We say that the old Moon is in the new Moon's arms when its only a few days old and light bounced off the Earth faintly illuminates the portion of the Moon not directly lit by the Sun. This lovely image from Norway captures the old Moon's muted hues better than they can usually be seen visually. One interesting feature is the isolated island of brightness just north of Mare Crisium - apparently one of the basin's massive peaks or massifs just west of the crater Eimmart is catching the early morning sun. Jarle Aasland, the photographer, commented, I haven't seen such a beautiful Moon in a long time! I agree!
Technical Details:
February 22, 2004, Stavanger, Norway: Moon photographed with a Skyview Pro 127 (5"
Maksutov-Cassegrain), at prime focus with Nikon D100. 30 sec. exposure at ISO 200. Not leaving well
enough along I (CAW) have used an unsharp mask enhancement to bring out even more of the old Moon -
move your mouse over the image to see it.
Related Links:
New Moon in Old Moon's Arms music
Previous LPOD ashen light image
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Moon - Luna - Lunar Photo of the Day - LPOD
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