 19B, N 7.
  6. Lindblad B. On the state of motion in the galactic system // MN 1927. Vol. 87, N 7. P. 553.
  7. Lindblad B. On the relation between the velocity ellipsoid and the rotation of the Galaxy // Ark 1929. Vol. 21A, N 15.
  8. Oort J.H. Bertil Lindblad: (Obituary notice) // Quart. J. Roy. Astron. Soc. 1967. Vol. 7. P. 329-341.
  9. Baade W. Evolution of stars and galaxies. Cambridge, MA: Harvard Univ. Press. 1963.
  10. Efremov Yu.N. Ochagi zvezdoobrazovaniya v galaktikah. M., Nauka. 1989.
  11. Hubble E. The realm of the nebulae. New Haven, Yale Univ. Press. 1936.
  12. Babcock H.W. The rotation of the Andromeda nebula // Lick Obs. Bull. 1939. Vol. 19, N 498. P. 41-51.
  13. Mayall N.M., Aller L.H. The rotation of the spiral nebula Messier 33 // ApJ 1942. Vol. 95. P. 5-23.
  14. Parenago P.P. O gravitacionnom potenciale Galaktiki // Astron. zh. 1950. T. 27. S. 329; 1952. T. 29. S. 266.
  15. Kuzmin G.G. O raspredelenii mass v Galaktike // Publ. Tartuskoi astron. obs. 1952. T. 32, N 4. S. 211.
  16. Safronov V.S. Plotnost' materii v Galaktike v okrestnosti Solnca // Astron. zh. 1952. T. 29. S. 198.
  17. Idlis G.M. Kosmicheskie silovye polya i nekotorye voprosy struktury i evolyucii galakticheskoi materii // Izv. Astrofiz. In-ta AN KazSSR. 1957. T. 4, N 5-6. C. 3.
  18. Weizsacker C.F. The evolution of galaxies and stars // ApJ 1951. Vol. 114. P. 165-186.
  19. Voroncov-Vel'yaminov B.A. Vnegalakticheskaya astronomiya. M., Nauka. 1972.
  20. Ogorodnikov K.F. Dinamika zvezdnyh sistem. M., GIFML. 1958.
  21. Chandrasekhar S. Principles of stellar dynamics. Univ. of Chacago Press, Chicago, IL. 1942.
  22. Lindblad B. Cosmogonic consequences of a theory of the stellar system // Ark 1926. Vol. 19A, N35.
  23. Lindblad B. On the nature of the spiral nebulae // MN 1927. Vol.87. P.420-426.
  24. Lindblad B. Theories of spiral structure in galaxies // Proc. IAU Symp. 15 1962. P.146-165.
  25. Lindblad B. On the dynamics of stellar systems: (G.Darwin lecture) // MN 1948. Vol. 108. P. 214-235.
  26. Lindblad B., Langebartel R. On the dynamics of stellar systems // SAO 1953. Vol.17, N6.
  27. Zonn V., Rudnickii K. Zvezdnaya astronomiya. M., IL. 1959.
  28. Pasha I.I. Sud'ba galakticheskih teorii Dzheimsa Dzhinsa i Bertila Lindblada // Istoriko-astron. issl. 2000. Vyp.25. S. 91-116.
  29. Contopoulos G. The dynamics of spiral structure. Lecture notes. Astronomy Program: Univ. of Maryland, 1972.
  30. Toomre A. Theories of spiral structure // Ann. Rev. Astron. Astrophys. 1977. Vol.15. P. 437-478.
  31. Toomre A. Some historical remarks on Bertil Lindblad's work on galactic dynamics // Barred galaxies and circumnuclear activity. A. Sandqvist, P.O.Lindblad (Eds.). Proc. Nobel Symp. N98. 1996. P.1-5.
  32. Bok B.J., Bok P.F. The Milky Way. 3rd ed. Cambridge, MA: Harvard Univ. Press, 1957.
  33. Chandrasekar S. Stohasticheskie problemy v fizike i astronomii. M., GIIL. 1947. S. 1-168.
  34. Ambarcumyan V. A. K voprosu o dinamike otkrytyh skoplenii // Uchenye zapiski LGU. 1938. Seriya 22, seriya mat. nauk (astronomiya), Vyp.4. S. 19-22.
