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Karty v original'nom poryadke
N | Latinskoe (po Geveliyu) |
Russkoe | Angliiskoe | |
1. | UMi | Ursa Minor | Malaya Medvedica | The Little Bear |
2. | Dra | Draco | Drakon | The Dragon |
3. | Cep | Cepheus | Cefei | Cepheus |
4. | UMa | Ursa Major | Bol'shaya Medvedica | The Great Bear |
5. | CVn | Canes Venatici | Gonchie Psy | The Hunting Dogs |
6. | Boo | Bootes | Volopas | The Herdsman |
7. | CrB | Corona | Korona | The Crown (Northern) |
8. | Her | Hercules | Gerkules | Hercules (The Mighty Bouman), |
9. | Lyr | Lyra | Lira | Lyre |
10. | Cyg | Cygnus | Lebed' | The Swan |
11. | Sge | Sagitta | Strela | The Arrow |
12. | Lac | Lacerta | Yasherica | The Lizard |
13. | Cas | Cassiopeia | Kassiopeya | Cassiopeia |
14. | Cam | Camelopardalis | Zhiraf | The Girafle |
15. | Ser | Serpens, Serpentarius | Zmeya, Zmeenosec | The Serpent, The Serpent-Bearer |
16. | Sct | Scutum Sobiescian | Shit Sobeskogo | The Shield |
17. | Aql | Aquila, Antinous | Orel, Antinoi | The Eagle, Antinous |
18. | Del | Delphinus, Equileus | Del'fin, Zherebenok | The Dolphin, The Little |
19. | Peg | Pegasus | Pegas | The Winged Horse |
20. | And | Andromeda | Andromeda | The Maiden |
21. | Per | Perseus | Persei | The Consort of Cassiopeia |
22. | Aur | Auriga | Voznichii | The Charioteer |
23. | Lyn | Lynx | Rys' | The Lynx |
24. | LMi | Leo Minor | Malyi Lev | The Little Lion |
25. | Tri | Triangulum Majus | Treugol'nik Bol'shoi | The Triangle Big |
26. | Ari | Aries | Oven | The Ram |
27. | Tau | Taurus | Telec | The Bull |
28. | Gem | Gemini | Bliznecy | The Twins |
29. | Cnc | Cancer | Rak | The Crab |
30. | Leo | Leo | Lev | The Lion |
31. | Vir | Virgo | Deva | The Virgin |
32. | Lib | Libra | Vesy | The Scales |
33. | Sco | Scorplus | Skorpion | The Scorpion |
34. | Sgr | Sagittarius | Strelec | The Archer |
35. | Cap | Capricornus | Kozerog | The Goat |
36. | Aqr | Aquarius | Vodolei | The Water-Carrier |
37. | Psc | Pisces | Ryby | The Fishes |
38. | Cet | Cetus | Kit | The Whale |
39. | Eri | Eridanus | Eridan (reka) | The River Eridanus |
40. | Ori | Orion | Orion | The Hunter |
41. | Mon | Monoceros | Edinorog | The Unicorn |
42. | CMi | Canis Minor | Malyi Pes | The Little Dog |
43. | Hya | Hydra | Gidra | The Sea-Serpent |
44. | Sex | Sextants Uraniae | Sekstant | The Sextant |
45. | Crv | Corvus | Voron | The Crow |
46. | Cen | Centaurus, Crux | Centavr, Yuzhnyi Krest | The Centaur, The Cross |
47. | Lup | Lupus | Volk | The Wolf |
48. | Ara | Ara | Zhertvennik | The Altar |
49. | CrA | Corona Australis | Yuzhnaya Korona | The Southern Crown |
50. | PsA | Piscis Notius | Ryba Yuzhnaya | The Southern Fish |
51. | Lep | Lepus | Zayac | The Hare |
52. | CMa | Canis Major | Bol'shoi Pes | The Big Dog |
53. | argo | Argo Navis | Korabl' | The Ship |
54. | Ind | Indus, Apus Chamaeleon, Piscis Volans, Hydrus | Indeec, Raiskaya Ptica, Hameleon, Letuchaya Ryba, Yuzhnyi Zmei | The Indian, the Bird of Paradise, the Chameleon, the Flying Fish, the Water-Snake |
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istoriya astronomii - atlas - Sozvezdiya - uranografiya
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