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1. Vdovin V. F., Zinchenko I. I. Maloshumyashie priemniki millimetrovyh i submillimetrovyh voln // Izv. vuzov. Radiofizika. 1998. T. 41, S. 1424.

2. Zinchenko I. I. Sovremennaya millimetrovaya i submillimetrovaya astronomiya // Tam zhe. 2003. T. 46. S. 641.

3. Payne J. M., Jewell P. R. The upgrade of the NRAO 8-beam receiver //Multi-feed Systems for Radio Telescopes /Eds. D. T. Emerson & J. M. Payne)// ASP Conf. Ser. 1955. Vol.75, P.144.

4. Johansson J. F. SISYFOS - a project presentation and progress report // Ibid. P.130 .

5. Stimson P. A., Dengler R. J., Leduc H. G. et al. Superconducting heterodyne planar array using a dielectric filled parabola: status and measured performance // Ibid. P.245.

6. Zabytov Yu. M., Lebskii Yu. V., Fedoseev L. I. i dr. Mnogoluchevoi supergeterodinnyi priemnik millimetrovogo diapazona radiovoln // Radiotehnika i elektronika. 1993. T.38. S.2240.

7. HERA User Manual //

8. Terebizh V. Yu. Vosstanovlenie izobrazhenii pri minimal'noi apriornoi informacii // UFN. 1995. T. 165. S. 143.

9. Lapinov A. V., Schilke P., Juvela M. et al. I. Studies of dense cores in regions of massive star formation. VI. Multitransitional CS and CO observations of G 261.64-2.09, G 268.42-0.85, G 270.26+0.83 and G 301.12-0.20 // Astron. Astrophys. 1998. Vol. 336. P. 1007.

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