  35. Contopoulos G. Private communications. 2000-01.
  36. Shacman E. Kriticheskii obzor kosmogonicheskih teorii, rasprostranennyh v Zapadnoi Evrope i v Amerike. Chast' I // Voprosy kosmogonii, T.3. 1954. S.227-308.
  37. Zwicky F. Morphological astronomy. Berlin - Gottingen - Heidelberg. Springer - Verlag. 1957.
  38. Lebedinskii A.I. Gipoteza ob obrazovanii zvezd. Voprosy kosmogonii. Tom 2. 1954. S. 5-149.
  39. Kurth R. Introduction to the mechanics of stellar systems. London - New york - Paris. Pergamon Press. 1957.
  40. Van de Hulst C., Muller C.A., Oort J.H. The spiral structure of the outer part of the galactic system derived from the hydrogen emission at 21 cm wave length // Bull. Astron. Inst. Netherl. 1954. Vol. 12, N 452. P. 117-149.
  41. Oort J.H., Westerhout G., Kerr F. MN 1958. Vol. 143.
  42. Morgan W.W., Sharpless S., Osterbrock D.E. Some features of Galactic structure in the neighbourhood of the Sun // Astron. J. 1952. Vol. 57. P. 3.
  43. Kwee K.K., Muller C.A., Westerhout G. The rotation of the inner parts of the Galactic system // Bull. Astron. Netherl. 1954. Vol.12, N 458. P. 211-222.
  44. Lindblad P.O., Lindblad B. On rotating ring orbits in galaxies: (A paper presented at IAU Symp. 5, 1955) // Proc. IAU Symp. 5, 1958. P. 8.
  45. Lindblad P.O. Gravitational resonance effects in the central layer of a galaxy. In: The distribution and motion of interstellar matter in galaxies. Proceedings of a conference held at the Inst. Adv. Study, Princeton, 1961. L.Woltjer, ed. W.A.Benjamin, NY, 1962. P. 222-233.
  46. De Vaucouleurs G. Tilt criteria and direction of rotation of spiral galaxies // ApJ 1958. Vol.127. P. 487-503.
  47. Hubble E. The direction of rotation in spiral nebulae //ApJ 1943. Vol.97. P. 112-118.
  48. Lindblad B. The orientation of the planes of spiral nebulae inferred from the dark lanes of occulting matter // Ark 1934. Vol. 24A, N 21.
  49. Lindblad B., Brahde R.. On the direction of rotation in spiral nebulae // ApJ 1946. Vol. 104. P. 211-225.
  50. Lindblad P.O. Private communications. 2000-01.
  51. Burbidge G.R. Evolution of galaxies. In: The distribution and motion of interstellar matter in galaxies. Proc. Conf. Inst. Adv. Study, Princeton, 1961. L.Woltjer, ed. W.A.Benjamin, NY, 1962. P. 291-303.
  52. Prendergast K.H. In: The distribution and motion of interstellar matter in galaxies. Proc. Conf. Inst. Adv. Study, Princeton, 1961. L.Woltjer, ed. W.A.Benjamin, NY, 1962. P. 318.
  53. Vokuler Zh., de Obshie fizicheskie svoistva galaktik. V sb. "Stroenie zvezdnyh sistem", M., Izd. Inostr. Lit. 1962. S. 376-455.
  54. Morgan W.W., Mayall N.Y. A spectral classification of galaxies // Publ. Astron. Soc. Pacific 1957. Vol. 69. P. 291-303.
  55. Voroncov-Vel'yaminov B.A. Morfologicheskii katalog galaktik. Tom 1. M., Izd. MGU. 1959.
  56. Sandage A. The Hubble Atlas of Galaxies. Carnegie Inst. of Washington. 1961.
  57. Shandrasekhar S. Problems of stability in hydrodynamics and hydromagnetics (George Darwin Lecture) // MN 1953. Vol. 113. P. 667-678.
  58. Shandrasekhar S. Ellipsoidal figures of equilibrium. 1969.
  59. Lebovitz N. Private communications, 2001.
  60. Chandrasekhar S. Private communication, 1982.
  61. Cafronov V.S. O gravitacionnoi neustoichivosti v ploskih vrashayushihsya sistemah s osevoi simmetriei // Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR 1960. T. 130. S. 53-56.
