Rambler's Top100Astronet    
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Atoms, Stars, and Nebulae Goldberg, Leo Aller, Lawrence H. general 1943

Photometric Atlas of the near infra-red solar spectrum \AA8465-25242 With Orren C. Mohler, A. Keith Pierce, Robert R. McMath


v "Astronomical Journal"
v "Astrophysical Journal"
v "Astrophysical Letters"
v "Publications of the Astronomical Society of Pacific"
v "Solar Physic"
v "Sky & Telescope"
v "Bulletin of The American Astronomical Society"
v "Annual review of Astronomy and Astrophysics"

1938 Dissertaciya: "The Intensities of Helium Lines".

1957 Nature v.179 p.369
With Mohler, O. C.; Brown, J. D.
A Connexion Between the Granulation and the Structure of the Low Chromosphere

1959 Journal of Geophysical Research v.64 p.1765
Astronomy from Satellites and Space Vehicles

1965 International Astronomical Union Symposium N 23
"Astronomical observations from space vehicles" p.125
With Dupree, A. K.; Allen, J. W.
Collisional excitation of auto-ionizing levels

1979 Quarterly Journal of RAS v.20 p.361
Some problems connected with mass loss in late-type stars

1981 Astronomy & Astrophysics v.104 p.L7
'P Cygni' profiles in P Cygni

1984 Mercury v.13 p.82
Activity on Betelgeuse

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