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Lunar Ephemeris
<< Yesterday 16.03.2004 Tomorrow >>
Lunar Ephemeris
Credit: Warren Anderson

I am one of the special 5% (or is it 4%?) of Americans who use the Macintosh computer. My life is happy and I am awed with the ease of computing....for most things. But almost all astronomy software is written for Intel/Windows machines, especially lunar software. I have been tempted to buy a cheap PC box just to run the Virtual Moon Atlas, Lunar Observer's Toolkit, and Lunar Calculator. But for now, I just use Lunar Ephemeris, a 10 year old Mac program that shows me the phase and the geometry causing it. I would love to have a Mac version of any of the PC software mentioned above, or better yet a web site (therefore accessible to all computers) that provides the powerful tools of VMA, LOT or LC - anyone up to providing such a public service?

Related Links:
Lunar Software (Windows PC)
Lunar Calculator

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Publikacii s klyuchevymi slovami: Moon - Luna - Lunar Photo of the Day - LPOD
Publikacii so slovami: Moon - Luna - Lunar Photo of the Day - LPOD
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