  62. Safronov V.S. Ann. d'Astrophys. 1960. Vol. 23. P. 901.
  63. Ledoux P. Sur la stabilite gravitationelle d'une nebuleuse isotherme // Ann. d'Astrophys. 1951. Vol. 14. P. 438-447.
  64. Fricke W. On the gravitational stability in a rotatung isothermal medium // ApJ 1954. Vol. 120. P. 356-359.
  65. Bel N., Schatzman E. On the gravitational instability of a medium in non-uniform rotation // Rev. Mod. Phys. 1958. Vol. 30. P. 1015.
  66. Vlasov A.A. O prostranstvenno-neodnorodnyh raspredeleniyah sistemy gravitiruyushih chastic // Trudy 6-go sovesh. vopr. kosmogonii (1957). M., Izdat. AN SSSR. 1959. S. 116-130.
  67. Antonov V.A. Zamechaniya k probleme ustoichivosti v zvezdnoi dinamike // Astron. Zh. 1960. T. 37. S. 918-926.
  68. Lynden-Bell D. Can spherical clusters rotate? // MN 1960. Vol. 120. P. 204-213.
  69. Prendergast K.H., Burbidge G.R. The persistence of spiral structure // ApJ 1960. Vol. 131. P. 243-246.
  70. Oort J.H. Spiral structure. In: The distribution and motion of interstellar matter in galaxies. Proc. conf. Inst. Adv. Study, Princeton, 1961. L.Woltjer, ed. W.A.Benjamin, NY, 1962. P.234-244.
  71. Contopoulos G. // SAO 1958. Vol. 120, N 5.
  72. Contopoulos G. A third integral of a motion in a galaxy // Zeitschr. f. Astrophys. 1960. Vol. 49. P. 273.
  73. Schmidt M. A model of the distribution of mass in the Galactic system // Bull. Astron. Netherl. 1956. Vol. 13, N 468. P. 15-41.
  74. Van de Hulst H.C., Raimond E., Van Woerden H. Rotation and density distribution of the Andromeda nebula derived from observations of the 21-cm line // Bull. Astron. Inst. Netherl. 1957. Vol. 14, N 480. P. 1-16.
  75. Munch G. The mass-luminosity ratio in stellar systems // Publ. Astron. Soc. Pacif. 1959. Vol. 71. P. 101- 105.
  76. Lindblad B. On the theory of spiral structure in the nebulae // Zeitschr. f. Astrophys. 1938. Vol. 15. P. 124.
  77. Genkin I.L., Pasha I.I. K istorii volnovoi teorii spiral'noi struktury // Astron. Zh. 1982. T. 59. S. 183-185.
  78. Toomre A. Private communication, 1982.
  79. Lindblad B. In: Handbuch der Physik. Bd 53. Astrophysik IV: Sternsysteme. Springer Verlag, 1959.
  80. Lindblad B. Contributions to the theory of spiral structure // SAO 1956. Vol. 19, N 7.
  81. Lindblad B. On the formation of dispersion rings in the cenral layer of a galaxy // SAO 1961. Vol. 21, N 8.
  82. Maxwell J.C. On the stability of the motion of Saturn's rings. Cambridge, 1859. (In: The scientific papers. Cambridge: Univ. Press. 1890. Vol.1, P. 288).
  83. Kalnajs A.J. Dynamics of flat galaxies. I // ApJ 1971. Vol. 166. P. 275-293.
  84. Lindblad B. On the possibility of a quasi-stationary spiral structure in galaxies // SAO 1963. Vol. 22, N 5.
  85. Toomre A. Private communications. 2000-01.
  86. Lindblad B. On the circulation theory of spiral structure // Astrophysica Norvegica 1964. Vol. 9. P. 103-111.
  87. Dekker E. Spiral structure and the dynamics of flat stellar systems // PhD thesis, 1975. Leiden Univ.
  88. Einstein A. On the method of theoretical physics. Oxford, Clarendon press, 1933. (Cit. po: A.Einshtein. O metode teoreticheskoi fiziki. Sobranie nauchnyh trudov. Tom 4. M., Nauka, 1967. S. 181).
