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Magnificent Greek Eclipse!
<< Yesterday 15.06.2004 Tomorrow >>
Magnificent Greek Eclipse!
Credit: Anthony Ayiomamitis

Across many parts of Europe clouds and rain blocked the lunar eclipse last evening. But in Athens, Greece, the clouds cleared 45 minutes before first contact and Anthony Ayiomamitis clicked away every five minutes, documenting the changing hue of the Moon as it orbited through Earth's shadow. Early in the morning Anthony composited his images to fashion this dramatic mosaic. He also reported that, "totality was quite dark ... I was needing 2-4 sec exposures at ISO 1600 to get decent histograms. Also, we have a very nice double star system near the moon during totality (alpha Libra)." I am surprised at the darkness, for as I said two days ago most of the conditions that cause dark eclipses were lacking. Or maybe my/our understanding is lacking!

Congratulations, Anthony!

Related Links:
Eclipse Seen in India

Technical Details:
A Canon EOS 300d was used at the prime focus of a TeleVue Pronto which in turn was piggybacked onto a Celestron 14" SCT and Losmandy G11 GEM. Exposures were taken every five minutes and assembled in Photoshop for sub-selection and for the creation of the collage.

Complete Imaging and Image Details available at http://www.perseus.gr/Astro-Eclipses-2004-05-04.htm

Originally posted May 5, 2004


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Publikacii s klyuchevymi slovami: Moon - Luna - Lunar Photo of the Day - LPOD
Publikacii so slovami: Moon - Luna - Lunar Photo of the Day - LPOD
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