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Hungarian Moon
<< Yesterday 28.03.2005 Tomorrow >>
Hungarian Moon
Credit: EZhtvZhs LorAnd University

Hungarian Moon maps? How about Hungarian maps of Mercury, Venus, Mars and Earth too? All down-loadable and free? The Cosmic Materials Space Research Group Planetology Circle of the EZhtvZhs LorAnd University in Hungary has an active planetary science research program that includes producing maps for educational use. Hungary is well connected to space, for as their web site lists, there are 74 Hungarian names on bodies of the solar system, including 14 on the Moon: Hell, Weinek and Zach are the most familiar nearside names. This new Moon map is largely schematic, displaying the general topography (from Clementine, I assume) and major named features. Hanging on the walls of a Hungarian classroom with its companion maps of the terrestrial planets it would, I hope, generate enthusiasm and interest in the Moon and planets. Some of the maps that are made by this group are available in Czech, Polish and Croatian, as well as Hungarian. What other lunar maps are in languages other than English?

Chuck Wood

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Publikacii s klyuchevymi slovami: Moon - Luna - Lunar Photo of the Day - LPOD
Publikacii so slovami: Moon - Luna - Lunar Photo of the Day - LPOD
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