  89. Lynden-Bell. D. Stellar and galactic dynamics // PhD thesis, 1960. Univ. of Cambridge.
  90. Lin C.C. The theory of hydrodynamic stability. Cambridge Univ. Press, 1955.
  91. Lin C.C. Private communications. 2000-01.
  92. Lin C.C. Hydrodynamics of liquid helium II // Phys. Rev. Lett. 1959. Vol. 2. P. 245-246.
  93. Hunter C. Private communications. 2000-01.
  94. Shu F.H. Private communications. 2001.
  95. Kuzmin G.G. Model' stacionarnoi galaktiki, dopuskayushaya trehosnoe raspredelenie skorostei // Astron. zhurn. 1956. T. 33. S. 27-45.
  96. Burbidge E.M., Burbidge G.R., Prendergast K.H. ApJ 1959. Vol. 130. P. 730.
  97. Toomre A. On the distribution of matter within highly flattened galaxies // ApJ 1963. Vol. 138. P. 385-392.
  98. Binney J., Tremaine S. Galactic dynamics. Princeton, NJ. Princeton Univ. Press, 1987.
  99. Hunter C. The structure and stability of self-gravitating disks // MN 1963. Vol. 126. P. 299-315.
  100. Hunter C. Oscillations of self-gravitating disks // MN 1965. Vol. 129. P. 321-343.
  101. Toomre A. On the gravitational stability of a disk of stars // ApJ 1964. Vol. 139. P. 1217-1238. (T64).
  102. Lynden-Bell D. The stability and vibrations of a gas of stars // MN 1962. Vol. 124. P. 279-296.
  103. Bernstein I.B. // Phys. Rev. 1958. V.109. P. 10.
  104. Julian W.H., Toomre A. Non-axisymmetric responses of differentially rotating disks of stars // ApJ 1966. Vol. 146. P. 810-830.
  105. Kalnajs A. Private communications, 2001.
  106. Kalnajs A.J. Stellar kinematics. A research examination submitted by Agris J. Kalnajs, Jan. 31, 1962.
  107. Kalnajs A.J. The stability of highly flattened galaxies. PhD Thesis. Dept of Astron., Harvard Univ., Cambridge, MA. April, 1965.
  108. Landau L.D. O kolebaniyah elektronnoi plazmy // Zhurn. eksp. i teor. fiz. 1946. T. 16. S.574.
  109. Kalnajs A.J. Spiral Structure in Galaxies. Outline of a thesis. Harvard Univ., Cambridge, MA. Oct 25, 1963.
  110. Benney D.J., Lin C.C. On the stability of shear flows // Proc. Symposia Appl. Math. 1962. Vol.13: Hydrodynamic Instability.
  111. Reid W.H., Lin C.C. Turbulent flow, theoretical aspect // Handbuch der Physik 1963. Vol. VIII/2.
  112. Shu F.H. Gravitational instability and spiral structure in disk galaxies. B.Sc. Thesis in Physics. MIT, 1964.
  113. Lin C.C., Shu F.H. On the spiral structure of disk galaxies// ApJ 1964. Vol.140. P. 646-655. (LS64).
  114. Lin C.C., Shu F.H. On the spiral structure of disk galaxies. II. Outline of a theory of density waves // Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. 1966. Vol. 55. P. 229-234.
  115. Bertin G., Lin C.C. Spiral structure in galaxies. A density wave theory. MIT Press. Cambridge, MA, 1996.
  116. Lin C.C. On the mathematical theory of a galaxy of stars // J. SIAM Appl. Math. 1966. Vol. 14, N 4. P. 876-920. (Presented at the Courant Symp., Courant Inst. Math. Sci., NY. June 8-9, 1965).
  117. Lin C.C. Stellar dynamical theory of normal spirals // Lect. Appl. Math. 1967. Vol. 9. P. 66-97. (Presented at the Summer school, Cornell Univ. Ithaca, NY. 1965).
  118. Lin C.C., Yuan C., Shu F.H. On the structure of disk galaxies. III. Comparison with observations // ApJ 1969. Vol. 155. P.721-746.
  119. Lin C.C., Shu F.H. Density waves in disk galaxies // Proc. IAU Symp. N 31, 1967. P. 313-317. (Nordwijk, 1966).
  120. Lin C.C. The dynamics of disk-shaped galaxies // Ann. Rev. Astron. Astrophys. 1967. Vol. 5. P. 453-464.
  121. Gingerich O. The discovery of the spiral arms of the Milky Way // Proc. IAU Symp. N106 "The Milky Way Galaxy", H.van Woerden et al. (eds). 1985. P.59-70.

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