Credit & Copyright: Johannes Schedler
(Panther Observatory)
This year's record
close approach of Mars
inspired many
to enjoy telescopic views of the red planet.
But while Mars was so bright it was hard to miss,
spotting Mars' two diminutive moons
was still a good test for
observers with modest sized instruments.
Mars' moons were
discovered in August
of 1877 by Asaph Hall at the US Naval
Observatory using the large 26-inch
Alvan Clark refractor.
Recorded on this August 22nd, innermost
moon Phobos and outermost
moon Deimos are
seen here against the planet's glare in a digital composite image.
The picture consists of
of a long exposure capturing the faint, city-sized moons
and overexposing the planetary disk,
combined with a well exposed image of the
red planet, revealing dark markings on the
surface and the white south polar cap.
The images were
taken by astronomer Johannes Schedler
using an 11-inch Schmidt-Cassegrain telescope at his observatory
in southeastern Austria.
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Mars - Phobos - deimos - Mars - Fobos - Deimos
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