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Hooke & Hipparchus
<< Yesterday 30.01.2004 Tomorrow >>
Hooke &amp; Hipparchus
Credit: Ingenious Pursuits & Consolidated Lunar Atlas

The earliest drawings of the Moon were of the entire body. By 1665 Robert Hooke, the English rival of Isaac Newton, published (in his Micrographia) the first drawing of a single feature, and it was remarkably accurate. The comparison of Hooke's drawing of the 150 km wide crater Hipparchus with a modern photo taken with a 61" telescope (Consolidated Lunar Atlas sheet E10) shows that Hooke correctly drew many details including two mountainous ridges at the bottom left. Hooke also shows a shadowed arc on the left side of Hipparchus that represents part of a ghost crater and various small hills. Hooke make this drawing with a 30 ft focal length telescope but he never gave the diameter of its lens. He was a very keen-sighted observer, discovering that Jupiter rotates and discovering Syrtis Major on Mars. Hooke was one of the most versatile scientists of the 17th century - I eagerly await the new biography of him by the wonderful author Lisa Jardine.

Related Links:
Consolidated Lunar Atlas image
Ingenious Pursuits by Lisa Jardine, p 63-65, Doubleday, New York, 1999.
England's Leonardo - Robert Hooke

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