Credit & Copyright: David Cortner
This lovely celestial view is surely a familiar one to
winter skygazers in
the northern hemisphere.
Lights silhouetting the trees are from nearby towns Morganton and Rutherford
College, North Carolina, USA.
But the scene may also look familiar to attentive fans of the movie
Cold Mountain, whose fictional characters discuss
this same
factual starry sky.
Sporting belt and sword,
Orion the hunter is an easily identifiable
constellation above center.
Above and to his right lies a V-shaped arrangement of stars in
the Hyades star cluster anchored by bright
Below and at the left of the hunter are his dogs
Canis Major
and Canis Minor,
and their respective alpha stars
and Procyon.
Need a program to follow the stars?
Just put your cursor over the Cold Mountain Sky.
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NASA Official: Jay Norris. Specific rights apply.
A service of: LHEA at NASA / GSFC
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Publikacii s klyuchevymi slovami:
sky - constellation - Orion - Canis Major - Canis Minor - hyades - nebo - Sozvezdiya - Orion - Bol'shoi Pes - Malyi Pes - Giady
Publikacii so slovami: sky - constellation - Orion - Canis Major - Canis Minor - hyades - nebo - Sozvezdiya - Orion - Bol'shoi Pes - Malyi Pes - Giady | |
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